Random Killer power Idea

I know it is probably the worst idea ever but figured why not.
My idea was a killer with little to no terror radius like the Shape or Ghostface but with a twist. They can lay traps or well maybe little mines that when actrtivated trick the player into thinking the killer is near. The killer maybe every 30 seconds to a minute can activate one or two of them to make the players in that area think the killer is near but really they are on the other side of the map maybe. The survivors will hear a terror radius in that area and scare them to leave but the entire time the killer is not there.
Then to add to it if the killer does manage to stab a survivor in the area where current terror radius sound is playing maybe it can be a instant down or some mangle or something. I know we have killers and perks sort of like that where you place the terror radius on a survivor but thought this would be interesting.
Imagine a survivor hearing the terror radius and they run from the area only to run right into you and down they go. They think they are getting out of the killers radius and away from the killer only to run into the killer. The killer would be a smaller to medium build and mid range speed as well.
I am sincerely sorry for wasting your time but just a random thought. I hope you all continue having fun games and good luck in your future games. =)
A futuristic killer that uses holograms maybe?
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Sounds like an actual Trickster lol. Not a bad idea tbf. Deception based killer, like bluffs.
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That would be different. I mean it would be a nice touch to a original killer. I am just trying to think of a more round them up killer. The killer can make you come to them. I know anytime in my games when the surviors hear the terror radius my teammates run so I figured it would be a interesting idea. The killer could place fake items that can be triggered making a fake terror radius but the killer themselves do not have one and it scares the survivors from the area and right to the killer.
Thanks for the interesting idea. =)
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That's what I was thinking. A kind of killer where he can play the game where am I and make you just overall paranoid.
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Would be funny to give the killer a perk like diversion and he can throw a rock to scare us instead haha jk but yeah something like that would be fun. You hear a terror radius and run from the area only to run right into the killer standing in another area.
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Cry Wolf chapter
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That would actually be a really good name for the chapter. The survivor could be a person who always claims to see or hear the killer but no one believes them because they never see it. It would be a nice original killer.