Make it really "dead by daylight"

fogdonkey Member Posts: 1,567
edited June 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

The idea is that there should be some time limit on the length of a match. If it runs out, survivors are auto-sacrificed, similarly like after end game collapse. This would make the matches more interesting, different strategies need to be used based on the remaining time, and also prevents the matches from taking forever because of survivors hiding in lockers or healing in the corners.

More detailed ideas:

- Add a timer (e.g. 17 minutes, needs to be finetuned) which starts running at the start of the match. When the timer runs out all survivors are auto-sacrificed.

- The map starts as dark (during night) and gradually gets brighter as the timer is running out and daylight is getting closer.

- There can be offerings which shorten or extend the timer.

- Hatch can appear e.g. 2 minutes before daylight and open 1 minute before daylight regardless of the number of survivors alive and number of gens repaired.

- If gates are opened or hatch closed the end game collapse also starts and survivors are automatically sacrificed if one of the timers runs out.

- Killer power, speed, stun duration, special ability recharge duration etc. can change as the daylight is approaching and the killer is getting more tired and weaker. Or maybe the killer should get gradually stronger? Not sure, needs to be tested.

Let me know what you think about this idea!


  • fogdonkey
    fogdonkey Member Posts: 1,567

    Also let me know what ideas you have on how the remaining time should affect other aspects of the game (gen speeds, healing, etc)

  • PatWesker
    PatWesker Member Posts: 252
    edited June 2021

    I think this idea could bring a lot of good things to the mechanics and the gameplay.

    This has a good potential imo.

    I'm not sure if making the killer weaker as the trial goes is a good idea since some boosted gen rushers swf would get even stronger and unkillable. Actually, if the game keeps getting longer, this is because killer has a hard time killing survs, otherwise killing a squad can be done very quickly. No I think that killer should get a little buff like, let's say after 10 minutes, and a big buff when there are 2 or 3 minutes remaining.

    The hatch idea to spawn only 2 minutes before daylight no matter what is a very good idea.

    The dark map getting brighter is cool, but I don't think it will happen since each realm has its own weather/daytime already set. And since the graphic rework, not sure they will touch this again... they just reworked them.

    Overall, this looks like a very cool concept.

  • fogdonkey
    fogdonkey Member Posts: 1,567

    If the match is getting long it also means that the survivors are having hard time winning. When the timer runs out the survivors are auto-sacrificed, therefore they need to get a little buff e.g. by making the killer a bit weaker. This way there is still chance that survivors can finish before the timer and keeps the match intense.

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    It could need some tweaking, but overall an excellent and unique idea!

  • Parallax
    Parallax Member Posts: 273

    Survivors should instantly die on Dead Dawg and Coldwind

  • fogdonkey
    fogdonkey Member Posts: 1,567

    Yeah... Dead dawg style lightning could be when 2 minutes are remaining

  • BigBall
    BigBall Member Posts: 129
    edited June 2021

    I think it should just not open imo, because survivors hiding can let the killer know they're going for a hatch escape, which can change the entire playstyle of the match

  • BigBall
    BigBall Member Posts: 129

    the lighting is a great idea though in terms of how long the game goes

  • TwitchyMike
    TwitchyMike Member Posts: 759

    I could see this as an alternative game mode.

  • Saltjar34
    Saltjar34 Member Posts: 766

    People have always wanted a timer for matches so this is an idea I can get by

  • BSVben
    BSVben Member Posts: 256

    Could have potential for an alternative game mode.

    A potential downside could be that it gives even more incentive for survivors to rush gens as quick as possible, especially Vs game slowing killers like Freddy.

  • HarleyQuin_n2K16
    HarleyQuin_n2K16 Member Posts: 98

    I would be down for a timer but they would have to calculate it so that 5 gens do not pop in 1/4 the time limit or else its pointless make it to where each sides adrenaline is building with each passing second are the survivors going to get out now they have 40 seconds to open an exit gate, is the killer going to get a 4k before the survivors wait out warden find out next episode on DBD.

  • mynameisBlade
    mynameisBlade Member Posts: 325

    Sounds extremely interesting and I think it is very possible that this could fix a lot of issues currently in the game.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976
    edited June 2021

    I honestly like the current set up more: The less gens there are, the smaller the patrol area gets, the smaller area the killer needs to patrol, the stronger he is.

    Because that's the biggest issue in this game, split gens across large maps. Yamaoka estate is one of the biggest culprits of this. Either survivors split the gens early on and win, or the killer forces a 3 gen on 1 side and wins. There is no real inbetween. Its extremely frustrating as a killer seeing 1 gen on both sides popping early on as there is no way you could have chased a survivor and protected one side, meaning there is a massive likelihood you end up losing.

    Azarov's resting place is a perfectly sized and shaped map for having gens on both sides of the map. Sanctum's Wrath is also a much better version of what Yamaoka's estate SHOULD be. It's one of the biggest issues with Ormond and Mothers Dwelling. There is such a large patrol area that doesnt really get smaller unless you force 3-gens.

    As for match times, they can be argued both ways. I've had killers refusing to kill survivors when they tried fixing the final generator. That game lasted 25 minutes and I was really tempted to DC. I dont think survivors should be the ones getting punished after 17 minutes. Because after 17 minutes, the killer should easily have gotten 2 kills and find the last one.

    What I do think this game needs, is give the killer a basekit movementspeed buff(120% movementspeed at the very least, even 110% killers) when the EGC starts, destroy certain structures entirely, let alone add a count down after the final generator to which one of the exit gates automatically opens(which, removes the really boring position where gates spawn too close and the killer can just camp gates for 2 minutes, let alone gates being 99'd and effectively already open without starting the EGC). Give killers a reason to leave the hook once the final gen is done, because right now, there is none. Survivors could still open the gate earlier, giving No Way Out some value. Since one of the gates opens randomly, survivors have no clue where to be waiting or going. Killers can get around bodyblocking as they are significantly faster.

  • HarleyQuin_n2K16
    HarleyQuin_n2K16 Member Posts: 98

    I actually made a post similar to this, I stated that larger maps start out with slower gen speeds while as the match progresses the more gens are done the faster they are completed. The same goes for smaller maps but the speeds rank up faster because of being in favor for the killer. I honestly would like to see the disappearance of hex totems as well I do not think they took off as developers intended. I know they are adding boon totems but that's honestly just another thing for the killer to juggle. I would say maybe some category of survivor perks should be attached to boon totems and killers hex totems become normal perks with less power, make them more viable to use and not be RNG based as we all know how that ends.