Why is Plague's Rift Skin not actually a skin of her?

If you don't know what I mean, if you compare the face of Adiris normally to the face of her Maiden Guard skin, you can see that they are totally different faces (and maybe a different body but I can't really tell.) I just find it weird that they would give her a skin but make it have a different model from the one she normally uses. It's kind of off-putting.
At first I thought it was because she's not actually a Maiden Guard and was just the High Priestess however, (SPOILERS FOR HER ARCHIVE)
she does steal the outfit and wears it when she kills her mentor so it does make sense lorewise for her to have it.
Does anyone else not like that she has a different model?
She kinda looks like Kim Kardashian
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Yeah, I'm not a fan. She looks a bit like Meg. Normal Adiris has larger, more accentuated eyes and thicker eyebrows, and a different bone structure. Less mouth-nose distance, different chin and cheekbones. I'm much fonder of her normal look (well, the half of her face that she still has, anyway), and was disappointed that we got a 'healthy' Adiris skin, but it doesn't actually look like her.
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Can you link a pic? I haven't seen it.
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Completely agree. We finally got a "normal" Plague skin but they ended up making it not look like her at all...it's funny because after reading your comment she is actually starting to look a lot like Meg. Oh well...maybe if we pray, the gods will fix her face ;)
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Here, tried to get some screenshots of her in the same position.
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That really does look like Kim K!
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My only guess for why is probably her original model had all the nastiness from the plague itself and that's usually seen in some way in all her outfits and they didn't want the plague bits as noticeable so they made a new model. I don't know, that's just my guess. I'm probably off.
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Perhaps it is a taste of a Plague model update? Just look at Doctor for example. When his Rift outfit released, it looked nothing like him at all, until his model was updated with a great resemblance.
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Oof, I hope not. I much prefer her previous look. Though that does seem a likely guess...
I'm not sure that's true. I don't have the game up right now to check, but I thought there were some weird polygons on her bare arm that fit the shape of an abscess that's normally there.
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Yeah, the rift outfit of hers... She looks thick.
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Maybe its just an effect on the entity messing with the bodies of the killers like with Trapper and Wriath. Contorting them and stuff.
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Honestly I think her model is fine the way it is, there's really nothing much to update as it's pretty high quality already.
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Interesting. From the front not so bad, but in profile the nose and lips are an entirely different shape. Different brows too. That's odd.