Yes another Spirit post but it isn't complaining this time I swear

Seeing as how Spirit is only 1 of the 3 killers that use the spirit world for their power, the other two being The Wraith in cloak and The Nurse when charging her blinks. Why isn't she affected by flashlights like they are? Would this just be a gameplay design choice or could they just not be bothered/scared of backlash if they ever did add a flashlight "COUNTER" to her?
Spirit doesn't go to the spirit world, she's goes to the ethereal plane.
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Okay this is correct, but I swear she used to or does use the same thing.
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Even if BHVR made Spirit lore-wise use the Spirit World, and let her lightburned... it wouldn't fix her, having to bring an item to counter a killer just doesnt work.
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I can't believe she doesn't even go in the world she's named after.