So there I am trying to rank up and 'git gud' when I was rudely Interrupted by the camp god himself. Bubba mains clearly have deep seeded issues and must display there unbridled rage upon thine survivors at all times. I know we have all have faced the occasional camp or tunnel,but it happens a little too often. The classic perks to "prevent" these issues doesn't necessarily Help when all the survivors Desperately avoid the insta killing 4k machine that is Bubba.But don't you worry cause I have found a solution. A solution to face camping, a solution to proxy camping. Therefore a solution to Bubba. When a survivor is on a hook and the killer is within a certain radius the hook progression stops completely. Forcing the killer to move elsewhere and actually play the game.
Thankyou for coming to my Ted talk
They tested it. But there were problems with it.
32 -
Nah, bad idea. 3 reasons:
1 - Camping is tactic and you are killing this tactic. And then make generators 160 seconds. Would you agree with that? No? Then camping is staying same.
2 - Survivors will abuse it. One survivor will keep you in chase around hook. And other 2 will be on gens. And hooked survivor will not lose anything with timeline stopped for them. Bad idea again.
3 - If killer is camping finish generators fastly (3 survivors can do that easyly) and escape. Killer will lose points and game. Camping is working only survivors rejecting do generators.
There is one reason too: If hook regression stop game can take forever. I mean survivors will finish generators and if they wait for save and if killer is not leave hook, that game can take hours. So again, so bad idea my friend.
23 -
The devs actually tested your suggestion years ago. Survivors abused it by looping the killer around the hook.
In other words, survivors played themselves. Congratulations
40 -
Yesterday I played a match (Solo queue) against a Bubba and the first survivor downed disconnected immediately. Second team mate killed themselves on the hook before I could get there.
Third team mate gets caught and hooked in the basement. 3 gens left.
The Bubba STILL camped the basement. You would think he'd know that with 2 of us left, we had very little chance of escaping. But instead of letting everyone, including himself get more BPs, he stood there on the basement stairs.
Rank 1 too.
2 -
Had a total of five matches so far today. Got a Leatherface and, to my immense shock, he camped.
...I tried to take a window when he played us by leaving for twenty seconds to proxy and as soon as I got the hooked survivor down he rushed over and chainsawed both of us in one swing, both down immediately. I didn't even know you could down two survivors with one attack, I've never seen it in my 300 hours of playing this game so far, yet here we are.
3 -
It's not that simple. So you are saying if a survivor loops the killer around the hooked survivor now the other two are completely free to slam on generators with zero pressure?
Bubba camping, like any other camping, is only as viable as the survivors make it. If a survivor loops the Bubba around the basement with 3-4 generators nearby, then get hooked there and Bubba camps that part of the map until they are dead, that's that survivors fault for not thinking ahead. If a Bubba just camps a random hook with no pressure, then the survivors are free to slam on gens and escape, leaving the Bubba to depip and get nearly nothing from the match. It's only unfair to the camped survivor, but you can't do much about that. If a killer wants a single person out of the game they will, no matter Bubba or not.
4 -
There definitely Is a way to come to a middleground. but honestly this was for discussions sake to try and find a solution. but those comments make a lot of sense.but People really do abuse the ability of camping to the point that they or the survivors Don't pip up or down this issue also is more of a mid rank issue and I haven't seen it much in higher ranks.
0 -
If you and your team can't handle a camping Bubba, no rank up for you. Good luck in the next match!
Camping Bubba forever!
11 -
I've seen him down 3 survivors in one go.
1 -
Bubba? Well... On 10 games, 8 of them will be with a camping killer. No need to be against a Bubba. You talk about strategy. Really? Staying front of a survivor or making circle is that funny?
Camping and tunneling. EVERY GAME! What's the point? One time ou two, I found some genius with Insidious waiting 15minutes in the basement for a survivor to come. That's a strategy too? You enjoy waiting so long without playing? Just to crush someone's game?
Dev don't need to stop the progression, but at least slowing it. You get hooked, the killer stay close, waiting that someone unhooked you and tunnel... Over and over. Every game.
We have two choices: letting the killer kill you, or ragequit. If you ragequit because the killer is toxic as hell, YOU GET PUNISHED.
Even after a 3 months break, things are the same here. God...
@fogdonkey : Rank up? Dude, I'm playing because this game is supposed to be fun. I win, I lose, that's it. Don't care a second about the rank. If you want to compare your junk with your friends, go play Fortnite or Overwatch.
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That's not all. Now Bubba can move while rughing with his chainsaw. I have a video when the dude go back and forth in the stairs in the basement. Dude hit me twice in one rush.
0 -
The OP was complaining about not ranking up because of a camping Bubba.
Camping Bubba's are not that frequent, just play another game instead of writing forum posts about it.
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Bubba just needs a rework, shouldn’t be able to camp so effectively and counter borrowed time at the same time. No other killer can do this
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In that case, it's my fault for not reading all of it, sorry. =)
I don't know if that's a question about rank, but, yes, Bubba camp 9 on 10 times. Even if they don't facecamp, they stay near the hooking survivor. Chili is not used to detect survivor but earning BP right now.
It's already did. It get buffed because people complaigned (lol). Bubba is way more flexible than before with the chainsaw.
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I don’t see the issue with nerfing him more or something. He is pay to win rn for being so easy and still rewarding. I could be a noob and still do good with him.
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The dev test that solution long ago and surprise surprise survivor abuse that mecanic
1 -
Haha...chainsaw go brrrrrrrr
Anyway, like others have said, there's really not much I can think of at least that wouldn't either be abused by survivors or punish innocent Bubba's like myself (I do not camp but it's damn amazing how many teams just love to swarm the hook and unhook in my damn face when I play Bubba and then call me a camper for it :D. If y'all would let me take five damn steps before flying to the hook like they were a breath away from dying, I could actually go somewhere else).
It honestly does suck when you get a facecamping anything but I've yet to see a suggestion that couldn't be abused by survivors.
5 -
Oh most certainly. I've played plenty long enough to be called everything under the sun when it comes to "breaking survivor rules", whether I did it or not..
I just respond with LOL to everyone now whether I'm guilty or not. People either don't respond or fly off the handle. Either way, LOL :D
1 -
Being on a hook needs to be more interactive. Camping is a valid (and bad) strategy that you just can't get around. The problem with being tunneled or camped is that it's [BAD WORD] boring. There's literally nothing that you can do and nothing that you're doing.. just sitting there waiting for a timer to go down.
Maybe when you're on a hook and a killer is near you, it charges up a bar that you can then show survivors that the killer is nearby (like kindred), or show them where all the generators are, or hex totems.. there's got to be SOMETHING to do.
Post edited by EQWashu on2 -
Quote: "Bubba mains clearly have deep seeded issues and must display there unbridled rage upon thine survivors at all times."
You realize actual Bubba mains rarely camp, don't you?
If you're good as him you will never really feel like you have to even stay near a hook. Only trash Bubbas who haven't mastered him camp.
3 -
The issue with that is that it's pretty impossible to pip up against a camping Bubba whether you die in the basement or you play it correctly and get out. If the killer doesn't switch up their targets and makes sure everyone they catch dies on first hook, a quarter of the survivor emblem system becomes inaccessible. In red ranks, it actually forces you to go bait a chase or stealthily approach the killer and sit behind him for maybe 20 seconds in order not to depip, even if you have iri Lightbringer and Unbroken in the bag - and both of these waste precious time you should be slamming on gens and risk you going in the basement machine.
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I think this is a very decent idea. Done in the right way
0 -
That's ridiculous. I don't know how I've never seen it before in a good couple thousand matches but I just never have. I was sitting here the whole time thinking that, out of fairness, killers couldn't insta-down more than 1 healthy survivor in a single swing. Guess I was wrong.
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And I haven't seen requests to nerf this guy...why?
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Its called a BBQ and all are invited.
0 -
1: I would be happy with slower gens if it solved camping and tunneling.
And how does this help the survivor who is on hook, did he/she get anything out of it? No. Camping sucks mostly because it completely ruins the game for one survivor player. If the game really gave points and emblems based on how the team performed in general, camping wouldn't be that annoying.
Also, what you are suggesting doesn't really work like that in the real world. Survivors don't know the killer is camping. They run to the hook, find it out, and then return and waste time doing so. Then they have to find a gen, preferably 3 different gens to get max value out of it. Again, it takes some time. The killer gets usually 2 kills , which is too much for such a cheap tactics.
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oh yeah if you group up its bubba's dream I've seen 3 people go down all at once because they were grouped up.
3 -
You should be honored to be face-caped by Bubba. Our lord only selects the perfect for that task.
6 -
oh Yeah Bubba's my least favorite to go against no where near spirit when it comes to the amount of unfun. Probably because I find spirit the most fun to go against.
2 -
If a bubba is camping honestly just rush gens
2 -
You did camp the Jake. When you don't have any reason to go back and staying around a survivor on a hook, it's camping. Before that, I don't have anything to say.
I'm main survivor and I know that sometimes survivors can be stupid and use stupids excuses like that. Or even worse, the killer hit you because some genius unhook you 2secs after the killer hook you. Well... dah, you offer him my head on a plate. I understand perfectly if the killer hit me down a second time.
One time I talk with a killer after a game. The dude stay around me until P2. When I ask why, he answer me "I just checked to be sure nobody was here". -___-
And... nobody was here AT ALL at the time. xD
1 -
Exactly. Wish camping Bubbas would stop giving others a bad name. When I play Bubba I'm either:
- In a chase
- Hooking someone
- Looking for the next chase
I just don't understand why someone would take a killer with such a great chasing power and just camp with him. It's just plain boring.
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Killers are actually whining about keys. Devs are busy to make them happy.
0 -
Camping is just the killer being a dick to one survivor.
It is your choice as a survivor to rush in and get downed in pairs or more.
I also hate it but honestly, they counter is to do gens while he is camping and escape.
I find that Kindred + open-handed is a great combo that someone can take that benefits the whole team. A lot of camping killers understand the kindred radius so will "proxy camp" or "patrol" or whatever. Open Handed increases the radius and I always laugh to see killers effectively looping outside what they think is the detectable Kindred radius when I can see they aren't near other survivors. That hooked survivor is a guaranteed survivor magnet, so it's a viable strategy, especially with a killer that can down multiple survivors if they group up.
There are strategies on both sides that are boring or stink if you're on the receiving end but I think that changing the game to counter them only leads to an worse game.
1 -
To be fair, you were pretty campy in the middle there ( I didn't watch all through to the end). You basically camped the Jake at 4 generators. He went to struggle, and you prevented anyone getting near the hook to rescue. When Yun-Jin tried the minute someone distracted you, you downed her AND the freshly unhooked Jake. Then you camped the Yun-Jin, (you went around the corner momentarily) and the Nea basically thought; "Well screw it, I don't care anymore I'll try". She had no choice really because you wouldn't really leave the small area. Going up the stairs a bit, or hitting a nearby generator and going right back is still campy. You never went to patrol any other gens. You never left that area of the map. Just waited for a rescue attempt.
The Yun-Jin suicided on the hook probably because there was no chance she would be rescued.
1 -
Aka keeping the game hostage.
They tested it, it kept the game hostage, so they said screw it. EGC it is.
Cause in reality, alot of people will camp if neccessary, alot will tunnel if neccessary, and alot will do both cause they dont care.
So it would keep alot of games hostage, and therefore be more rage inducing than just dying on hook.
1 -
I think you all aren't getting camped and in reality you're just losing and blaming camping. Same as always.
Source: 3,300 hours in DbD listening to Survivors whine about everything under the sun.
4 -
No stop camping. Bubba sad.
0 -
Ok? By your own words, you planned to camp Jake until he hit struggle phase. And since you were sticking so close to the hook, of course another survivor would bait you into a chase to get you away from it long enough to save the hooked team mate. What choice did they have? You just stated you didn't want to let that happen. You expect to stay by the hook, and down any attempts at a rescue- you don't want to go off hunting and chasing, you expect an exchange; hooked survivor for saviour. Then you admit you camped the Yun Jin.
Ergo, they accused of camping (as you said). And yes, you did camp. So ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. I mean, play how you like, but it would have been a pretty unfun match as a survivor imo. You said you camped Yun Jin "because the match was over so you wanted to end it quickly". Well, even if you would have won the match eventually anyways (probably, 4 gens were up), is it really so terrible that the 3 leftover survivors might have earned a few bloodpoints through normal gameplay so they didn't have to depip?
I know I'm in the minority of people who consider other players, I just can't help myself. It's a character flaw.
2 -
This is why a lot of people want a rudimentary ping system at play. To be able to communicate things to teammates. They dont have to be as detailed as comms, but even if there are things like "killer's here" "I'm on a gen" "group up" "split up", that would be enough to give all the info you need as a survivor. Killer's here could imply camping, chasing, gen patrolling etc, while group up and split up could indicate a plethora of reasons(going for gens, going for a hook dive, going for a hatch escape, going for gates, etc, etc).
As for facecamping, I think killers actually need to get some negative BP for camping. They already get emblem punishment, and adding a 250 BP penalty in devout would actually give a reason to walk away. Sometimes camping is needed, but even if its punished slightly in emblems, they still can get 32k BP at the end of the match after camping hardcore. If a killer were to end up with 24k BP if they were to camp a full 2 minutes, they have reasons to no longer stay close to the hook.
Since lacking 8k with BBQ and Survivor Pudding/BPS means you can miss out on an additional 24k every match, that will harm the player in the long run if they want to keep using specific addons etc.
0 -
Camping is a neccessary part of the game. Sucks, I know, but it's very necessary and every killer has to do it when they need to.
2 -
Bubba Christ.
4 -
It's necessary at times, and when Killer is down to one gen, or other pressure scenarios- hell, especially against obnoxious survivors, I completely understand. I find playing Killer to be stressful, and I usually go out of my way not to camp/tunnel when I know very well camping/tunneling would get more results.
There's been times I could down a survivor fresh off the hook (I run Nurse's, so alwaysthe Claudette behind a rock healing by the hook). I usually just.. don't because I know how frustrating it is to spend the entire game hooked.
Of course, that Claudette I spared is usually the one that hangs around to teabag me at the gate...
I just think it's lame at 4-5 generators.
1 -
It is because Bubba used to be one of the weakest killers in the game, whose only advantage was being able to down multiple people in a single attack.
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Bubba may look powerful, but he's by far the most counterable killer in the game. That's why people like Bubba, playing as and against him.
3 -
Yeah, I only camp during EGC tbh but I can sympathize with killers.
0 -
What choice did they have? Not much. When they decided to ignore their teammate on hook until they're near second stage, they eliminated most of their options. That doesn't seem like the killers fault to me.
You say you consider other players, what exactly are you doing to intentionally handicap yourself to help the killer?
3 -
I love the part when he's a good guy. You can't ruin the game and saying "Well, since I ruining their game, I can at least finish it faster". When you play killer, hook a survivor and leave, you know that someone will come, unhook the guy and, sometimes, heal him.
That's just a crappy excuse. When you come back after a whole minute it's logic that you'll met another survivor. The Jake in question was the baddest survivor of his team anyway. Dude can't run more than 5 seconds and he get camp. Poor dude...
I also agreed with @glitchboi : sometime, survivors deserve to get camped and/or, the killer had to do it if he losing his game. And it wasn't the case here. Playing like that at rank1. Urgh...
1 -
The deal isn't that Bubbas camp, it's that campers Bubba. Bubba plays great as a chaser and zoner, but people who want to camp (either because they're bad at chases and playing normally, or because they want to mine salt and make survivors mad) gravitate towards Bubba because he's the best at ensuring nobody gets out of your grasp. So a disproportionate amount of Bubbas a survivor will run into camp, but if Bubba's performance at camping was nerfed, you'd see that part of the Bubba population immediately switch to playing Spirit, or other easy-to-play strong killers. Basically what happened to Freddy between his snares and losing immunity to Borrowed Time.
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How would this hold the game hostage? The survivor can always kill himself on hook and the killer can always walk away.
If i remember correctly it got abused. Sometimes the killer needs to stay near and he got a disadvantage bc of that.