Jill’s Blast Mine is fun but it falls short

As someone that despises POP, this perk has my attention. My hate probably stems from a Freddy effortlessly transferring to the survivor objective and removing a lot of objective progress with little effort.
This has got me to thinking….as fun as this perk will be, why does it not prevent the regression? It falls short and it is extremely weak when you think about it. A killer kicking the gen triggers an explosion. This perk will be fun but it hardly does anything in regards to objective. It needs to do more than what it does.
Kicking the gen sets off the explosion but it shouldn’t regress or have the additional effects of POP or other killer perks. The perk should be buffed so the killer has to kick the gen twice if they really want it to regress. This will make the perk actually worthy and not simply for memes and fun factor only.
Killers don’t use their meta perks for the memes. They use them for an overwhelming advantage to put the match totally in their favor. Blast Mine does nothing to help survivors other than it is for fun.
Uh, Sluzzy, idk how to tell you this but uh... That's how the perk already works.
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so uh sluzzy I think you may have read the perk out of a book
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I will admit I still am curious as to what happens if a generator with blast mine gets damaged by a perk like surge or opression.
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I'm assuming nothing. The killer didn't perform the regression action, only began the regression using a perk, so like Overcharge wouldn't trigger I assume Blast Mine also wouldn't.
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The killer is unable to kick it therefore it does not trigger. Someone would need to tap it first.
Those two perks and Ruin counter blast mine.
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That...is how the perk works.
Also, don't blame my main for your hate. That is sad to read :(
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A little off topic but does lightborn protect from blast mine
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Yes, it does.
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I see.
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Oh- that's a good question actually. I'd assume it does but I don't know for certain.
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Don't forget Eruption (new Nemesis perk) provided you kicked the gen before the Mine was applied.
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oh really? does it completely prevent the blindness or just reduce the duration of blindness
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It completely prevents the blindness :)
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Same goes for Flashbangs, btw. And yes, I will be running Lightborn as soon as the chapter releases.
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Aren't most non meta survivor perks memes as well? Dev's are afraid to change the meta after the backlash they got from undying.
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im probably going to run high mobility killers to just push through the flashbangs and use surge to avoid being blast mine-d as much as possible
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That is the spirit!
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hehehehe I see what you did there
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Good, because it was a perfect pun.
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You’re (seemingly) misunderstanding the purpose of Blast Mine.
It’s not meant to prevent the killer interfering with gen progress. It’s for those times the killer is on their way to the gen, the survivor hides as best they can with the little available time to do so, killer kicks gen, now everybody that was nearby now has an opportunity to escape and get a big head start on the killer (unless Lightborn is a counter to the blind).
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that actually brings up another question does the flashbang affect spirit while she's in phase mode.
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So the killer does have to kick it twice if they want it to regress??
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I literally have no idea. I barely play Spirit, so I never had the chance to test it.
I am sure someone will, eventually.
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I mean technically yes, but they can just kick the gen again after the stun is over.
Repressed alliance kind of does what this perk wants to do but better.
make the effect non temporary so you can put it on a gen and it will stay trapped until it is triggered.
In addition, the stun duration could be increased by 2-3 seconds.
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This might actually be an educational sluzzy post. Who could've seen that coming? we've got people asking questions about blast mine, a few snippets of information about flashbang and people coming up with ideas of countering said perks. I can't believe it.
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Use Repressed Alliance, geez.
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at least this is more original than some their other posts.
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I love this overwhelming advantage I have that allows me to lose many of my 5-minute trials despite maining a very strong killer and....
Wait, did you just say you despise Pop, the perk that's almost like the killers Self Care?
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It’s pretty much a bully bm perk. I’m okay with that.
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My favorite Nurse main talking about Blast mine, you love to see it
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Yes because its effectively a lightburn effect:
If it successfully blinds it also stuns the killer for a few seconds.
So since the stun happens before the kick can finish they'd need to kick it twice as the first kick is interrupted.
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Does it really?
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Says the jailed person.
Sluzzy we love you don't mind the haters.
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Eh won't be a problem I will run lightborn for all the swfs running flashbang and trying to bm with it because you know "swf lul just trying to have fun".
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It doesn't stop pop, but it will force the killer to kick the gen twice.
It's pretty good because of the amount of time the killer loses, making pop not that worth anymore.
It's also better than repressed alliance (unless you have sprint burst), because in that case the killer won't stop to kick the gen, so unless you leave early, you won't make much distance
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Yes and no it protects you from the blind effect but your still stunned and have to rekick the gen to start its regression.
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It's not meant to stop or slow the kick. It could though by preventing the first kick It's to prevent a perhaps devastating chain of popping a gen then scoring a down this. Will prevent the seconds part which keep the survivors going. This is a good perk it has potential to waste a PGTW and also allow survivors to escape.
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Dislike Pop you say? Look at my avatar. Just... give it a whirl.
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Sluzzy is getting lazy with these threads