Jill’s Blast Mine is fun but it falls short

Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

As someone that despises POP, this perk has my attention. My hate probably stems from a Freddy effortlessly transferring to the survivor objective and removing a lot of objective progress with little effort.

This has got me to thinking….as fun as this perk will be, why does it not prevent the regression? It falls short and it is extremely weak when you think about it. A killer kicking the gen triggers an explosion.  This perk will be fun but it hardly does anything in regards to objective. It needs to do more than what it does.

Kicking the gen sets off the explosion but it shouldn’t regress or have the additional effects of POP or other killer perks. The perk should be buffed so the killer has to kick the gen twice if they really want it to regress. This will make the perk actually worthy and not simply for memes and fun factor only.

Killers don’t use their meta perks for the memes. They use them for an overwhelming advantage to put the match totally in their favor.  Blast Mine does nothing to help survivors other than it is for fun.
