why have we not had double bps in FOREVER!!!

You guys KNOW the grind now a days is TERRIBLE!!!! Why do you have double bps on mobile but never on your original?? Even the rituals on there are far more generous. BRING BACK DOUBLE BPS!!
We'll be getting cake in about 12 days which will give us +105% bp.
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I agree. I made a rant on the Feedback part of the forum because of it.
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We do! It's called We're going to live forever on survivors and BBQ and Chilli on Killers!
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that actually starts on July 1st.
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I dare the devs to bring back the Blood Feast for a few days.Come on, BHVR! I know you want to do it!
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because muh bloodpoint economy or something
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Because BHVR doesn't want us getting too many bloodpoints, otherwise we might start enjoying the game.
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Yeah, we could use another Double BP event. Or at least another 1.5x BP event like we had last year. It'd be great for the new players coming in, and the old players tired of the grind. Cause the grind is gargantuan at this point, and now we're adding 3 new characters. Us both sidesers can't handle it.
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My bad, thought it would come out with chapter
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In Spanish we have a saying that goes like this: lo bueno, si breve, dos veces bueno.
The English translation would look like this: If the good thing is brief, then it is twice good.
On google I found an equivalent saying from Hamlet: Brevity is the soul of wit
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I think when Rift become a thing, where you can get bonus BP for challenges. They stop giving x2 BP event.
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1.5x BP should be the default already.
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Let me guess, you always loved the word "gargantuan"? You never had an opportunity to use it in a sentence till now.
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The thing is, BHVR DON'T want to do it.
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Well, they did it once. I see no reason not to go for a round 2.
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Just not the same!!!
Why is it so hard to give a double BP every chapter drop??? There is SOOOO much to buy that a quarterly double BP weekend or even event wont kill the game
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That or just double the maximum BP you can get from a match
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seriously tho