Corrupt Intervention and Lethal Pursuer

DwightFairfield Member Posts: 1,246
edited June 2021 in General Discussions

These perks activate once and then don't reactivate for the rest of the game

Why run them if you don't get any more use out of them once the time is up? Especially if you run both.

EDIT: Comments made me realize its less of a problem with the perk and more of a problem with the inability to pressure four people at once. I think that's the bigger problem.

Post edited by DwightFairfield on


  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,446

    There are several killers in the game who have spectacularly bad early games. Corrupt Intervention is the only perk in the game that can give killers more time in the early game. So... Weak early game killers usually run it so they can get up and running without losing too much.

  • Hex_Ignored
    Hex_Ignored Member Posts: 2,014

    Because we still have no "early game warm up" and these two perks are the next best thing

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,850

    LP on a high-mobility killer like Nurse or Blight, combined with Infectious, can and probably will lead to 2 minute matches.

    Corrupt is amazing on setup killers, or killers without much mobility, as it enables them to easily protect one area and force survivors to come to you, buying valuable early-game pressure

  • Pilot
    Pilot Member Posts: 1,158
    • One blocks generators far from you
    • The other shows you the survivors.

    Combined, these two perks give you a huge advantage in the match.

    As such, you can very safely get a down before the 1st gen pops.

    Not mentioning this is insane on killers such as

    • Nurse - She will blink onto your arse in a matter of 10 seconds and be down in 20 when the match starts.
    • Blight - Same thing
    • Billy - Same thing, not as powerful but still.
    • Huntress - Ez snipe

    Just to name a few

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,658

    Dowsey explains it good:

    With Timestamp.

    Basically, if you run Corrupt Intervention, you get more value out of it the earlier you can apply pressure. Lethal Pursuer allows you to get into a Chase ASAP.

    Yes, you have only 2 Perks after two minutes, however, you are setting yourself up for a Win at this point (according to Dowsey). I would agree to him, it will be a new Meta-Perk. Not for those players who think that running 8 Slowdown-Perks is the best idea in the world (it really isnt), but if a Killer can make use of the information where Survivors are at the start AND are able to down relatively quickly (talking about the player here, someone who gets looped for 4 Gens does not have any value from this Perk... But those people usually run 15 Slowdown-Perks), Lethal Pursuer will be the Perk to go.

    (Except for Killers like Trapper and Hag, obviously)

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    edited June 2021

    It would depend on your Killer and personal play style, but I can certainly see some serious benefit. Running both together would all but ensure that you get your first hook, probably several before the first Generator comes up. You will intercept the Survivors almost immediately and prevent them for using that first two minutes of Corrupt Intervention effectively to spread out, and/or hunt Totems. For Killers, in my experience at least, the first 2-3 minutes of the game are really important. It is at the start of the game where it is decided if the Killer is playing from behind the Eight Ball, or leading the dance. In short, it is far easier for a Killer to come from behind than it is for Survivors. That is why Survivors want that first Generator popping before (or about the same time) as the first hook. Running those two Perks, even being a one and done situation, usually prevents that.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    I mean Ruin can be cleansed in 11.2 seconds into the match (at least in theory). They both provide pretty strong effects (though sometimes Corrupt just doesn't do enough tbh, because survivors either hide it out, or they spawn on a generator. Neither of which are particularly fun). The effects of the perk are meant to get a faster start, which is when the killer is weaker. So kind of like a reverse NoED, except survivors can't remove it before it does anything.

    Some perks you won't get use out of at all in some trials. If you get hooked first? Say goodbye to that deliverance. But deliverance is still a strong perk.

  • Pilot
    Pilot Member Posts: 1,158

    Unless you get sent to Hawkins or the new Resident Evil map, as Huntress

  • MrCrazyCat62
    MrCrazyCat62 Member Posts: 168

    Personally I don't see much value in it. Finding survivors isn't to complicated if you have good game sense.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Finding Survivors isn't complicated. Intercepting them fast and getting your first hook within thirty seconds absolutely has value. The game sense, in this situation, comes from forcing the Survivors to fight from behind right from the start of the match. Most of this is theoretical, unless you have been in the PtB testing it as some of us have. My own experiences with the combination have been rather gratifying.

  • MrCrazyCat62
    MrCrazyCat62 Member Posts: 168

    I see Your point, some killers could benefit from this. But it just feels insubstantial to me. If their not all grouped up Youll still be chasing one survivor. All in all it just gets you there faster.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278
    edited June 2021

    Because you don’t actually NEED to pressure 4 survivors DIRECTLY at once. (Seemingly) Killers fail to realise the amount of indirect/domino effect pressure on the other 3 survivors simply by someone else being injured, downed, hooked, or helping feed a killers power.

    Killers are (again, seemingly) failing to see the bigger picture when it comes to these 2 perks brief activation periods, particularly in regards to Lethal Pursuer. Even being an excellent guesser of likely survivor spawn locations can still lead to mistakes whereby the survivors in fact spawned only a few tiles next to, or behind the killer. Meaning much time early game was wasted. Lethal Pursuer’s brief 7 seconds can potentially lead to exponentially growing momentum as the match progresses simply because the killer knew exactly where to go to get into their first chase (or do whatever is critical to start their pressure game).

    Think of the times as killer you have been lucky to stumble across a survivor straight away, and get a down super quick. Most of the time this heavily sways the remainder of the match in the killers favour simply because that’s 1 survivor temporarily not able to assist objectives right at the start.

    The brief 7 second activation of Lethal Pursuer is the most irrelevant aspect for players to be focusing on. What’s important is that the perk helps engineer the above mentioned circumstance, which has a big over arching impact on the remainder of the trial.

    7 seconds. (Potentially) big impact on the whole trial.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    Huntress player after chapter release: “man it’s going to be so fun first game with Lethal Pursuer & CI to snipe someone from right across the map. Better use a MacMillan offering.”

    4 R.C.P.D. Badges pop up.

    Huntress stands in corner and sobs.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Well, lets see what games without both perks can do:

    You have survivors spawning next to a generator, you dont know which generator, now that generator is gone and you dont even have a hook yet.

    These perks tend to block gens where survivors spawn(not always, but good enough), allowing you to patrol a much smaller area. Lethal Pursuer will give you the EXACT location of survivors at the start of the game.

    You dont need much gen regression if you know where survivors are and what they would do next. Gen regression is needed because you DONT KNOW where survivors are, nor what they would do next. If you can be where survivors are, they cant work on gens in that area without risking hits. If you dont know where survivors are, they can work on whatever gen they want to, you wont know untill you find them.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,919
    edited June 2021

    Pairing the 2 together is going to become the new meta. Just wait, standard build will be Corrupt/LP/BBQ/Pop