Best Way To “Farm” Rift Fragments?

Literally just playing. Win or lose, you make progress on rift fragments after each match.
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Pretty much just doing a minimum 1 match per day of killer and survivor for the 300 bonus exp, then doing rift challenges. Otherwise, it's just an endless grind. Based on time played, not performance (aside from the tiny tiny amount you get from emblems)
I'd imagine killer would earn fragments slightly faster since queue times are shorter 24/7, so it's less time spent in queues
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Dont let a match take more than 10 minutes but dont end it fast either. Maybe try to reach 10 minutes each match. After that you stop earning XP. Its around maybe 580xp max, a little over 600xp with medals.
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Just play, not really anyway to maximize at least not a realistic way.
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Other than that, you need ingame time, so try to take as little time as possible outside of matches. Play to the times where most players are online (late evening) so that queue times are short. Been a real grind the first seasons luckily they reduced the grind recently.