Favorite DBD memes?

Do you have a dead by daylight meme you enjoy or have made? I made a few
This one was just an edit I stole off of Google and photoshopped the tier 3 with addons.
Here's another I also photoshopped
Uhh, just a few
and my personal favourite that i didnt make
(we are gonna life forever)
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I am glad you asked :)
And finally, if I was an image:
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POV:Your my hex Ruin at the Beginning of the Match
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someone on the dbd subreddit made this
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enjoy it hahaha best
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I have but one that I found on Pintrest (not mine):
However, I did make some cursed edits of my own!
First, we have Ace Biscotti.
Finally, I present to you Oni on an Onion. Oniononion, if you will.
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Some memes I did my own
(1) When people ask why they cant unhook as the last survivor
(2) Trickster vs Plague
(3) Reason to be a Jane main
(4) Trickster vs GF
(5) Wraith buff vs Trapper buff
(6) The legendary cake
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Couple of my favorites from the DBD reddit.
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another one made in the dbd subreddit
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another dbd subreddit one
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People die when they are killed.
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Holy Hell, I yield. I absolutely love all of these
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That one is def my favorite one here.
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Little somethin I made myself.
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Two of my favorites.
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dbd subreddit meme
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All the memes
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I hate to admit this. But that one made me cackle so hard, so far that's my favorite
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Love the Oni on an onion meme, now if you excuse me, I'll be stealing it along with all of the other memes here >:D
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Oh my gosh I have had a hearty laugh reading this thread. Thank you all so much 😂
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I've got about 10 other funny memes I want to share but not sure if reddit links are allowed here. They are videos so I'd have to paste the reddit posts. Also just to be clear I didn't make these.
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Take good care of it for me
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okay but no seriously is there a claudette in that image or did i just waste 10 minutes?
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There is. It's on the Right Side.
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i cant even tell if youre ######### with me
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to me... this will always be the best
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I'm just messing with you.
No I'm not. Look in the tree.
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Just so I understand - we can't say the "F" word, but we can post ten thousand images that include it? I want to know where the jury stands on this. :P
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Oh I see it now. That's pretty clever!
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Those are my favorites.
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XD The DS one had me laughing.
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Ummm, am I blind???!