With so many killers farming

why do survivors lose their add ons? And don't tell me it's because killers do. Let me know when there's a perk that lets survivors double their BP as easily as killers do with BBQ.
It's punitive and makes me want to only ever bring in Brand New Parts, which I'm sure killers who actually play won't love.
Let me know when there's a perk that lets survivors double their BP as easily as killers do with BBQ.
We're going to live forever
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Bring in whatever you like. WGLF has many ways to gain stacks. Killers have to hook each person once. Survivor's keep their items if they survive while killers lose everything. Seems you should reverse everything on why its unfair to the killers who kill everyone and lose everything no matter what they do
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You can run Ace in the Hole and keep your addons.
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If you are scared to lose your addons, take Ace in the Hole.
If you want to double your bloodpoints, take We're gonna life forever.
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I'm pretty sure the devs said once they were changing it so survivors lose their add-ons because killers do. I could be dead wrong, but that appears to be the actual reason.
Also: We're Gonna Live Forever double your bp
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Are you new?
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If you earn 12.000BP in a match. Its enough to give you 1 Brown item + 2 Brown addon + 1 Brown offering and prepare for the next game.
As Survivor you can earn around 18.000BP in average .In a blood web, you can get 13-15 stuffs that cost around 50.000-60.000BP. Which mean you can buy a whole blood web after 3 matches.
Which mean you can get 13-15 stuffs for every 12 stuffs (3 matches) you paid for.
Which mean you never getting out of item/add-on/offering.
Because of this, I mostly have my loadout full. I dont know why you complain about add-on lost.
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I really hated that add on change. As a solo player, I just straight up don't bring rare items or add ons anymore, because I don't know if my teammates will be morons and throw the game or DC 2 minutes in.. It's not worth the risk, awful, awful change.
I get that they wanted "parity" with killer add ons, but killer add ons tend to have a more significant effect on the match. Barbs glasses and black heart on new Demo are a perfect example of the differences.
On the subject of BP, I think survivor could use a BP increase across the board. WGLF does exist but it forces survivors to compete with eachother for points, and many survivors just throw on BT and WGLF and farm their teammates because the grind is so immense.
I still believe the devs should remove perk leves, 95% of perks are unusuable outside of level 3 anyway.