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Thoughs on potential DLCs? (Not Resident Evil)

uchicku Member Posts: 20

I don't know if it's possible, but with Nemesis getting zombies it would be cool to see The Walking Dead or candyman.


  • Northener1907
    Northener1907 Member Posts: 3,012

    I think Child's Play, The Walking Dead and Scooby Doo on list.

  • Jarol
    Jarol Member Posts: 1,985

    I think Alien, Candyman, Pinhead, Chucky and Springtrap are the next possible ones.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    I would expect an American Horror Story chapter.

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092

    fnaf isn't going to become a chapter yet because scott's really busy on the new game

  • Midori_21
    Midori_21 Member Posts: 723
    edited June 2021

    I wouldn't mind a night of the living dead chapter. No idea what they would do with it but it is a classic. And George Romero was a horror making legend who I think deserves a spot in DBD.

  • LethalPugy
    LethalPugy Member Posts: 493

    I feel like they could do a quiet place paragraph. With Evelyn as a survivor.

    Alien as a full chapter. Ripley and the Zenomorph.

    Maybe until dawn? My guess for surviour would be either sam or jess. And the wendigo’s power be climbing or something. (yun-jin would get a emily legendary skin)

  • TheStabbiNAngeL
    TheStabbiNAngeL Member Posts: 1,264

    It would be fun to have The Candyman, I'm down for any chapter,everyone should get what they want ,I guess The Trickster exist,so why shouldn't Fnaf or Chucky please don't make a Fnaf thread we don't want to talk about it, if it happens it happens

  • Cornpopers_Evan
    Cornpopers_Evan Member Posts: 2,428

    Alright, so, I'm going to break this down from the last time they allowed us to pick from license options on a survey. This will be both what I think is possible and also what I'd thoroughly enjoy seeing and then I'll break it down as to why I think these are probably the choices but also some drawbacks with each. Be warned, LONG post coming because I have a LOT to say on licenses.

    Movies- Alien, Candyman, F13, IT, The Thing, Chucky and PumpkinHead(This one I think isn't on there radar but I just want)

    Anime- Parasyte

    Video Games- Five Nights at Freddy's, Dead Space, Bioshock, The Evil Within

    Comics- Spawn and Hellboy

    Alright, time for the long part. So, when it comes to the movie picks I still personally there's a lot going on there. The most likely out of them, to me, is probably both Alien and Candyman, leaning more towards Candyman though. There was just SO MUCH evidence for awhile pointing towards a CM chapter but then, well, COVID happened and it messed everything up. So, who knows, they could simply be holding onto this one for when it's closer to the films time of release. Alien is a very tricky one. It's one of the most asked for chapters and it would be such a cool chapter but... Disney. Disney would probably ask for a ludicrous amount of money for this IP and I'm just not sure BHVR would go for it with that kind of price tag. We all know by now the situation with F13 so I won't really comment on that but IT is in a very rocky situation. They've actually gone for IT once but were declined and well, sadly, Stephen King just does not see any gain when it comes to doing crossovers with video games. The guy just doesn't care about them and he holds his IP's very close to the chest. The Thing would be a incredibly unique pick if just for the killer alone and I feel like John Carpenter would be ok with it but, Universal just doesn't seem to want to do anything with the franchise as of right now. Chucky actually has quite a decent shot of getting in, he's still quite popular and, now with Victor, the size of him isn't really that big of a deal anymore so, could def see him eventually.

    I must admit, I haven't watch much anime but, from what I've seen, Parasyte seems like quite a interesting one. It's basically a "thing" inspired anime but if the "things" had a actual minds. The problem though is that, again, from what I've seen, there isn't really a main "enemy" in the series but lots of the same species fighting each other. Though, maybe that could work in their favor because that means that they could just grab one that was decently popular and they'd do just fine.

    Oh boy, where do I start here. As much as I adore Dead Space, heartbreakingly, EA are asshats and would probably be insanely stingy with this one. Bioshock and Evil Within both have surprisingly solid chances. I feel like with Evil Within Bethesda would like the series to keep on growing as much as they possibly could make it and they've got great choices for both killer and survivors ranging from Sebastian himself to The Keeper as a killer and Bioshock is no different. Bioshock has always had a bit of a horror element to it(mainly the first game) and with a new game coming out sometime in the future, it would be a great marketing move on both parts.

    Now, let's address FNAF because, yes, I think it has a VERY good chance. Just the simple fact that it's been mentioned in two or three out of the surveys should tell anyone that they have it on their radar and with the new challenge playfully being named "Spring the Trap" they're clearly hinting at it. Does it sound like a stretch, a bit, but the crates that had Umbrellas on the side imo, where hinting at the RE chapter for quite awhile and I think it's especially true because in the RE PTB those logos where replaced with another one. Now, the real big problem here is well, Scott Cawthon, the creator of FNAF is VERY protective of his franchise. He wants to basically oversee everything that is going on with collaborations with his franchise to make sure it's all ok to him and I'm not sure BHVR would want to play that kind of ball game. It's one thing to have license holders check their work every once and awhile but to have someone constantly wanting to check things out to make sure everything would be alright would probably get aggravating very quickly. Another issue people bring up is the survivor, there's just not a well established human in the franchise until SB coming out. That's why I think it would probably be one of those "weird" chapters. A chapter that doesn't include a survivor but a Killer and a map which would be alright to me. Other arguments I see brought up a lot is that the games wouldn't fit into DBD or that they wouldn't want that community mixed with DBD because it's "toxic" and to both of those I saw... really? The community part, well, let's be real here, every community has it's rotten apples and I don't think that should mean that you should just completely throw it away because, trust me, DBD's community def has some VERY bad applies in it. For the whole "doesn't fit" argument, well, actually, quite a bit fits in DBD. Ranging from shirtless David's, elf Dwight's all the way to pink elephant Clown's and the entirety of Trickster. The real big argument and it's a very solid one is, what would his power be but to that I say, well, Pyramid Head it. Just do something crazy with him with Scott's blessing of course.

    Comics wise, don't have much to say really. Both Spawn and Hellboy have very good picks for everything. if I got that choice I'd personally pick the Spawn franchise but, that's just me.

    Well, like I said, props to anyone who reads through this and yeah, I'll say it again, I've got a lot to say on licenses! lol