Do you guys think The Thing or Pennywise could work in DBD as a shapeshifting killer

Personally I think one that transforms into survivors would work amazing at putting survivors on edge, kind of like other stealth killers but less about having to search for a killer and more about trusting your fellow survivor. For a Pennywise style killer I think a killer that can transform into the killer that a survivor has died to most would also be a neat psychological aspect, maybe the killer could even mimic some of the killers abilities so it can have temporary usage of a killers ability that would work only on that specific survivor. Like maybe the killer could have access to beartraps that only work on a survivor that has died most to trapper, or maybe the killer could infect people who have died most to plague. Maybe the survivors could fight it like how one gets rid of the Doctor's insanity by snapping themselves out of their fears.
Absolutely not. The game will be even more buggy and confusing for new players, not to mention that the devs literally said that they don't want a shape shifting killer.