Spirit Rework

YuisPinkBob Member Posts: 360
edited June 2021 in General Discussions

Before I start, I'd just like to say that this is not my original idea, I saw someone else suggest it in a stream and wanted to share it as I think it is a very good one.

As we all know, the Spirit is a very powerful killer who doesn't really have any counterplays (especially when injured and against Stridor). This often results in games as and against her being really unfun and boring.

To improve this, I think that, when phasing, she should show glimpses of herself. These glimpses do not have to last for ages (maybe only a couple seconds) and they should not be frequent occurrences. Also, the glimpses should look spirit/ghost-like so it fits with the power itself and doesn't seem out of place.

Now I know this is a nerf, but it will not make her underpowered or weak by any means. Think about this: at a pallet, or some windows even, the Spirit begins to phase. A glimpse occurs and the survivor runs in the opposite direction to this glimpse. While this happens, the Spirit double backs and meets them at the same side of the pallet. The survivor then takes a hit because of it. This would introduce many new strategies for Spirit players to try out and use.

Furthermore, it would provide survivors with a chance against her. Along with giving them opportunities to learn new tactics in chases and when just facing her in general (just like it would when playing as her).

I believe that this would keep the Spirit's core power intact while also making her a more fun character to play as and against. It would also mean that she requires more skill than she currently does.

Plus, there could be some add-ons that make her glimpses more or less frequent or last for different durations of time.

What are your thoughts on this?

EDIT: After looking through some people's feedback, I believe that the glimpses should occur around every 2 seconds. This would work with the Spirit's default 5 second phase duration and ensure that the change is actually effective. This suggestion came from @Altarf.

EDIT 2: Since people can't seem to get past the fact I didn't call the rework a nerf, I've reworded the post itself so I do call it a nerf. Hopefully we can have a constructive conversation about the idea now. The title will remain the same as it is still a rework of her power and therefore fits.

Post edited by YuisPinkBob on
