How would you feel with a legendary skin of Detective Eric Matthews from Saw?

Jarol Member Posts: 1,985

Well, I did one about Billy Hargrove from Stranger Things and mentioning characters like Robin and Barb, I wanted to do one of Saw since I think they would fit well here and even more with the similarity of Detective Tapp. How would you feel with a legendary skin from saw detective eric matthews?

If they don't know who he is, he is the 2nd detective after Tapp in Saw 2 to track down Jigsaw.

Why did I mention him? Well, I think he would be a good fit since he's the detective who put Amanda (The Pig) in jail and they have more story connected than Tapp.

What would you think if this legendary skin for tapp came out?


  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    Honestly, Matthews or someone else should have been the survivor for the Saw chapter. Tapp was only in one movie and was barely important to the overall story.

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    It would be cool, Donnie Wahlberg is a good actor. One of the more important characters in the Saw films as well, at least until things went south at about the midway point of the series. I would love Jigsaw himself but that wouldn't be especially practical. I would also love a version of Amanda without the pig mask but you know, likeness rights.

    Cary Elwes would be pretty awesome. But it would be hard to know exactly what role he would play. That's all I'm going to reveal on that particular subject...

  • Marik13
    Marik13 Member Posts: 683

    Yeeeaaah...kinda weird that Tapp was the survivor with Amanda being the killer. Honestly the survivor should've been Detective Matthews, given the history the two character's shared. If not Detective Matthews, then maybe his son Eric instead? Or hell even Adam would've been a decent idea since Amanda was the one who killed him. But honestly if SAW does get a legendary skin I'd love for either a Hoffman or John Kramer legendary skin for Pig as well.

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    There are so many characters from Saw that could work as skins.

  • Marik13
    Marik13 Member Posts: 683

    Agreed. Actually now I am curious as to why they decided to get Amanda instead of Jigsaw himself. Don't get me wrong, I love Amanda both in the movies and in game. She's an interesting character and all, but the SAW series revolves around Jigsaw and his games. It'd be like if when Friday the 13th eventually comes to DBD that BHVR instead of opting to get Jason, the iconic killer of the series, we get Pamela Voorhees instead as the killer (no offense to any momma Voorhees fans out there). Have they ever mentioned their reasoning for picking her in the past or anything out of curiosity?

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    I feel like that’s kinda why they choose him. It’s like Quentin being picked instead of Nancy

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    To be fair, the Nightmare On Elm Street chapter was strictly based off of the remake, which Quentin was actually pretty important and likable in.

    Yeah, both Amanda and Tapp were pretty weird choices. To my knowledge they haven't said why they choose these characters for the Saw chapter.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    I’m guessing tapp was chosen because they wanted to put in parts of multiple saw films. That’s why tapp was chosen because he was kinda pivotal to the first film

    Also saw the video game

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Could also have Hoffman for Pig if they are creating a Legendary skin.

    I'd like to have Amanda as survivor also

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    I guess, but still, he just wasn't that important to the overall story of Saw.

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,168
    edited June 2021

    Originally I was gonna make a post saying it was only because they could only use things from SAW 1 however upon doing a bit of research that can't be the case - many of Pig's addons reference the later films - John's Last Will and Amanda's letter are the main ones as those are crucial details from later films

    There's also the woman in the Gideon Meat Plant map who died from the frozen water thing which is a reference to saw 3

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Yeah he wasn’t really but they kinda do this sometimes with licensed chapters.

    Silent hill was all about making sure it represented a lot of the franchise and I feel they did the same in saw hence why they chose tapp for the first film and Amanda for the second

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793
    edited June 2021

    Yes please! Personally I want Allison Kerry. I know she's not like the coolest character but I liked her

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    Well in that case, wouldn't it have been better to make John the killer and Matthews the survivor?

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    you mean the senile old man that could barely run properly, that doesn't actually wanna kill anyone?

    versus the younger version of him that thinks everyone deserves to die because, just like her, they can never change?

    no idea...

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Maybe but I feel John would’ve been too hard to make a killer since he doesn’t exactly have any chasing skills and he’d probably look at bit too human. Also the pig mask is pretty iconic to the franchise

    As for matthews he definitely could’ve worked but I think they devs just kinda wanted to go for the lesser used character. Maybe they just liked tapp more tbh (Also having more representation in the form of another black character isn’t a bad deal)

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    I feel like John could have worked fine. He was still pretty active in Saw 1, and not to mention it's you know, Dead by Daylight. Does it make any sense that a fat, obese, middle aged man is able to walk faster than an athletic woodland survivalist, a teenage girl, and an energetic K-pop star? Not really.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    I just think it would be weird for Kramer to be in the game. He never liked doing the killing himself it was more so a “lesson” and that they “killed themselves” so seeing him with like a knife stabbing people would be a bit weird to me anyway

  • Marik13
    Marik13 Member Posts: 683
    edited June 2021

    I mean Jigsaw wasn't senile, what...? He actually was insanely intelligent to the point where he could easily anticipate the choices that people would make in his games. His intelligence is what made him highly dangerous. Also keep in mind he had cancer which, weakened him in the end due to the chemo treatments and the literal tumor pushing against his brain. In the flashbacks they show of Jigsaw in his earlier days he was healthy enough to subdue Cecil, Mark Hoffman, and with the help of Hoffman, able to subdue Paul for the razor wire maze from the first movie. Not to mention in the first movie it showed him successfully run away from Detectives Tapp and Sing after slashing Tapp's throat. As for the not wanting to kill anyone part? Ummm...ok yeah, he says that he's not a killer but come on, Jigsaw is a killer. Forcing people in to scenarios where they either kill themselves or kill each other still makes him a killer. They could've easily explained it that now in what he thought was the afterlife, he sees this as an opportunity to continue his work and test those that are sent to him. If he could no longer test them in life, then he will test them and make sure that they are worthy of a peaceful afterlife- if they survive his games. Boom. There you go.

  • DwightFairfield
    DwightFairfield Member Posts: 1,246

    I don't think he'd be added, not because of licensing but more of demand, If they added him I don't think they'd get too many sales, plus they'd need a different VO because of how different he sounds from Tapp.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    he was very inteligent.

    but he refused to accept he was a murderer.

    literally carved a jigsaw piece out of his victims flesh and went "you are the ones who named me jigsaw".

    thinks that putting people on life or death situations will somehow improve them as human beings.

    he was very inteligent, but also very delusional. ( maybe senile wasn't the best choice of words...)

    anyone with a brain would agree that jigsaw is a killer, but he never directly killed anyone. having John actively chasing them, stabbing people and sacrificing them would be very weird. It goes against what he believes.

  • Marik13
    Marik13 Member Posts: 683
    edited June 2021

    Fair, but doesn't the Entity also mess with the minds of the killers a bit too? Like couldn't the entity alter the way John look's at his belief and make him believe that each of these trials is a way to test people, and that for these tests he feels as if he has to personally be involved to make sure that they were absolutely worthy of living or something along those lines, essentially just corrupting his already corrupt morals?

    Legit I'm asking cus I don't know enough about the lore or what the Entity is actually capable of doing or has done. Reading Amanda's bio it does kinda looks like the Entity messed with her a little bit, taking her homicidal feelings and just cranking them up from the way it says that everyone is just meat and meat was destined for slaughter. Seems kinda extreme, even for her lol.

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    Amanda is profoundly important to the Saw mythos. She's arguably the second most important character in the series after only Jigsaw himself. Why was she chosen? Pig mask. No paying for likeness rights. Easy peasy. Tapp looks absolutely nothing like Danny Glover either.

    John Kramer wasn't particularly mobile. The only time you ever really see him move is briefly in the first film. He wouldn't make much sense as a killer. Besides which, that goes against his entire M.O. John didn't kill anybody, he tested others to see how far they would go to demonstrate that they value their own lives.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    technically the entity can, but at that point why even pick John? If the character of john is not present, why would we care?

    Which is why people complain about the freddy remake, just doesn't feel like freddy.

    too extreme? the one responsible for this?

    nah... she already believe everyone deserved to die.

    the entity just removed the hesitation

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,150

    John Kramer wasn't really a killer tho. He give everyone a choice to either survive or die. If anything he would be a survivor not a killer. Amanda made her traps unwinnable to the point john was testing her in part 3.

  • Marik13
    Marik13 Member Posts: 683

    All fair points. So what about using another character as a legendary skin for Pig, what about using Mark Hoffman? I mean the dude is clearly a psychopath, and he actually trained under Jigsaw before Amanda came in to the picture. He's also shown in the movies wearing the pig mask as well and clearly he has no issues murdering people with his own hands. I mean just look at his body count in SAW 7. The dude went and single handedly killed an entire police station from some random lawyer to even the coroner. Hell, unlike both John and Amanda, he's actually gotten a kill with the reverse bear trap too. He got the head pop off of John's wife at the end of SAW 7.

    In terms of design it wouldn't be too hard. Just him in a black jacket like this. Oooh and if they wanted to put a survivor legendary for Tapp, they could pick between Jill Tuck or Agent Strahm, since Hoffman had rivalries with both of them as well. What do you guys think?

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,150

    Technically Amanda is already wearing this clothing in the game.

  • Marik13
    Marik13 Member Posts: 683

    Not really though... The leather jacket is what she wore in SAW III during the flashback of her fighting Matthews in the tunnels. Hoffman's jacket is completely different.

  • Karao_Ke
    Karao_Ke Member Posts: 1,221
    edited June 2021

    I would personally love a Dr. Gordon skin. I know he doesn't show up much but he was quite important to the overall plot and I liked his character.

  • Elena
    Elena Member Posts: 2,187

    Fun fact, Matthews was going to be the survivor but because of licensing issues they changed it to Tapp.

  • Jarol
    Jarol Member Posts: 1,985

    It would be nice actually, but I would not see it as skin since the corpse in the bathroom is Lawrence Gordon himself, it would be strange to see.

  • Marik13
    Marik13 Member Posts: 683

    You know, it is kinda weird to see Gordon in the bathroom, especially since he's still alive at the end of the 7th movie and turns out to actually be one of Jigsaw's apprentices (or John's most valuable asset, as he puts it).

  • Jarol
    Jarol Member Posts: 1,985
    edited June 2021

    Gideon is a representation based on Amanda's memories, if we think about it, the reason why Gordon is there is because he was killed by Zepp or Tapp and Zepp never made it to the bathroom, it is an alternate reality, just like It happens with Leon when he bumps into Jill and Nemesis or Steve going to the lab together with Nancy instead of Jonathan. Or one where Michael murdered Loomis and Laurie escapes from the house arriving at Myers Home to hide.