Ideas On Fixing Weak/Under Used Perks

I am incredibly bored, So I decided to post some ideas on how I would fix some weak/under used perks in the game.
Camaraderie - While you are on the Hook in the Struggle Phase, Camaraderie activates.
- The Struggle Phase timer is paused for 27/31/35 seconds.
Buckle Up - You can determine the Recovery progress of Dying survivors by the intensity of their Aura, At a distance of up to 55 meters away.
When you are within 6/7/8 meters of a Dying survivor, Their recovery rate is increased by 15%.
While healing another survivor from the Dying state to the Injured state, the Killer's Aura is revealed to the both of you for 5/6/7 seconds.
Premonition - Get an auditory warning when looking in the Killer's direction within a 45 degree cone within 40 meters.
When Premonition activates, You can see the Killer's aura for 4 seconds. Premonition has a cooldown of 50/40/30 seconds each time it activates.
Poised - After a generator is completed, you will not leave any scratch marks for the next 8/10/12 seconds. During this time you will gain a 5/6/7% Haste status effect.
Boil Over - While being carried by the killer:
- Your struggle effects are increased by 30/55/80%.
- You obscure the Killer's ability to read Auras of all hooks within 12/14/16 meters of your pick up location.
- Your wiggle speed is increased by 3/4/5%.
Distortion - You start the trial with 4 tokens. Whenever the killer attempts to read your aura, Distortion activates and a token is consumed:
- Your aura will not be shown to the killer and you will not leave any scratch marks for the next 6/8/10 seconds.
- Unhooking a survivor will grant you a token, Up to a maximum of 4.
Distortion does not activate when you are in the Dying State or in a Killer trap.
Beast Of Prey - Hitting a survivor with a Basic or Special Attack will gain you a token up to a maximum of 4. Each token grants the Undetectable status effect for 3 seconds the next time you enter a chase. Downing or hooking a survivor removes 1 token.
- Beast Of Prey grants 40/50/60% bonus blood points for actions in the Hunter category.
Gearhead - After hitting a survivor twice with a Basic or Special attack, Gearhead activates for 30/35/40 seconds.
- Generators being worked on by survivors will be revealed by a Yellow Aura for as long as it continues being repaired.
Monstrous Shrine - After picking up a survivor, The Auras of Basement Hooks are revealed to you. The Basement Hooks posses the following benefits:
- Hook Progression is accelerated by 4/7/10%
- Self-Unhook difficulty is increased by 5/10/15%
- Self-Unhook penalty is increased by 3/6/9%
- Unhooking speed is reduced by 5/6/7%
Sacrificing survivors in the basement grants 30/40/50% bonus blood points in the Sacrifice category.
Territorial Imperative - The Aura of a survivor entering the basement is revealed to you for 4 seconds. When the survivor leaves the Basement, They suffer from the Hindered status effect for 6/7/8 seconds.
Predator - Fading scratch marks left by survivors are slightly/moderately/considerably brighter.
Not sure if these will make them viable over the "meta" perks, but I still remember how boil over was made fun of and I still don't think it's been changed since release haha
Pretty cool ideas though, I would like to see more variety in perks, especially for survivors
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Seeing as to how Monstrous Shrine only affects one place which is currently pretty difficult to reach, the buff can be either making it work for all hooks or buffing the numbers exponentially