Weakest killer in Dead by Daylight currently?

It’s Trapper for me, he’s very outdated, takes time to set up, and there’s no guarantee your traps will work as intended. Survivors can easily disarm them too, since it’s usually obvious that places such as shack will be trapped.
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I'd say trapper currently due to his absolute dependency on trapper bags and with every realm beyond and new map that is released his traps lose more and more good spots.
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people that put trickster weaker than trapper and legion... that is only true for new players or bad players. Legion and Trap daddy only get 4ks against teams that throw. Legion can at least counter hook diving and short loops. The other two cannot.
I put pig mostly because I hate her playstyle. and that she can see boxes, but I fully admit that played well she is better than the aforementioned killers. Clown on this list is kind of crazy to me. he is solid mid tier. not the best, but certainly not the worst, especially with chase potential.
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The Trickster has been very easy to face and beat, compared to other killers. So it's on him.
Trapper is outdated, but in the right hands he can be an absolute monster.
Myers - I don't know why he's considered one of the worst. He's the one I have the most trouble with. The Shape is heavily under-estimated.
Legion's frenzy can quickly turn the tide in a match.
Pig, when played correctly, can stretch out games and probably is amongst the strongest map managers, when she gets her traps underway.
Clown is a clever blocker.
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Legion is a incredibly good at one thing, injuring survivors, however he can't do anything else.
Injuring survivors only leads to snowballing but Legion doesn't have anything to help him snowball in the first place (his power only injures, it can not down)
Can he kill people? Absolutely, any killer can, but at the same time he is horrible at it, and can only drag games to a crawl like Freddy can.
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* With no addons
With addons, probably Legion or Trickster
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Order of these killers, from worst to best:
Trapper < Myers < Pig < Legion < Tricky < < < < < < < Clown because he is nowhere near the weakest killer in the game IMO.
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Either Myers or Trickster, but I will go with Myers because he is not only weak, but very outdated.
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Does this question need to be cast? Trapper is just so... weak. It's not fun to play him at this current time. Not at all...
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Definitely Trapper.
I don't understand how the devs haven't buffed him yet, actually I don't understand how they haven't buffed every killer on this list.
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Unfortunately, the weakest killer is my daddy Trapper at the moment 😥
The Trickster is quite bad too ... but since every Trickster game is played with both green addons combo (aka 'Steroid Trickster'), he is not so bad after all oOo
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Until Trapper can carry more than one trap at basekit, I can't place anyone below him.
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I'm assuming the survivors are playing well, which means they're all spreading out. Legions power becomes just short of useless in this situation and basically is just an M1 killer who stuns himself.
I'm also considering with add-on since that's the vast majority of games, and the other killers add-ons will at least help while spreading out just shut down legion regardless of add-ons.
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"I fully admit that played well she is better than the aforementioned killers"
So you are basically saying that Pig isn't the weakest, and that she has strengths that you personally dislike (like seeing boxes), and that some players who play her are bad ('cause they don't know how to).... and that's why you picked her in the poll about the weakest killer in the game? wut?
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As someone who used to main Trapper, seeing him like this is really upsetting. These graphic updated maps have genuinely gutted him in my opinion. It's really hard to get creative with trap placements these days because the grass sucks now. It wasn't so bad when the updated maps were the minority, but now most of the OG maps have been updated (for better or for worse). It's really hurt him and has simply served to highlight his many, many weaknesses. At this point, he needs much more then just 2 traps at base but... I don't have much faith that the Devs would actually give him a substantial buff.
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I think Legion is underratedly weak. I just think people refuse to acknowledge it, because his gameplay is unfun to play against.
But think about it. He has no map pressure. At best he can maybe get a free hit, and on some others (unless they are split up), and even then he has to walk super slow, with no abilities to help him in loops or pressure to put on maps as he attempts to get the second hit in. I dare even say you can win against legions by simply going from pallet to pallet, when he tries to get his second hit, and there's zero he can do about it.
A trapper can stop a loop entirely. A trapper can get you with a surprise. Trickster has range, and unless its a wall loop, he can hit you with his attacks, unlike legion, who just has to loop the same thing over and over. Pig has map pressure with her traps and a loop dash, plus stealth abilities. Clown can get end loops with his bottles if used right. Myers has some struggles, but at least he has an instadown and a really short terror radius.
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92 people have voted, but I'm the only one who upvoted... interesting.
Trapper is the worst because he's the only killer whose power is actually detrimental to him, relies simultaneously and extraordinarily on good RNG and survivor mistakes, and has a power that somehow doesn't synergize with itself. Plus, he's specifically countered by the current brainless meta perks and "strategies," despite needing to put in more mental effort than most killers on the roster, and the ones that do are both S tier.
He has to waste copious amounts of time at the start to run all the way around the map to collect traps despite being a territorial killer. His traps are extremely easy to see and generally have to be placed where they aren't hidden at all, and survivors can use Dead Hard to jump over them while Trapper himself just has to eat what is essentially a pallet stun but you're nuzzling the ground and nothing can reduce it's duration. In addition, if survivors know where his traps are, they can just disarm them without any issue or effort whatsoever unless Trapper has an Iridescent add-on. Even worse, disarming his traps don't deactivate DS, even though you are obviously and undeniably not being tunneled if you can spend ten seconds to disarm a bear trap. Plus, his power loses most of it's potency if survivors just decide not to heal. This isn't even mentioning how add on dependent he is.
If his hilariously ineffective bear traps weren't the only power he had, I would say Trickster, but Trickster has some utility beyond basement camping.
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I am sorry that confused you. Strength of killer is based on experience with the killer, game sense, etc. Since she is terrible to play, and people play her less, more often pigs are weaker than other killers when I face them. That is my perception, and why I stated it as such. Hopefully that helped you a bit.... but it sounds like you are more interested in trolling a different opinion. To say a killer is strong, people have to be good at them or want to play them. Twins is super strong, but players play like potatoes because they dont like playing them, so they have little exp. That is always how the eb and flow of dbd, if you play more, you get better and killers can appear stronger. I have played against many nurses that were easily beatable... but that does not detract from the fact that she is the strongest killer, able to counter pretty much anything survivors do, but nurse is not played as much as many other killers, because of skill cap and playstyle (per forums and feedback)
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I am not trolling, the first comment just didn't make much sense and it seemed like you simply named a killer that you dislike play against the most, rather than "the weakest killer". The thing is, when the conversation goes about solely killers (rather than specific players), it usually implies every single one of these killers is being played on the highest level possible. After all, it's "the weakest killer in the game", not "the killer, whom beginners play in the weakest possible way". Otherwise Nurse, who in the hands of beginners is just horribly bad, would be "#1 worst killer in the game" - she even has the lowest average kill count per game. But that's not the case, and there's no Nurse in the poll (and see, somewhy you count Nurse at her highest and others in poll like Trickster at at least mediocre level, but think of Pig only at her lowest).
That being said, although I agree that Pig even at the very best isn't higher than low-mid, she isn't objectively "the weakest" killer as she has numerous mechanics that might come in handy: stealth, antiloop dash (which can also be used for zoning) and a unique game delay mechanic, which is her reverse beartraps (that become extremely deadly and dangerous with certain addons, increasing her killing potential even more). With that in mind, it can be concluded that she's a pretty versatile killer with a lot going for her in the match, so I just fail to comprehend how can she be thought to be "the weakest" by anyone, when there are likes of Trapper, Legion and Tier-I Myers.
In any case, although your choice of words in the first comment was very much contradictory (like you first said that Pig is weakest and chose her in poll, but in the very same comment stated that, no, she's actually stronger than at least Trapper and Legion, whe she's played well), I can respect another person's opinion and agree to disagree on that.