Solo Queue Survivor Skill Based MM Feedback

Just wanting to start compiling my feedback on the match making. I will update this as I go.

I have played 5 matches so far as a solo survivor. I am not going to list ranks as with the system it shouldn't matter, though I will say there were a couple brown rank survivors in my games that were very clearly not brown rank in skill.

Game 1 - Pig. Very good survivor group. Pig couldn't down anyone and ended up disconnecting with 3 gens left.

Game 2 - Death Slinger. He 4k'd us with ease. He proxy camped and hard tunneled the first survivor out. Then seemed to play with his food the rest of the game. I got the only gen done.

Game 3 - Trapper. He 4k'd us with 2 gens left. One other survivor seemed decent. Other 2 were stepping in traps in the open when not being chased.

Game 4 - Pig. Didn't get a hook until end game. All 4 escape. Pig must be S tier, since they are getting strong survivor teams.

Game 5 - Hag. 4k'd us with 2 gens left. She had 5 hook states before the first gen got done. I did 2 of the 3 gens. One other survivor wasn't too bad. Other 2 seemed like they didn't know how to play against a hag. It was the game map so you could clearly see the traps. At first they would run to the hook without crouching. Then after I crouched across a trap to unhook and pick up a slug that were right next to each other, they finally started crouching. Except they would start crouching half way across the map.


  • Red_Beard
    Red_Beard Member Posts: 550

    Game 6 - Wraith. 4k with 1 gen left. Team wasn't bad, but 1 survivor wouldn't take any hook states to help spread them out. They ended up getting 1 hooked when it was down to 2 survivors.

    Game 7 - Ghost Face. Only got 2 hooks and disconnected after we got the gate open. Very good group. Survivors knew how to stay on gens, when to take protection hits and when not to. I want to mention ranks on this one to show how far off the killer to survivor skill match was. 3 rank 1's and 1 rank 2 for survivors. Killer was rank 15 and didn't even have a full tier 3 perk build. This wasn't just a bad game, they were definitely not at the same skill as the survivor team.

    Game 8 - Spirit. 4k with 2 gens left. For the most part, decent survivors. They focused healing a little too much in my opinion as the killer had sloppy. One of the survivors decided to go afk after their 2nd hook and got slugged.. Of course I didn't know that until I went in to pick them up from dying and the spirit phased to us, ignored the afk and went after me. I think that may have happened to the other 2 as well.

    Game 9 - Nurse. 3k. 1 other decent survivor, 1 one that needs to just learn a little more and 1 that must have thought they were a survivor god but weren't. Killer has corrupt so I go find a gen that isn't blocked. Someone gets hit and runs killer towards me. I take aggro. I figure I should waste their time by a blocked gen so I run them to the closest one with a jungle gym. The survivor god is there waiting out corrupt. I take a hit and start running to the next gym. The survivor god decides she is going to body block for me but only ends up getting in my way and I go down. Nurse slugs and survivor god takes a hit but manages to evade enough for killer to pick me up. They run over to me as I'm getting picked up and follow to the hook. Nurse hooks and starts chasing survivor god away. Inexperienced survivor unhooks me and follows me to gen and insists on healing me, killer has sloppy. I hide around the corner and let him try to heal. Killer hooks survivor god so I reposition after a few seconds incase of bbq but other still wants to heal. Killer comes over and is directly on us because of Nurses. I run off, other goes down. Survivor god gets unhooked and I run in to save the inexperienced survivor. We run to the gen and I start working on it but he teabags me for 5 seconds to get me to heal. I ignore and he finally helps finish gen. I hear terror radius and start to run because of Nurses but other still follows to try and heal. We both go down. Survivor god comes in for save and gets 2 shot in 10 seconds and disconnects with 1 gen left and only on second hook. The inexperienced survivor kills themselves even though the other survivor was 10 meters from saving them. I get unhooked. We get last gen done. I get gate opened and other survivor gets downed 5 meters from exit. I get forced out, other 1 gets 1 hooked. SMH.

    Game 10 - Cannibal. 1k. He did decent, at least 8 hooks. Survivors group was good, trying to push gens and only heal when we had 2 to heal and would then back out. Killer got 'BHVRd'. He had his chainsaw charged and was on me as I got to a down pallet. I hit the space to vault but it stopped me from vaulting and killer chainsawed pallet even though I was still between him and the pallet. I distract him long enough for the other three to get to a door and open it. I think if he downs me instead of it forcing the pallet break, he gets another kill.

  • Akito
    Akito Member Posts: 673


    nothing has changed yet?

  • Red_Beard
    Red_Beard Member Posts: 550

    I'm still doing some games so will most likely post one more set, but it feels worse to me. I haven't really kept any stats before on survivor, but with my MMR games so far it feels like it is to one extreme or the other. With rank based, there are definitely some unbalanced games, but usually there are some fairly matched games in between. Just looking at my games is a low sample set though so I am interested to see what others' experiences are.

  • Red_Beard
    Red_Beard Member Posts: 550

    @akito See above. I forgot to tag you in it.

  • Red_Beard
    Red_Beard Member Posts: 550

    Game 11 - Wraith. 1k. Should have been a 4 escape but I made a wrong guess about blood warden which got me hooked and someone else killed after they unhooked me. Killer seemed decent. It just didn't go their way.

    Game 12 - Spirit. 3k with 4 gens left. She destroyed us. The only reason I got hatch was because I brought an offering (doing a hatch escape challenge) so I knew where it would be and the last survivor to die decided to kill themselves on hook.

    Game 13 - Hag. 0k. Not a great 3 gen but close enough that tinkerer with traps slowed us down a bit, but we pulled it out. Killer was console so no scroll wheel. They did teleport a bit late though so they should have been spamming the action key a little more. Not sure if it was the server or killer's ping, but I got hit THROUGH pallets, hit when 3 steps on other side of windows and actually was completely on other side of pallet after vault and the game said "nope" and gave her a grab, teleporting me backwards over the pallet and onto her shoulder.

    Game 14 - Nurse. 0k. Console nurse. Had trouble in chase against all of the survivors. 2 hooks only by the time there was 1 gen left and disconnected after a long chase with one of the others.

    Game 15 - Nurse. 1k. Ruin went down in under a minute. Survivors were smart. We focused the middle gens first and at the end we had a gen in 3 different corners of Suffocation Pit. 6 hooks only.

    My thoughts.

    I do feel that the survivor teammates I have been getting with MMR on are better on average than what I get with rank based match making, which is nice. However, when it came to matching skill between the survivor team and the killer, the majority of the games felt lopsided one way or the other. As I mentioned above, with rank based, there were definitely lopsided matches at times, but it seemed like there were more in between games that felt closer, and more fun.

  • Trickstaaaaa
    Trickstaaaaa Member Posts: 1,288

    How can play this many matches in one day XDD. I get burned out with 5 matches. But yeah overall for survivors I did get parried up on average with more competent survivors, than without MMR.

  • Red_Beard
    Red_Beard Member Posts: 550

    I have the day off and the gf is out of town. Only thing on my schedule is DBD, feed cats and water yard, though I’m sure I could push off feeding the cats till tomorrow ;).

  • JediWithASniper
    JediWithASniper Member Posts: 672

    I think I might have been the spirit you played in game 8. I was trying to get a daily with spirit, and phased back to a player who got the hook save on an afk. I rebooked the afk, and that’s when the game turned around. I thought I was going to lose that one until that moment.

  • Red_Beard
    Red_Beard Member Posts: 550

    I don't remember the killer name. It definitely wasn't JediWithASniper if that is what you use in game. There were 2 TTV survivors. It was one of them that went afk.