Don't drop us over and over if we don't want to play.

If I'm on the ground holding sprint because I want to bleed out, don't come trotting over to my rescue hoping to heal me to do gens.
And as a killer, don't go having your heart grow in size after seeing I haven't been picked up, so now you feel bad and decide you're gonna drop me over an over again to make me keep playing.
You wanting to be "nice" is not going to get me to keep playing a match that I no longer care about.
You sound like a great teammate
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maybe don’t join a game if you don’t wanna play? Slugging is a normal part of this game..
if they actually force you to farm with them you can record it and report them for it accordingly. But if this keeps happening i am not sure if this is actually the case, at least i am not experiencing farming often at all.
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Look at the big cheese over here
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Gee, what gave that away?
Maybe the fact I prefer killer and prefer killing survivors and their teammates?
But killers don't get a lot of rift challenges so here we are.
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Maybe have the devs not force people to play a side they don't want to because they barely give us any rift challenges.
I want to play, but at the end of the day everyone gets away while I'm camped on hook
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No one forces you to play something you don’t want to play. Don’t be ridiculous.
if the camping is your problem, maybe adjust your playstyle. Play more immersed (while still progressing the objectives), use for example Spine Chill, Urban Evasion etc to not get caught in the first place. Or perks that help you evade a chase (Dance with me, Quick and Quite etc).
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The camping isn't the main problem.
I WANT to learn, I want to play survivor more. But when me trying to help my team only gets me killed, or progressing our objective gets me left on the hook, why should I bother about staying in a game that hasn't even ended.
And I run builds that help me from being seen, builds that let me keep tabs on where the killer is, etc. And I STILL get handed the short end of the stick (If having the stick handed to me at all).
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"Only doing killer challenges" Really? When I'm here done with all the killer challenges and didn't even make it to level 40 on the rift. You obviously play more so don't go saying you're almost at 70 JUST from the killer challenges, because that just isn't possible.
And yes it's doable without doing challenges, but it takes much, MUCH longer.
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Then you won't learn how to play the game if you're gunna pull that stunt my guy,
If you want to get better. Play Hard Matches,
It's a very Hard sounding of "Git Gud" As much as it's a ######### thing to hear / say. This is 100% true.
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I didn't know I was gonna be meeting a celebrity today
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This is exactly what causes the toxicity in the game/forums
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Yes, play hard matches, as if that wasn't all I've been dealing with since they turned on SBM. And yeah, you can learn from those matches, if you actually get the chance to even play them.