MMR at it's finest.

I haven't played a killer match in quite some time. I'm also a casual player so my time in the game isn't that high. Four gens were completed without me being able to get a single hook, so I'm not ashamed to say that I disconnected. If this is what I can expect from the MMR, then I think I'm done playing killer.
Tbh you have a pretty good loadout, no wonder that the mmr system may que you with better ppl. I have a feeling that only playtime doesnt count for the matchmaking.
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Well the killer had to have been playing for a while and got rank resetted, or he's been saving bloodpoints playing survivor because he has 4 teachable perks all level 3 at rank 17.
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How many games did you win before this game?
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Yeah I mostly play survivor since I prefer playing with my friends. Most of the teachables that I've acquired have been obtained through the shrine since I don't play killer very often. I've always liked Wraith, and I had a daily to complete with him so I added what I had. Little good it did me though. But it's good to know that I'm not the only one experiencing this.
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One, and that was a week ago. I average maybe one or two killer games a week. I mostly play survivor because I like to unwind at the end of the day with my friends.
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EZ explanation, you beat everyone till you got rank 17, those victories made your MMR on Wraith go high cause you won and probably did really well. The ranks no longer matter with MMR wich is why it's a failed system. Winning at low skill levels will project your MMR to face people who you obviously won't be ready for. IT'S A FAILED SYSTEM.
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You're definitely not wrong when you say that it's a failed system. I am certainly not a highly skilled killer lol. Even when I did play a lot of killer, I never got any higher than rank 10. I've also been watching a lot of streamers that have been experiencing the same thing. Tru had a match where all the survivors were red rank and the killer was 15, it was ridiculous.
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This Matchmaking looks more fair than the "old" Matchmaking were Ranks are used.
You play a quite strong Killer with 4 Perks, all teachable from other Killers and run two very strong Add Ons (All Seeing and Swift Hunt). It would be less fair to pair you against Rank 17-Survivors who are actually new to the game.
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1,447 posts and you have 4 teachables on killer? wait .... are yo trying to claim that you are a new player? and new to killer? to say that mmr system is bad or ?
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In theory, the mmr has been being determined in the background for months and the rating doesn't decay. So, you might've just happened to have a good score and you got matched accordingly. In theory.
By the looks of it, you were going in hard and certainly your rank is not reflective of your actual standing. So, whether or not the matchmaking worked by design or by accident, this match in itself looks fair on the surface.
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Assuming someone runs the same build for all matches that isn't enough for the game to say oh this is a strong build ok you face the best survivors. That's wrong. It's not taking into account individual player skill. Imagine if you ran nothing and still won? Then who are you facing? I run a worse build than the one from Post and faced incredibly strong players, just 2 of the ones i faced had 7k hours just those 2 alone... If my build, on the same killer, is worse than why am i facing those people aswell?
Keep in my mind i have 51 hours on PC, i'm a console player. So it's not the builds, it's not the playtime, it's how you do in the matches you had. More specifically kills vs escapes, and for each individual killer. I climbed all the way to rank 1 on PC very easily because obviously i have experience with the game on console, not that much, about 270 hours on PS4/5, but i only have base game on PC, i have 2 DLC perks, Surge and Corrupt from Shrine. I didn't face people with base game like me, i faced SWF's constantly with Meta Perks. The system does not work well. I got matched with those people because i climbed to rank 1 fast, i won most matches on PC, getting lots of sacrifices. Yeah i was playing the majority of times against low skilled to semi decent players and i won and that catapulted my MMR for the test. I have so little on PC yet i was put against people with so much more. That isn't balanced, that proves the system is wrong in judging players, it's only counting kills vs escapes, since i have alot of kills with Wraith on PC i had high MMR on PC.
You can go ahead and say i'm mediocre killer and i only faced mediocre survivors aswell and can't handle SWF's or good survivors and that's fine, i know i don't, facing SWF's and sweating isn't something i want either way, i really don't play that much Dbd as evidenced by the hours i have on it but that doesn't excuse the fact that the system didn't take any of that into account in MMR.
Conclusion as long as you win your MMR will go up till you face something you can't win. Doesn't matter if you killed noobs or "pros" it matters you killed...That's just really bad. And since every killer has individual MMR then you're constantly changing your killer MMR, you will never have a consistant skill level in your matches. MMR solves nothing aside from Survivor's wich again is all BHVR does, they give and give and give to Survivors.