Why is there a need for a super-stringent MMR system?

I get that there's a need for improved matchmaking over what we currently have, but having played matches where all 4 survivors are extremely capable and work on gens as fast as possible, it's just not fun for like 90% of the killers in the game. There's a reason why there's only 2-4 relevant killers in competitive DBD: because the rest just cannot end chases or control the huge maps in this game well enough to be relevant against good survivors.

I played a match earlier today with Myers against 4 survivors working on generators efficiently and running tiles with some intelligence, and despite downing survivors very efficiently with decent perks I just simply couldn't keep up with gen speeds on a map as big as the Asylum. I try to be honest with things I could do better after a loss, but considering that I never once got looped for any amount of time I just don't know what I could do better. I ended the game with like 7 hooks and 1 kill, which would be fine if there were things I could have done better... but in this case it basically felt like if I wanted to get any more hooks or kills I would have needed to play like an ass and start slugging, tunneling, or camping.

In short, implementing strict MMR in a game as wildly unbalanced as DBD just doesn't make sense, even if it works perfectly. When survivor teams are guaranteed to be stacked above a certain MMR, it reveals just how little agency most killers in this game actually have without playing like a dick.


  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425

    "it reveals just how little agency most killers in this game"

    This is why I want it to stay. Maybe they'll actually do something about it if it shows strong enough. Until then I'm mostly playing survivor.