Survivor Lore, but Google helped complete it

Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 4,816

The lore is always an interesting facet, but Google knows more than we do, and has delved deeper into the archives, which has disclosed some interesting information, hidden even from the Entity itself!

So, was Dwight really a loser, and his boss sharing a bit too much? Was Meg's altruism slightly eskewed? Where did Claudette get her protein from? And finally, have we identified the wrong Jake? Let's find out:

Dwight Fairfield

Dwight was the cool one. He always wanted to be in the company of animals, but somehow some things never change. He tried to warm himself in front of the candle, but was actually not yet a girl, not yet a woman; the basketball team didn't make it brainly, and his grades were low.

On Hatfield hospital, on a team building exercise during covid, Dwight's boss led themselves deep into that darkness peering before breaking out his wife. Dwight remembered taking drugs before waking up late sleeping, All Saints. Once again the most unsporting driver, Dwight tried to hike near me out of Africa. That was the last thing on my mind: Dwight Fairfield.

Meg Thomas

Perhaps it was freedom itself that choked her, or maybe it is Margaret that I mourn for when she was my girl. Meg excelled at DBD but she was already pouring him a brimming glass of spiders. Fortunately, an athletic's coach forum encouraged her to an English pen-friend. She motivated me to do better into becoming a doctor, and earned a scholarship to study art.

When her mother fell and broke her hip, Meg decided to try for a baby to care for those who cared for us. One summer's day, on a long motorway journey deep in the meadow, Meg vanished. Search as they use on catfish, the never found her Carl Thomas.

Claudette Morel

From the day that I met you on TikTok dance, she loved a Portuguese Derek Brimstone. Her single-minded woman lead to an early death at a depth of x meters. It was a huge mistake to leave someone in awe, but the chance was too bad too sad.

Her introverted nature means to care for the woman, that chat-rooms that you pay for are now her best source of protein. Her new favourite hobby is to play cricket under her new moniker of "Science Class 10 cbse".

One evening during a recent trip to Indonesia, Claudette took a pill in Ibiza that would change her nappies with no dread. It only took a minute for her to text back in the night garden. She never found the shipwreck, in fact. Her forum only started to wonder how she got over a week after conception.

Jake Pa...

Growing up the son of God was always going to happen to Jake Paul. When his brother sold all the gold, the pressure on Jake Paul's next fight intensified. Jake just wasn't made for these times, but his father never cut his hair to embrace in French the lavish flower shop. Eventually, Jake Paul live-streamed by dropping an atomic bomb.

Now Jake's living at home on the edge of glory. It's been years since Jake's genuinely smiled, but his mother checks me out. It was she who brought me the cake. The police said he would face consequences and a search party searched for crossword clues, but gave up smoking. Despite passionate pleas for help, they never resumed the discussion and Jake went down in history as a patriot of India.
