Red ranks are a bunch of DCers

YokaiPhaseshift Member Posts: 99
edited June 2021 in General Discussions

(I'm half joking)

They DC like it's their effing job.

Has several DCs tonight, both as survivor and killer. All of them were red ranks.

Spirit tricked a survivor at a pallet and grabbed her. She DC'd instantly. We were less than 2 minutes into the match.

Had two survivors DC less than TEN SECONDS into a survivor match. Apparently they didn't like the killer we got. Or the map. Or both.

It's like if the stars don't align to be a perfect game for them, they just quit.

Get over it.

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on


  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,160

    Tonight I had a red rank killer DC at start of game, it felt like maybe 20 seconds in. I stood behind wall as they came over near me long enough to give me 55 boldness BP, two teammates I don't think had done anything yet because their score was just the 5000 for escaping... I'm guessing the teammate with 7k something BP running bnp hit 70% mark in that short amount of time setting off the killers Tinkerer so the killer DC'd before gen could pop. 😂

  • Ink_Eyes
    Ink_Eyes Member Posts: 561

    I Agree, it's sad that most people don't , I actually made a post here asking for harder punishments for people who dc but most people here hated the idea and gave the selfish response of ''I play how I want'' or ''I dc if I want'' I wish more red ranks had this mentality instead of just giving up so fast (and this comes form a red rank 1 killer and survivor) but I never rage quit, I always try to do my best and help other people.

  • justbecause
    justbecause Member Posts: 1,521

    Was the pallet grab at red forest?

  • MMRSweatQTimeGunBLUL
    MMRSweatQTimeGunBLUL Member Posts: 36

    they're just worn out, and probably have a good understanding of the situations they can't handle well or won't have a good time in. this is what it will be like on a larger scale once everybody settles into elohell after permammr lol. unless they let everybody ban each other, in which case within ayear the game would become a ghost town and potential new players would be driven off both by word of mouth and bad reviews from all those autobanned in droves lul. I can't wait to see the threads a few months into mmr. They are all so predictable if they haven't dealt with swf and then made the game more fun for solos by then. Since solos will either quit, get banned, or form even moar swf themselves which will impact botht he way killers remaining play and will drive some into quitting or frequently idling lmfao. This is gonna be good. So good I can taste it already. The past two days were nothing.

  • Gaffy
    Gaffy Member Posts: 222

    What do you mean I don't want to play against stridor spirit for 3/5 games? God I must be so entitled.

  • Nyx32
    Nyx32 Member Posts: 130

    The only time I remember DCing is when I was already pissed off and got directly facecamped, this game sometimes feels like you need to DC but a lot of red rank survivors and even killers are really sad and can't handle losing

  • Mekochi
    Mekochi Member Posts: 942

    I really wanted to DC in a match the other day but held my ground, but I understand what you mean.

    In my case two of my teammates were playing super altruistic, and then one was just bad at running the Bubba. So because I didn't wanna be by myself on gens, I started getting my teammates unhooked (so they don't go to second phase on first as well) only for myself to get hooked. Waited a bit, they all healed, then they swarmed hook got me, Bubba swung chainsaw and they got hooked, again. So I was getting to the point I wanted to D/C cuz of the amount of altruism.

    I am glad I didn't cuz I got out (everyone was dead and hatch was closed, also I knocked out two and a half gens by myself). It was close though, Bubba found me at exit gate and started revving his chainsaw, but in my luck it opened as he arrived and I got out.

    The Bubba played well and I wanted to give a GG but he wasn't on Xbox.

  • YokaiPhaseshift
    YokaiPhaseshift Member Posts: 99

    Like I said, I fluxuate between green and purple ranks. Also I've never used stridor, so if your comment was pointed in any way it failed.

  • YokaiPhaseshift
    YokaiPhaseshift Member Posts: 99

    I'll give you credit, I always want to DC against Bubba's bc they all suck to play against. Especially with teammates playing super altruistic.

  • YokaiPhaseshift
    YokaiPhaseshift Member Posts: 99

    That I don't know for sure. They were wearing one of the colored wigs and jackets, I think. There's a few characters with cosmetics like that, so I'm not super sure who it was.

    Why, was it you? Bc that would be kind of funny, honestly. I'm not actually mad, though I was bummed out bc I was trying to complete a "hook the obsession challenge" and they/you dc'ed before I could even get one.

  • justbecause
    justbecause Member Posts: 1,521

    Oh that wasn't me I thought it could be because just that day when thread was wrote I went in red forest against spirit with McDonald's internet and she grabbed me from others side of pallet I was already on other side and I got pulled back and I was so stunned by what happened and dc'd lmao because I was mad but it wasn't you lol

  • CornHub
    CornHub Member Posts: 1,864

    Can't handle a microgram of a challenge so you justify DCing. An opinion so bad it's hilarious

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092

    Yeah. IDk first one to go down dc get hooked in the basement dc. going against spirit dc

  • randonly
    randonly Member Posts: 456

    it's a cliché, but everyone plays as they want. If it were really a balanced game, these things would happen much less often.

  • Gaffy
    Gaffy Member Posts: 222

    No I just don't like to have zero information or choices when the killer is using their power that would help me to survive. The fact that you made this big of a deal of it in the first place tell me everything I need to know about you honestly.

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    The worst teammates I have are always red and purple ranks. This doesn't surprise me at all.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    We have very different experiences. I haven't seen someone DC in months.

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    I get dc's here and there when I play killer and down someone in the first 30 seconds of a match. Not all the time but sometimes. I've only DC'd once in the past year and it was against a Spirit who 3k'd the entire team and then chased me, couldn't find me (lost them) then finally caught me while trying to rescue someone before proceeding to stand over my body until I was about to bleed out while nodding the entire time as if she was somehow skilled. This is Rank 1, by the way. She also had NOED, Stridor, Rancor and POP. I just wasn't going to deal with it.

  • OtakaChan
    OtakaChan Member Posts: 181

    Its not just dcing, they literally run into you with the killer to save their own asses. Sandbagging is a sport in solo queue. I kill myself on hook for that because I'm not gonna be dragged to save a another person's ass because they don't want to take their hooks.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    That IS pretty entitled though. You DC because you don't enjoy playing against a certain killer-perk combination when you have the option to just stick it out and not complain. A stridor Spirit is not fun to go against in the slightest I agree, but it's no reason to DC and screw over teammates because you don't like it.

  • YokaiPhaseshift
    YokaiPhaseshift Member Posts: 99

    That is super annoying, I'll agree with you. I hate just getting stuck there waiting out the bleed timer. Had a similar thing with a killer yesterday who chased me for at least 3 minutes, whiffing his attacks a bunch of times before finally catching me, then proceeded to sit there nodding and attacking me repeatedly on the hook. Didn't DC but I could at least kill myself pretty quick since he did hook me.

  • MrsGhostface
    MrsGhostface Member Posts: 987

    Cant for people to stay in a game they don’t want to be in. Some people are sick of the sweats.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    This is what happens when a bunch of people don't play hard and let people farm and rank up even when they don't deserve to - thus setting up a system where red rank is just a matter of time.

    Think about that next time somebody lets you farm...