Stress reduction 4 killer mains(mostly new)
Whatever makes you happy as long as you aren't trolling killers 🤗
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Personally I think the best tip is to try your best not to care about the end result of the game, just the adventure through it. Kills and stopping gens aren't usually my goal as much as trying to play to the best of my ability. Landing as many shots as I can on Huntress, blinking as accurately as I can as Nurse, drifting as well as I can on Blight, etc.
If I feel like I played decently and had a chance, usually that's enough for me to have fun. Also making up little side objectives, like targeting a certain survivor that's extra cocky or something. Just don't get too distracted with trying to "win." DbD has no ultimate set "win condition."
That's mostly my tip: it's all about the journey, not the destination. Work on things during the moment, and good results will come.
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Sound do you have a killer main?😊
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I disagree with #1
Don't dodge ANYTHING. If you aren't in the mood to handle the worst this game dishes out, don't even log in to begin with.
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Not particularly. I have a couple I gravitate toward, usually because I like their aesthetic or something (Doc and Blight are some of my favorites) but other than that, I tend to just play whatever I'm feelin' at the moment. Some characters I tend to avoid due to either not liking to abuse OP things (like Spirit or Nurse), or they just have some BS I don't like (Ghostface is a character I wanna like but I hate his detection mechanics.)
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That just warrants a killer to be "toxic"(tunneling and camping in the case of a key)..if that were true lobby dodges would not even be integrated in the game. To each there own but I am trying to not discourage new killers to quit and help survivor lobbies😂
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Yeah I usually play doc wraith and trapper myself. Outsmarting survivors with trapper is one of the best feelings in dbd😎. If I feel like I ez mode I switch to hag and blight🤣.
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Why do killers dislike multiple copies of the same survivor? I don't ask as a criticism, but as an honest question. Sure, it's confusing, but I figure that the goal is to go after everybody regardless so I'm curious to know why it stands out as a problem.
As a survivor main I agree with this. I might (totally do) hate being facecamped but I also hate people telling me that I shouldn't play "immersively" because it makes the game boring for them. I don't take any joy from making the game boring for anyone else but I paid to play this game how I like and as long as I'm not breaking any rules that's my prerogative, as it should be everyone else's. I'll sneak in the shadows and enjoy indoor maps all I want. :P
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Survivors that play the same character with the same costume is almost guaranteed to be a sweaty bullying team...sadly I speak from if I see even 2 of them do that I think nah and look for another game🤣
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Hmm. That's interesting. I never thought of it that way. There have been times when I had a lobby that was comprised of three (true randoms) who happened to pick the same character, and I'll usually pick the same character as well just to have a laugh. I think I'll stop doing that now, lol.
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Play a killer who you enjoy playing/has a fun power.
Don't play a killer just because you were told he/she is stronger than your favourite.
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It is just a precaution 🤣 if they change during the lobby then yeah it is probably a calm team but when you come into a lobby and see 3 p3 claudettes waiting with items when you question if it is worth it😅
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Great eventually get experience with the killer you play and it is worth it to be invested in the killer you choose😊
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That's understandable.
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I stopped trying to use the best builds, prestiged trapper (I haven't prestiged any of them yet) and just use what pops up as I level him.
Stopped caring about winning, just enjoying the random moments of fun in chases till it's over.
Plus, I get to out together weird perk combos I normally would never go for.
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So any fun meme builds you want to share😁
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I have been playing trapper with bbq, oppression, tremors, and surge. Has been fun :)
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Nice that sounds like a good hexes to worry about and you have your gen reduction...might have to steal that one🤔😁