Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Ideas for new features to Dead By Daylight

Ideas for new features to Dead By Daylight

This is a compiled list of concepts that I think would fit into Dead By Daylight. Remember that these are just concepts. Some balance and tweaks would undoubtedly be needed if they ever went live.

New objectives:

Alot of these will just be re-skins, because I know that’s doable to accomplish. Since we’ve seen it with gates and what not. These objectives would likely be exclusive to new maps.

1. Turning valves instead of gens:

A new objective for survivors where you have to turn valves, to maximise the pressure to open the gates. Multiple pipes will be present, and together with others you will turn these valves to the correct temperature. It is possible to do new minigames with this as well. Perhaps one where you gotta spin the valve using your keys on your keyboard, and for controllers using the analog stick. Failing these types of skill checks, will make the pressure go high, making the valves do a loud toot.

2. Collect fuel for generators:

This wouldn’t exactly change a bunch, but this could be an ideal way to maybe make survivors busy with other things and scatter around more to find fuel cans for every generator to load up with an animation and pouring countdown. This would likely require the map to have 4 generators or so, to make up for all the time wasted with finding fuel cans to every generator and to load it in.

New escape ways:

I would really like new ways to escape, so this would tie into the new objectives a bit.

1. By bus: First escape method would be two big buses. Together with other players you finish the generators normally, except this time there’s only 4 generators. Throughout the match you will collect parts scattered around the map for the bus and a fuse that needs to be installed. Once all parts have been found for both buses, and all generators have been completed, you gain the ability to start the bus with a small countdown. When this happens you can either decide to go onboard the bus or wait, because as it starts firing up it drives into the wall creating a massive gap you can walk out of and escape.

2. By Explosives:

While doing your normal objectives, there’ll be a secondary objective at work. Collecting parts for a bomb on the walls with wires connected to each generator. Once all generators are completed, and the bombs are done, you can start the countdown for a blast. Blowing the wall or gate to smithereens to create a gap to escape. Standing too close to the explosion will put survivors into the dying state and if it's the killer, the killer will be momentarily stunned and blinded. I will admit this one is a little silly.

The bomb placement has been chosen ahead of the game, so you can’t just pick a random spot of your choosing.


New Perk Functions:

A new introduction to perks I would like to see are ‘locked perk slots’.

Locked perk slots would function as perks tied to that character, that cannot be exchanged or used by other characters.

This function serves to introduce new types of perks that otherwise wouldn’t be possible. Like a perk where you can do something that would otherwise be considered too strong.

Like an example would be a survivor may have a tied perk slot, where they can crawl for stealth, and have this be a perk only tied to them. To balance it off, you could have a second perk slot locked with a negative effect. Say the survivor can stealth crawl, but as a negative perk effect they are super loud.

Or for killers, perhaps they could have another power fitting to their theme, but have it locked via a perk. Say a power that lets you block off a certain number of windows forever, and have a secondary perk slot that perhaps reveals their aura once every 1 minute. I know these aren’t the craziest examples of its use,

But this way, some survivors can become more than just skins, but more importantly, it creates the ability to have characters that otherwise would not make sense. Be it licensed or original. Say they wanted to make a survivor with the power of magic, unnatural powers, weaponry, transformations. How do you do this, without it being broken or looking weird on survivors? This is where having this really shines.

Killers would know beforehand that any character of this sort would have these perks before going in. Making it a bit less of a surprise when these perks will occur and creating more newer varied gameplay for the killer. Obviously will need to be balanced properly.

I see a lot of people propose a character but someone will say 'Nah, doesn't fit', 'nah, his -insert power- wouldn't be there or would be too strong', 'nah, he would be too brave to run from the killer'. With locked perks that come with a positive trait and negative trait-off these characters can finally be possible to do and not seem out of place. It would need a lot of fine tuning, but I'm a firm believer that this could work, and give the game a tad more of a fresh twist, as well as open up new possibilities for perks that would otherwise not have been possible.


New cosmetic themes:

Occupation outfits: We have received a few of these, but there’s a lot more characters where I wish I was informed of their career/sports/hobby before ending up in the entity's realm. It just helps a lot for roleplay, character lore and what not.

Halloween outfits: Superheroes, unicorns, steel armor, you name it. I’m surprised this hasn't already been done.

Goth/Emo/Punk/Rebel/Scene outfits: I’m sure there’s other fellow people who would want more themes like this to represent them. We got very little, but I'm sure many of us would want more.

Outfits from different eras: Medieval, futuristic or something from the 1900’s. I see some old outfits, but not a lot, and I haven’t seen anything ‘futuristic’ yet. Doesn’t have to be robot arms or something of that sort.

Ragged clothing of the default outfits: They have been there for a while. I doubt they would look so good anymore, so I would love to see a ragged, torn, bloody, falling apart type of survivors' usual clothing. Even for killers. It could be an amazing theme for an event.

Gender bender skin: This would obviously be legendary, and would be quite hard to do on killers, but it would basically have the same version of a survivor, but the opposite gender of it. Maybe a bit tricky to do. My friend proposed this idea, and I thought it was interesting.

References and easter egg outfits: Whether it would be Elvis stage outfit, that famous matrix coat or the yellow jumpsuit from kill bill. I know people love their references in games. Make them subtle, and people would still be quick to notice and it's fun to see.


New ways to sacrifice:

This is something I really want, because I'm getting a little tired of the hook animation. Some of these will likely need to be fitted into new maps to work, as they may take up space.

1. Electric chair:

I think one game already does this, and honestly it just seems kinda cool. Loaded into a chair as it starts firing up more and more. Perhaps as it's slowly frying your brain, you can fend off the entity using your legs till another survivor arrives and gets you. If they don’t save you intime. You get your brain fried and the entity can grab you and pick you up.

2. Gallows:

The killer would hang a rope around the survivors neck. Perhaps with some sort of rope or chain for their hands. As the hook stages set in, the floor underneath the survivor will disappear, as they hold out to not lose their breath, before being taken away by the entity. Would require a quick animation somehow, but it would be very fitting for the deathslinger.

3. The rack:

An upright standing rack, slowly stretching the survivors by chains/ropes till they bleed out or get saved.

New game modes:

7v2 mode:

This one has been requested a lot before by various people. A mode with 7v2, and I know Behaviour has attempted this slightly with death garden. I think it would require a bit more than just a bigger map, because the way most killers would play is have one do pressure on gens and another go for killing. For a mode like this to work, I personally feel under the impression that it would require new objectives, where survivors are more spread out collecting different things to build their means to escape. Similar to some of my ideas of objectives, but perhaps the entire mode would be collecting parts and installing them in various places.

Thanks for reading these concepts. I'm especially proud of the locked perks idea personally. Don't know if its completely original, but its something I really wanted now and inspired me to make this.