Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

If you were a killer, what would your teachable perks be?

DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546

As requested by @NoTerrorRadius, I'm making another "what would your teachables be", this time for killers! (If you like, you can create perks based off of how you play and your minor frustrations with the game! An example is how I always get juked, so I made "Bounce Back".)

Here are mine:

Perk 1: Frustration

Your rage at your opponents is all consuming and does not allow you to give up. Each time you bloodlust, gain a token. In your next chase, a token is consumed and you will automatically initiate bloodlust tier 1/2/3 once the chase begins.

"Can you die please."-Me

Perk 2: Illusion

You have a knack of finding ways to bend the rules in your favor. After you injure a survivor, your red stain will appear behind you for 7/10/13 seconds.

"Get mindgamed!"-Me after performing an average mindgame

Perk 3: Bounce Back

When your opponents think they have you beat, you always surprise them. For 2/3/5 seconds after starting a chase, bloodlusting, or injuring a survivor, the cooldown for missed basic attacks is reduced by 60 percent.

"Weren't expecting that, were you?"


  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546

    Question. Does "and don't come back" uninstall the game for you or the survivor?

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited June 2021
  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546

    Good, it'd be pretty unfortunate if it were the other way around lmao

  • Nobsyde
    Nobsyde Member Posts: 1,288
    edited June 2021

    Urban Evasion Evasion

    You gain 1 token for every minute you are not in a chase.

    If a survivor crouches while in your terror radius you consume a token and scream "WHERE THE HELL IS THIS F$%@ING BLENDETTE", then rage quit.


    When the last generator is completed, for the next minute the first survivor you hit gets immediately teleported on a basement hook.

    Decisive Flashlight

    Once per game, if you get blinded while carrying a survivor you get a difficult skill check. If you succeed, you don't lose the survivor, and the flashlight that blinded you instantly explodes, exposing the owner for their next 10 games.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Is this what you wanted? - Every time you hook a survivor, gain 2 tokens. If a survivor was hooked twice in a row, gain no tokens. If a survivor dies, gain 1 token instead.

    8 tokens: Move 3/4/5% faster.

    12 tokens: Lunge range increased by 10/15/20%. Every time you hook a survivor, everyone is exposed for 45 seconds.

    16 tokens: unlock the ability to kill survivors by your own hand.

    Run - When you injure a survivor or put a survivor into the Deep Wounds state, all survivors within your Terror Radius are Exposed for 20/25/30 seconds.

    Don't Hide - Whenever a survivor is Exposed, exits a locker, finishes a generator, or slowly vaults a window, they are highlighted by Killer Instinct for 4 seconds. This effect has a cooldown of 60/50/40 seconds.

    Stillness Crows descend 50/75/100% faster.

  • CoalTower
    CoalTower Member Posts: 1,730

    I can only think of one:

    Nurse Main: Automatically win every single game you play, and find a way to relate every killers power to Spencer's Last Breath

  • Northener1907
    Northener1907 Member Posts: 3,012

    I would be worst killer in the game. Worse than Trickster.

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,818

    Learn from the Enemy: Gain 1/2/3 XP every time a survivor crouches within 10m of you.

    Working Sense of Touch: Whenever a survivor makes physical contact with the killer, the survivor is marked by Killer Instinct for 5/10/15 seconds.

    Snakes: Gain a token each time you hook a survivor, and then spend a token to put snakes in one of the lockers. Snakes make survivors scream and become incapacitated for 20/30/40 seconds.

  • Crolee
    Crolee Member Posts: 40

    Learn from your mistakes: Gain 1 Token every time you get stunned by a pallet

    spend 1 token when destroying a pallet

    each token increases your pallet destruction by 10%

    you can have a maximum of 6 Tokens

    no escape: when a survivor opens a gate, the entity blocks the other gate for 30 seconds

    Listener: when a survivor is using an item (excluding maps) you get to see their aura

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494


    Your taste for another’s suffering has manifested into something greater, a crazed emotion that can even bend the rules of the game.

    When the killer enters a chase, all generators not being repaired are blocked by the entity and highlighted white for 20/30/40 seconds. Sadistic has a 80/70/60 second cool down.

    “Oh, my! Are you trying to end my fun early? Who said you’re in control here?”

    Blind Fury

    When they fight back it invigorates you to punish them further, especially when they think they’ve won.

    After a survivor escapes chase with the killer, the killer gains a 20% haste effect and becomes undetectable for 30 seconds or until a survivor is injured.

    “You may have escaped this time, but you won’t expect what I’ll do next.

    Obsessive Tastes

    Sometimes, prey may catch your eye and after that it’s over for them.

    When a survivor performs an altruistic action on the obsession or the obsession is performs an altruistic action on another survivor, the location of all survivors are revealed to you for 6 seconds. Obsessive Tastes has a 100/80/60 second cool down.

    “I hope you enjoyed your break, I do love your whimpers after being hit again and again.”

    (An altruistic action refers to healing, mending, and unhooking)

  • Hex_Ignored
    Hex_Ignored Member Posts: 1,850
    edited June 2021

    Cheap trick:

    Why play by the rules when you can simply cheat?

    The first survivor you hook immediately loses 25/30/35% hook progression and is faced with a tremendously difficult skill check. Failing this skill check puts the survivor straight into struggle phase. Hook struggle skill check difficulty is increased to difficult

    Foul play:

    You never were one to play fair so why start now?

    Start the trial with 1 token. You can consume one token to break an upright pallet. If a survivor dies by any means, gain a token. You break pallets 5/10/15% faster.

    Hex: Deceit

    A hex rooting it's power in trickery.

    All hex totems look like dull totems to survivors and survivors do not receive the "cursed" notification. The aura of any survivor within 1/2/3 meters of an active hex totem is revealed to you.

  • Judgement
    Judgement Member Posts: 955
    edited June 2021

    Perk 1: Paranoia

    You don’t like being watched.

    When a Survivor looks at you directly, gain a directional detection pulse for 3 seconds.

    Once Paranoia triggers, it undergoes a 15-second cooldown.

    “Don’t look at me…”

    Perk 2: That’s Enough

    There is only so much you can take before snapping.

    After being stunned or blinded, gain a token. Upon receiving five tokens, That’s Enough activates. The next Survivor to perform a stun or blind will suffer from the Doomed (new, see comment footnote) status effect for 30 seconds.

    If the afflicted Survivor is not killed, That’s Enough resets to 0 tokens. That’s Enough deactivates permanently when any one Survivor has died, by any means. Disconnections do not count.

    “I’m better off inside a cell.”

    Perk 3: Overpowering

    You’re stronger than you realise.

    Overpowering starts off inactive, with four tokens. Upon landing any basic attack, Overpowering consumes a token and activates.

    When active, the next basic attack will immediately put a Survivor into the Dying State. A basic attack that downs a Survivor will not activate Overpowering.

    “And I hit him… harder than I knew I could. Too hard. He ever woke up again.”

    Directional Detection Pulse: The same as The Ghost Face’s indicator when being looked at by a Survivor. Not Killer Instinct, but the detection pulse.

    Doomed Status Effect: You’ve angered something and it wants you dead.

    The Doomed Status Effect possesses a similar icon to the Exposed Status Effect, but the colour scheme is flipped and the skull is split in two halves. The icon also pulses with a red vignette. The Survivor’s animations change to be more agitated and fearful.

    A Survivor in the Dying State afflicted with the Doomed Status Effect can be killed by the Killer’s hand.

    Doomed Status Effect is applied by;

    • Cypress, Ivory, Ebony Memento Mori offerings when the Survivor meets the conditions.
    • Hex: Devour Hope with five (5) tokens.
    • That’s Enough, when a Survivor triggers it.

    Post edited by Judgement on
  • Jacoby2041
    Jacoby2041 Member Posts: 843

    Hex: Ethereal Servant

    While this hex is active:

    • You cannot pick up or carry survivors (grabbed survivors will be automatically dropped)
    • Each survivor currently in the dying state will reduce your movement speed by 5%
    • Survivors that remain in the dying state for 16/15/14 seconds will be pulled into a portal and placed on the nearest hook by the Entity's tendrils

    All the hex's positive and negative effects are removed when the totem is cleansed

    "This world serves me just as much as I serve it"

    Infernal Contraption

    The first (and only the first) generator you perform the damage action on will be granted the following effects:

    • The generator is highlighted in yellow as long as it is above 0% progress
    • The first time the generator would otherwise be completed it will explode and lose 50/55/60% of its progress
    • After the explosion the perk is deactivated for the rest of the trial

    "You'll never fix that damned thing"

    Hex: Hero's Burden

    Each time a survivor performs any of the following actions, they gain a token:

    • Healing another survivor
    • Rescuing another survivor from a hook
    • Rescuing another survivor from the killer's grasp
    • Taking a protection hit for another survivor
    • Sabotaging near the killer causing them to drop a survivor

    Each token inflicts a 1% stacking Hindered effect on the survivor. Once the totem is cleansed, all survivors' tokens will degrade at a rate of 1 per 10/12/15 seconds

    "No good deed goes unpunished"

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266
    edited June 2021

    Bloody sketch

    Basic attack on a healthy survivor will gain a token. When having enough 10 tokens, gain ability to rebuild a single totem (if you pick a destroyed Hex, the Hex effect will revived). After that the perk disable.

    Chaotic palette

    Grant ability to kick One pre-drop pallet. 500sec cool down.

    Last stroke

    Hook each unique survivors grants a token. Maximum 2 tokens.

    Success hitting a survivor (injured or healthy) in Gate area consume a token, cause an instant down.

    Edit: Change Bloody sketch 15 to 10 tokens.

    Post edited by C3Tooth on
  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001


    If a survivor does not take a break every 30 seconds of running, their speed will go down by 5%/10%/15%.

    (Meaning they have to loop and walk every now and then)

    Hex : Your fault:

    If a survivor gets hooked all gens explode regressing by 5% 7% 10%.

    I'm done with this:

    If no chases start within 45/40/35s the nearest survivor will have their aura revealed for 5 seconds with a cooldown of 60 seconds.

    "Doesn't work for the last survivor on the trial"

  • NoTerrorRadius
    NoTerrorRadius Member Posts: 201
    edited June 2021

    Soul Stealer: basic attacks cause broken, mangled, and oblivious status for 20 seconds.

    " inevitable."

    Implacable: gain a token for each hooked survivor, up to 3 tokens. Each token increases movement and vault speed by 7%.


    Quiet Storm: while carrying a survivor, terror radius is 1m, walk 15% faster, wiggle escape takes 5 additional seconds.

    "Game over."

  • CheeseAnton
    CheeseAnton Member Posts: 882

    Perk 1: Rhythm Hell

    Despite being taken and forced to play an endless killing game you want no part of, that doesn't mean your love of music has to go.

    This perk reduces your hearing of everything reduced by 75% and allows you submit a YouTube link pre-trial to listen to (if you submit nothing, you get a DBD random DBD song).

    Grooving to music increases your movement speed by 2/2.5/3% and your action speeds are increased by 15/20/25%

    "...Beep, bee ba yeah bee bee ba ba (incoherent rambling)..." -CheeseAnton humming to himself

    Gonna be honest, I can't really think of anything else. I fit too well as a survivor.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Perk 1: Blind Focus

    When two or more Survivors are on a generator, Survivors become oblivious to all activity outside of a 16m radius.

    Perk 2: Straggler's Martyr

    While within 8m of a healthy Survivor, wounded Survivors can be afflicted with deep wounds and healthy survivors suffer from hindrance

    Perk 3: Death's Favor

    Upon a Survivor's death, the last totem to be cleaned is restored by the entity.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    Grind Be Gone

    As long as you've got 5/4/3 hooks, receive 1,000,000 BP at the end of the trial.

    "God I'm sick of this grind."


    When you start a chase with a survivor, see their aura for 2/3/4 seconds.



    When two gens are completed within 6/8/10 seconds of each other, all survivor auras are revealed to you for 6/8/10 seconds and survivors are exposed for 1 minute.