Should Trapper keep the current chase theme if he ever gets reworked?

Should Trapper keep the current "generic" theme or should he get a new one if he ever gets reworked?
What if he keeps the generic theme and everyone else gets their own theme?
Then it can be his theme.
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Probably. But I won't be surprised if they made one anyways.
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Honestly thought they were gonna keep the general chase themes for the 3 originals, then Hillbilly got his own..
I really hope Trapper keeps the OG chase themes, but he's probably gonna get his own at some point
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Nah he needs his own. He is the mascot after all and he has some potential for a unique theme
Since he’s a blacksmith they could use anvils as the percussion for his theme
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I hope so.
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We have like 6 (?) non-specific themes now. There are still quite a few killers that have alternating themes (even alternating within a single trial). I feel like, although similar, they could tie all 6 of those to specific killer in lieu of giving each their own themes.
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I think so, he's the poster boy and the first killer so I'd prefer if the original chase music is stays on him.
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I just want this to play every time someone steps into a trap:
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Yes current default theme should stick with him. But everyone else needs a new theme and chase.
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If anyone is gonna keep the og music... it's gonna be him. (but I do hope they tweek it a bit just to give it some unique flair to him)
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I think so. He's the most generically themed of the killers, and it'd be a real shame for the default chase music to disappear entirely.
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ok but...what if this
was pig's chase music?
or you know... heavilly inspired by it.
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Honestly, I thought the default chase themes should be for the original 3 killers. Then they gave Billy one, which I'm not really a fan of.
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I feel this one should be for Trapper:
This one for Wraith, you can feel the beat as clear as his foot step animation.
This one for Billy, you can hear the wood sawing sound
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Any chase theme that isn't "Here comes The Trapper" should be instantly rejected
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Here comes The Trapper...
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Trapper represents Dead by Daylight's original premise so the OG chase themes will fit him perfectly