congrats! you managed to make matchmaking worse

TheNerdyRockstar Member Posts: 66
edited June 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

So apparently the game is running on a "skill based matchmaking system now" but i get killed literally 9/10 games on first or second hook because teammates refuse to save me, if i ever do get saved i get immediately tunneled and since yall nerfed decisive strike into the ground my options are either "let them kill me before the timer runs out" or "dont use decisive strike because i need to heal or save someone else", basically i dont get a chance to play the game so the matchmaking system now thinks i suck and now im getting *SUCH BAD TEAMMATES IN LITERALLY EVERY SINGLE GAME*

seriously, i just played a game where i depipped because the killer focused everyone except for me because i was running him too well and my teammates wouldnt let me heal them so i got almost no points in evader or benevolence, and I died on my first hook cause by the time i got downed there was only one other person left and they were dead on hook and got downed within seconds of me getting hooked.

now pair that with the game claiming i dont have a connection and sending me to the click to start screen like 5 times tonight mid game and making me lose MORE pips, its honestly impossible for me to climb the ranks or even just play enough to show the matchmaking system "hey, im not actually bad at the game. i might not be amazing but im not bad"

like good lord if i didnt know any better id think yall were intentionally trying to make the game less and less balanced/playable with every update
