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Survivors taking losses because of killer's add-ons

strikerfreak12x Member Posts: 39
edited October 2018 in General Discussions
        I understand that add-ons and offerings are a normal aspect of the game and these particular kinds of offerings and add-ons aren't very common at all to run into. As a previous killer main, I can definitely say I've used my add-ons and offerings with little to no reguard how it effects the survivor's abilities to escape or even do enough to not receive a loss.
         However, I do believe it is unfair to have such a rushed circumstance where the only possible way of escape is never to be found by the killer or having the skill to run a killer for the duration of the game, bloodlust included and still not receive a win just because they're running mories or add-ons that apply the exposed status effect for pretty much the duration of the match. There's no amount of "getting good" that's going to beat that in 99% of cases if the killer is any good in terms of their skill and let's face it, I've learned that this game is indeed a team game against a large foe that should require a lot of skill to escape.
          I like that this game has that competitive aspect to it and I thoroughly enjoy it. The part that I don't enjoy, just like any other survivor, is when you receive a loss because a killer is running such a powerful add-on or offering that will literally shift the entire outcome of the match so far in the killers favor that as I said, your only way out is to be excellent at juking at an above average ability and running the killer for so long that they can't do anything to the other survivors with the huge possibility that you'll be caught eventually and not escape or even do enough to win, or have to hide for the duration of the game and very very carefully and strategically coordinate as a team to avoid the killer at all times which in both of those cases almost never happens unless the killer is terrible and you receive limited bloodpoints because you didn't get enough in boldness category because you spent the duration of the game hiding from the killer or didn't get very many bloodpoints in any category other than boldness because you spent almost the entire duration of the game running around with the killer. They already have a large amount of perks that shift the game greatly in their favor, but it is honestly unfair to expect the survivors to survive against mories and exposed effects for the duration of the game.
          The best course of action in my opinion is for the survivors to not receive a loss because they were unable to do much in the very difficult situation that almost always guarentees win for the killer and loss for almost every survivor if not every survivor. I also feel that if a survivor is indeed able to survive by opening the exit gates with one of these add-ons or offerings, they should be rewarded with bonus bloodpoints and should receive a win.
         I don't feel anything should be done to the killers as they did win the match just playing the game as it was intended and therefore they should receive the usual things they'd receive for killing all 4 survivors. I do hope you the community will stand and speak up on this to bring it to the attention of the developers and I thank you for reading and would love to receive feedback from other survivors on this topic.


  • HP150
    HP150 Member Posts: 455
    edited October 2018

    Friend. That is a GIANT wall of text. Try hitting the Return button to form paragraphs, no offense intended.

  • strikerfreak12x
    strikerfreak12x Member Posts: 39
    None taken lol
    I probably could've done better, but I've never really done that before and I wanted to be sure I was thorough in explaining where I'm coming from and even trying to reason.
  • SpaceCoconut
    SpaceCoconut Member Posts: 1,962
    edited October 2018

    @strikerfreak12x said:
            I understand that add-ons and offerings are a normal aspect of the game and these particular kinds of offerings and add-ons aren't very common at all to run into. As a previous killer main, I can definitely say I've used my add-ons and offerings with little to no reguard how it effects the survivor's abilities to escape or even do enough to not receive a loss.

    However, I do believe it is unfair to have such a rushed circumstance where the only possible way of escape is never to be found by the killer or having the skill to run a killer for the duration of the game, bloodlust included and still not receive a win just because they're running mories or add-ons that apply the exposed status effect for pretty much the duration of the match. There's no amount of "getting good" that's going to beat that in 99% of cases if the killer is any good in terms of their skill and let's face it.

    I've learned that this game is indeed a team game against a large foe that should require a lot of skill from either end to achieve victory. I like that it has that competitive aspect to it and I thoroughly enjoy it.

    The part that I don't enjoy, just like any other survivor, is when you receive a loss because a killer is running such a powerful add-on or offering that will literally shift the entire outcome of the match so far in the killers favor that as I said, your only way out is to be excellent at juking at an above average ability and running the killer for so long that they can't do anything to the other survivors with the huge possibility that you'll be caught eventually and not escape or even do enough to win, or have to hide for the duration of the game and very very carefully and strategically coordinate as a team to avoid the killer at all times.

    Which in both of those cases almost never happens unless the killer is terrible and you receive limited bloodpoints because you didn't get enough in boldness category because you spent the duration of the game hiding from the killer or didn't get very many bloodpoints in any category other than boldness because you spent almost the entire duration of the game running around with the killer.

    They already have a large amount of perks that shift the game greatly in their favor, but it is honestly unfair to expect the survivors to survive against mories and exposed effects for the duration of the game.

    So, the best course of action in my opinion is for the survivors to not receive a loss because they were unable to do enough in the very difficult situation that almost always guarentees win for the killer and loss for almost every survivor if not every survivor.

    I also feel that if a survivor is indeed able to survive by opening the exit gates with one of these add-ons or offerings, they should be rewarded with bonus bloodpoints and should receive a win. I don't feel anything should be done to the killers as they did win the match just playing the game as it was intended therefore they should receive the usual things they'd receive for killing all 4 survivors.

    I do hope you the community will stand and speak up on this to bring it to the attention of the developers and I thank you for reading and would love to receive feedback from other survivors on this topic.

  • Mikaxo
    Mikaxo Member Posts: 7
    I can't disagree more!

    It's known that Survivors are OP and you want Nerf killers ?
  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832

    get good

  • DeadByFlashlight
    DeadByFlashlight Member Posts: 1,642

    @Mikaxo said:
    I can't disagree more!

    It's known that Survivors are OP and you want Nerf killers ?

    Its one of those 1-post guys that starts "as a killer main"

  • Dehitay
    Dehitay Member Posts: 1,725

    @strikerfreak12x said:
    There's no amount of "getting good" that's going to beat that

    Marth88's experiment sure as hell seems to imply otherwise

  • GrannyonAcid
    GrannyonAcid Member Posts: 476

    Killer add-on's probably should be just taken out of the game. I've always played killer and have never run add-ons while doing so. I think they're absolutely busted and refuse to use them. I also play a good amount of survivor and hate facing killers with add-on's. Sure you can beat them. But most of them take the fun out of the game.

  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832

    Killer add-on's probably should be just taken out of the game. I've always played killer and have never run add-ons while doing so. I think they're absolutely busted and refuse to use them. I also play a good amount of survivor and hate facing killers with add-on's. Sure you can beat them. But most of them take the fun out of the game.

    rank 20 opinions
  • GrannyonAcid
    GrannyonAcid Member Posts: 476

    @yeet said:
    GrannyonAcid said:

    Killer add-on's probably should be just taken out of the game. I've always played killer and have never run add-ons while doing so. I think they're absolutely busted and refuse to use them. I also play a good amount of survivor and hate facing killers with add-on's. Sure you can beat them. But most of them take the fun out of the game.

    rank 20 opinions

    Rank 1 in both survivor and killer. But okay.

  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832

    @yeet said:
    GrannyonAcid said:

    Killer add-on's probably should be just taken out of the game. I've always played killer and have never run add-ons while doing so. I think they're absolutely busted and refuse to use them. I also play a good amount of survivor and hate facing killers with add-on's. Sure you can beat them. But most of them take the fun out of the game.

    rank 20 opinions

    Rank 1 in both survivor and killer. But okay.

    whatever helps you sleep at night buddy
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    A resume of this wall?
  • Grimbergoth
    Grimbergoth Member Posts: 293

    there is only one killer I can think of that basically has a perma exposed status and that is MM with the addons to make it the infinite stalking tier 3 . other then that you have noed = find the totem and remove it or get out of the gate , make your choice = don't unhook with the killer close by and hide for 40-60 sec , but those two are perks not add ons . im sure there are others I didn't mention like rancor but those are the most used . its about learning to play around them instead of into them . The perma stalk 3 mm is a different story .

  • GrannyonAcid
    GrannyonAcid Member Posts: 476

    Tier 3 perma is certainly one of the strongest one. I think the huntress being able to put people in the dying state with her hatchets is the most annoying one. Hitting a hatchet isn't even hard. Being able to 1 tap people with them is annoying. Those two are probably the ones I think are the most annoying anyway.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    The vast majority of the killer ultra-rare addons are pretty ######### and I almost hesitate to even waste the bloodpoints on them first of all. That said, they are also "ultra-rare" so they are "supposed" to be extremely strong hence why they are so rare.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    The only killers you will get to agree with you are those who also enjoy running survivor. No killer mains want to admit the game is broken for both survivor and killer. Just like no survivor mains will admit it either. Most killer addons are not that big of a deal, some are very much a big deal.

    The problem with the "get gud" argument always thrown out there by the toxic elite (Yes, toxic elite) is that they forget they are the minority numbers in games like this. This game attracted a bulk of casual players that make it continue because of their love for the horror genre. They will rarely rank past 9-12. Most won't even get that high. That is part of the reason why very high ranks have problems getting games in a timely manner. Not enough people playing at that rank. (Just like the very low ranks, not enough new players because the game is strangling them out.)

    The answer is to look at balance within the rank system itself. They first need to fix the rank system. Stop allowing players to purposely lose rank. There are lots of ways to do it, but we will not get into the minutia of it now due to derailing the topic. The point is that the community is one of the biggest enemies to improving this game. It is filled with complaining players that point at the other side as the problem. Meanwhile, the developers keep putting out new cosmetics. lol

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167
    Isn't the point of addons to make the killer an imposing force. We all know about killer tiers and some of the base kits just don't cut it on their own. Personally whether im playing killer/survivor I get some small joy seeing someone attempt to bait & loop the killer only to realize he came ready for shenanigans. Besides there's no difference between using the add-ons and survivors using tools, other than Killers don't get to keep their stuff at the end whether they win or lose.
  • Malakir
    Malakir Member Posts: 799

    The only killers you will get to agree with you are those who also enjoy running survivor. No killer mains want to admit the game is broken for both survivor and killer. Just like no survivor mains will admit it either. Most killer addons are not that big of a deal, some are very much a big deal.

    The problem with the "get gud" argument always thrown out there by the toxic elite (Yes, toxic elite) is that they forget they are the minority numbers in games like this. This game attracted a bulk of casual players that make it continue because of their love for the horror genre. They will rarely rank past 9-12. Most won't even get that high. That is part of the reason why very high ranks have problems getting games in a timely manner. Not enough people playing at that rank. (Just like the very low ranks, not enough new players because the game is strangling them out.)

    The answer is to look at balance within the rank system itself. They first need to fix the rank system. Stop allowing players to purposely lose rank. There are lots of ways to do it, but we will not get into the minutia of it now due to derailing the topic. The point is that the community is one of the biggest enemies to improving this game. It is filled with complaining players that point at the other side as the problem. Meanwhile, the developers keep putting out new cosmetics. lol

    Sorry but imply cosmetic = no improvements in other sections, its pretty dishonest. There are devs with. specific role, the team who build the code, the others who build cosmetic, balance team etc its like blaming an actor for a poor scenography, dumb. As far as I can see they are making the game was better than before and crying about add one is stupid since it give more depth to killer and survivors. the only thing I can criticize is as survivor I wish to have more things to do since totems are not enough. Yeah I'm the kind of guy who cleanse them all to have something else to do and boldness points since I focus on stealth more
  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    @strikerfreak12x said:
    is for the survivors to not receive a loss

    I don't really get it: You want them to not lose because they lost?

    I mean...okay. Can Killers get that if there's SWF present then?
    Cause that god-tier coordination combined with Generators popping mighty fast can easily lead to their victory on at least 7/13 Killers, "OP" Add-ons on the Killer or not.

  • redsopine1
    redsopine1 Member Posts: 1,437
    I run huntress and you seem to forget to run iridescent heads you can only throw one unless you use a add on that gibes 1-2 extra even then you need skill to catch them knowing against a good juker you could lose them all abd be stuck trying to reload as they gen rush you