PC - Deranked from a custom game with my friends?

Dimitri_ Member Posts: 1
  • Played a custom game with my friends about 25 minutes ago, with 3 of us playing survivor and 1 playing killer.

I played as Zarina, while my friends played as Dwight, Kate, and The Doctor for killer. The game went by very quickly as we were trying out a gen rush build, where we all used Object, Resilience, and spine chill. I ran streetwise, the Dwight ran Prove Thyself, and the Kate ran Blast Mine. I don't recall what perks the killer had. We all got killed, and when we went back into the game lobby, I noticed I went from Rank 4 back down to Rank 5. I tried leaving the lobby, going into the public lobby, and relaunching, but I was still Rank 5. The map was Autohaven, though I don't remember which specific one. I don't have any images/videos/logs as I didn't realize until after the game and I did relaunch. I wasn't aware that I shouldn't relaunch as this is my first bug report. It only depipped me once, so I can get back fairly easily, but I don't know why it depipped me from a custom match in the first place. Hopefully I did this correctly, and if anyone knows what the issue is please let me know so I can make sure not to do it again. Thanks!

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