Counter Force First Impression

The perk Counter Force is a bit misleading to players. I've had a few games so far with some Jills who run around the map 3-5 times doing bones before anything else, and 1 game where I did a totem that I guess the Jill must've seen and instead of helping me on a generator right next to her she was running around looking for the totem I did.

I like counter force being an action speed increase for totems but the aura reading component is likely going to lessen the experience for alot of players, not just the counter force user, if these games are anything to go by.

I would suggest removing the aura reading component and playing more into the stacking side objective bonus for some end game payoff.

My suggestion

  • You cleanse totems and open chests 20% faster.
  • Every time you cleanse a totem, you gain a token, up to four tokens. Each token grants you 20% cleansing and chest opening speed up to 80% additional speed (100%) and 7% Exit Gate opening speed up to 28% speed.
  • Remove Aura reading component.

Alternetively you could remove my exit gate opening speed idea and leave the tokens uncapped so someone could get some gnarly chest opening/totem cleansing speed.


  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,954

    Lets give the perk some time, Keep playing with it tho to give developers more data.

  • VenomousHawk86
    VenomousHawk86 Member Posts: 50

    I'm ignoring the aura read component and doing detective's hunch with it. Haven't had a game where I was the only counter-force user though.

  • rha
    rha Member Posts: 417

    Uh, killers already complained during PTB that Counter Force was completely overpowered. If you remove the aura reading, you make the perk even stronger because survivors will waste less time running the longest possible routes between totems and searching for totems that they only know the approximate location and that may either be well hidden or already cleansed by someone else.

    I fear the discussion whether the perk should be removed from the game because it's too powerful would start again if you remove the aura reading. With my survivor hat on, I'd appreciate it if the aura reading would go, although I expect the perk usage to drop when it's no longer shiny new.

  • PureHostility
    PureHostility Member Posts: 708

    Counterforce main selling point is faster cleansing, thus less time spent on doing totems. Aura thing is just a gimmick, that at best works with lesser number of totems left or at 5th totem.

    Detective's Hunch is the superior anti totem perk, Small Game is okay, can be somewhat misleading sometimes, had it confuse me greatly even though I know most totem spawns...

  • BenihimeWrath
    BenihimeWrath Member Posts: 968

    Honestly I can only hope that with counterforce in the game, BHVR will finally make hex totems hard to find. As far as I'm concerned, theres no reason to run anything besides haunted grounds/retribution/undying and maybe NOED if you want to bank on survivors not doing all totems before the game is over.