Why this patch all but only survivor buffs ?

Why makes killer players more miserable with this patch ? I don't think demo nerf is necessary, also there's much things to do than nerfing killers and nerfing Franklin.
There's a lot of task left such as Spirit Counterplay ,Billy Rework, Dead Hard, Nurse Bugs, and so on
Killers did get an amazing perk, lethal pursuer
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hope you do it as sarcasm , coz why using that perks when i can guess where the survivor will be spawned
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Compared to the new survivor perks, Lethal Pursuer is garbage since any killer knows survivors usually spawn across the map from you anyways.
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Lethal Pursuer is pretty good on Nurse,but y'know she's one of the few killers that doesn't need anymore help already.
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Devs don't like Killers. They're not as profitable as the whinging survivor mains who can't figure out how to stop holding Shift + W yet swear everything has 'no counterplay'.
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Ironic considering shift + w counters half the killer roster
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It will never cease to amaze me how people can trick their own mind to only see the things they want to see.
Litterally every single perk of nemesis got buffed. Some massivelly even.
2 addons of a killer getting a barelly noticable nerf and all that doesn't matter anymore
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Doesn't even talk about the same killer had 2 addons buffed, just focusing on the nerfed ones
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is the perks good ? please answer this
is the nemesis perks gonna change meta ? of course not, so it's like dev buff monstrous shrine but no one using it,
yes that addons got nerfed and that's the most important ones compared to the other addons
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Btw 5% is a big percentage when it comes to actions. Brutal I'd only 20% so when you're nerfing addons by 5% it is noticeable... nerf wasnt needed at all though its demo, like come on I hardly ever verse him or even see one doing well at rank 1. The issue is why are things being nerfed that didnt need to be, that's the real question
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It is very obvious why they do that.
They want to keep the survivors happy as they are the mass majority in this game.
And so they make sure they are happy so they will keep buying cosmetics for their survivors.
Survivors in dbd are being milked and most of them don't even realise that.
But meanwhile more killers switch either to survivor or they just simply quit, and that way create long waiting times for the survivors.
They have no intention in making it more appealing to play both sides.
They just plaster fix that problem by making killer rift challenges trying to get some more people playing killer.
They only fail to realise that most of them just do that challenge by farming and then move back to survivor.
They can better brand the game to dead by plaster fix 😜
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Yes the perks are good. Like are you serious?
Lethal pursuer ensures that a chase starts as soon as possible and is a massive boon for the otherwise weak early game of killers. It's going to be one of the better nurse perks at the very least. Lethal pursuer, Infectious Fright nurses can end games before they even start
Hysteria after it's buff is seriously slept on. I don't think people realise how many easy downs this perk can give you. This perk will make the no heal meta a lot more dangerous to do. It's nemesis weakest perk but by no means bad
And eruption is a slowdown perk that synergizes with some other slowdown perks. Something they said they wanted to avoid.
Pgtw a gen takes 20 seconds for a solo survivor to fix. Downing someone adds 5 seconds to that and if someone was working on it they can't work on another gen for 16 seconds.
That half a gen worth of slowdown for 1 kick.
Like seriously what do you want perks to be? At the start of a trail 1/2/3 survivors start on a hook?
You are having a serious victim mentality. Nemesis is one of the few killers who has no bad perks
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Its actually a good perk for some killers, including Nemesis, or Shape,
It helps killers that need to build up their powers, this allows them to do it rather quickly,
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Nice joke my dude.
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2 seconds cooldown for shredding pallets normally
1.6 seconds with the old glasses
1.7 seconds with the nerfed ones.
The survivor makes 0.4 m extra distance compared to pre nerf.
Now this will make a difference in some cases. But 9 times out of 10 it really won't
For black heart it's 3 seconds for normal shred cooldown
Old black heart made that 2.4 seconds
Nerfed one 2.55 seconds
0.6m extra distance comparatively
It really doesn't make that big of a difference
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Not only this, but killers in general received amazing buffs in the past few patches, with also some amazing perks (starstruck anyone?) but it all vanishes from the mind of people when they see a ######### negligible nerf on two add-ons that really were too strong considering their rarity (and are still demos best add-ons)
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ah, like i said i can guess where the survivors are, why waste 1 perks that only works for 9s, many perks that can do much better than that,
lol i believe no one will be running nemesis perks, and meta not gonna changes.
What serious victim, I only told you fair point that this patch is nerf for killers, killer meta not gonna change on nemesis perks
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It’s not a joke, if you don’t know how to effectively use it, it’s on you. Many killers with 1000s of hours are high on it, and will be using it.
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Are you kidding me? the game becomes more killer sided as time goes. this forum is funny as hell.
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+3000 hours killer main here. I already finding survivors easyly, i do not need perk for that. Maybe new killers can use it.
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oh really ??? this patch is so killer sided, noted
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"this forum is funny as hell"
With you being on here, yeah it's a circus.
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Seems like you need 3000 more
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Thanks I'm glad i can provide more entertaintemnt to the redicilous stuff killer mains are saying here.
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maybe it's you that needed 300 hours to play killer no need for 3000 too much for it
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Oh nooooooooooooooo!
I need 3000 more because WexlerWendigo said i need that. Oh God, Nooooooooo
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why guess where they might spawn when you can know exactly where and how many spawned in each location?
this Perk is going to be amazingly good on Killers with quick map traversal such as Blight and incredible when combined with Corrupt Intervention, as said Perks counterplay is to hide and wait out the two minutes.
and even if both of these scenarios dont apply, you still get told where exactly you need to go to interrupt and stall the most people as soon as the trial starts due to you not only getting an spawn location reveal on them, but also you get told where they wander off to.
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Just check pathes so far and see that both sides got nerfs and buffs stop being stuck in ur own mind with "killer good, survivor bad" both equally sucks and both are getting nerfed and buffed but ofc u'll see only one side because it favors you
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Okay so in terms of perks both sides didn’t get much tbh. BTB and resurgence will never be used and blast mine and flash bang aren’t good either. Counterforce could be decent but then again so is lethal pursuer.
Demo add on nerf make perfect sense to me. There’s no reason why a yellow and a brown should do so much for you and they made all other add ons obsolete and probably still will tbh
Frsnklins nerf is probably more so for event items since nobody likes having them completely destroyed because the killer was being scummy
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It's definitely a joke. Sure, it can be good on killers like Nurse, Blight, whatever. But the fact that it's only good for the first 9 seconds of the game & after that it's just an empty perk slot is what makes it utterly useless unless you have a build to synergise with it.
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Well at least the perk will reveal how busted the survivor spawn points are.
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I really don't see why this thread was made, this patch barely affected the overall game balance at all, no universal buffs or nerfs to either side, just some pretty minor perk and add-on changes, it feels like people are making a mountain out of a molehill.
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You were NOT here for 2017/8 if you think the devs are killer sided. There was a consistent straight year of massive survivor nerfs.
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I hate surv vs killer posts like these. Am I the only one in here who plays both?
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They don't, actually, which is something you would know if you used Lethal Pursuer.
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Please inform me because every single time I play killer I always find survivors on the gen the farthest away from me.
If you're referring to survivors spawning on your sides, then I'd agree but I'm not going to take up an entire perk slot to see that.
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No, I play both roles too and I hate these posts as much as you do, cause all they do is creating more and more toxicity. Us vs. them leads to nothing.
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Sometimes they spawn opposite you, sometimes they spawn somewhere else on the map, sometimes they spawn quite close to you, sometimes you spawn near the middle and don't know where to go. Sometimes they're all spread out, sometimes there's a cluster that will give you maximum pressure. You can see who's wasting time on totems or chests and focus on the ones doing gens. Usually, they don't actually go to any predicable spot. Without Lethal Pursuer, you can and probably do miss out on the right play for maximum effect. Sure, after 30-60 seconds you might stumble across a survivor, but with this perk it's borderline instant even as an m1 killer. 5-10 seconds of travel time and you're in a chase.
Lethal Pursuer doesn't just show you where they spawn, it's 9 seconds of aura reading. That means it tells you exactly what generator every single survivor is working on, information you can use later in the game. It tells you if they're sweaty or not based on whether or not they spread out. It shows you where the survivor is that spawns/runs into the middle and hides, because from what I've learned there's always one trying to knock out a middle generator.
It sounds like such a bad perk, but it's so ######### good. I can't wait to unlock Corrupt Intervention on Nemesis and hook someone before any gens even get to pop every single trial.
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You almost got me hooked onto the idea, and for that you should be a salesman. Haha.
The only gripe I have is that it is useless after those 9 seconds. Like I said, I personally feel like it would be good on mobility killers like Nurse & Blight, but other than that, it doesn't seem that good to me especially since I find survivors really easily at the start.
Although.. pairing it with Corrupt sounds like an amazing idea. I'll have to try it someday.
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Franklin's nerf was so unnecessary. Its literally the only counter to keys.
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When the devs nerf survivor perks: ...
When the devs accidently sneeze on anything killer related: OMG WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT??? DO YOU EVEN PLAY YOUR OWN GAME??? GOD THE DEVS ARE RANK 20 SURVIVOR MAINS!!! YOURE KILLING YOUR OWN GAME!!!
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Honestly the only problem I have with this update is the devs most likely only changed franklins because of vaccines. And while it’s gonna do a lot better against flashlights, toolboxes and medkits, it’s now uselessness against keys ain’t ok.
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I think thats why I cant take most complaints on here seriously.
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That’s like saying unbreakable is weak without DS
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You did not just compare Unbreakable & DS to Lethal Pursuer lol
It's true though. A lad just told me it would be good to synergise it with Corrupt, and I think it's a decent idea. However, it still makes it a pretty sh*t perk imo.
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You clearly weren't here for the DS nerf if you think survivors weren't doing the same dang thing your trying to pin solely on the killer role.
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It's not for everyone, I admit, but I much prefer being able to immediately pressure the survivors without any RNG factor over... Honestly, over anything else.
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Oh trust me I was making fun of them too
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Reading this knocked at least 20 points off my IQ.
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That’s fine, you can miss out on it, but you forego any right to complain about early game pressure ever