PS4 (probably every console too) is in need of an IMMEDIATE hotfix

Yeah, when playing killer or survivor. Its all gone to #########.
Lets mention all the things ive seen so far.
[NEMISIS]: Oh where do I start, Im pretty sure everything is working power wise and technical standards, Hits are counting for the tentacle, zombies are perfect (could have slightly better AI tho), pallet breaking is perfect, just one teeny tiny problem, ANY AND ALL OF THESE THINGS MAKE THE GAME ######### LAG TO ALL HELL! I try and whip someone, LAG, lunge attack, LAG, just simply running around, oops guess mom was right after all, you can pause the online video game. Can we pls pls pls get on this at least within the first 3 days of release?
[General Lag On the Survivor Side]: Yeahhh its not the worst, like playing killer, it lags like every so often, also the killer teleports forward when it lags, so they gain unexpected distance. And we die, over, and over, and..... over.... Also please, can we make Deceased Difficult back into DeadHard? that would be much more appreciated than pressing [Insert active ability button here] and moving a pebbles worth of distance. It looks like I stumbled a bit mid chase.
[Map Hitboxes]: I see you already established that R.P.D had people walking through walls like the nurse on crack. Good on you for disabling the only map I wanted to play on today. Oh and I can quote you on this, "Fixed an issue that could prevent access to the stairs on Temple of Purgation." Yeaaahhhh, no you didnt, theres still an invisible wall in the way, its like a box shape instead of a full wall, right at the top of the staircase. Oh yeah, ty to this one SWF group that showed me that you can still climb on rocks on Yamaoka Estate, Also pls idk if im just unlucky or not, but pls simmer down on the amount of times you're gonna give me YamaPUKEa, I love the map and all, but it got boring, fast.
[Zombie AI + Jank]: The zombies do seem to find their way around the map decently fine, but they so often run into walls, sometimes they start twitching in the weirdest positions. They mostly get stuck on rocks that curve around, trees, lots of trees, (them zombie's are treehugging bastards), just generally reroute them, or just make them die of a heart attack (automatically respawn) when it feels stuck. I keep having to be big daddy Nemesis and slap the sense into my zombie children, by ######### murdering them, like any good parent should, (for legal reasons this is a joke).
-yours truly: BuffDeathslingerPls (dont actually this is satire)
Can confirm this issues are very much present on Xbox lol.
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good to know