Killers Need Buffs


So I've seen a lot of posts about Nemesis being underpowered and I would counter that argument with all killers need buffs.

Here's what I came up with:

At the start of the match all survivors should already be on hooks. Everytime a survivor hits their skill check in struggle the killer gains 100,000 BP. I think it's only fair.

If survivors get off of hook then survivor auras should be visible at all times. I really don't see a problem with that.

In an attempt to perfectly balance the game pallets should be removed. We need more Shelter Woods type maps without the tiles.

Killer speeds should be 10m/s and survivors should be 1m/s. Killers need to have a fair chance so maybe double the amount of speed for bloodlust. Maybe add a slight decrease to bloodlust activation time and have it activate during 1 second of chase time.

Killers should also have instant downs, it's unfair to have to hit survivors twice.

Survivors shouldn't have perks, that's unfair to killers. Killers however should be able to use all of their perks at the same time if they choose to.

Generators should have 500% regression at all times during the trial. I think this will help with gen pressure a bit. Also it should take a full hour for survivors to complete a generator. This will very slightly help with gen rushing.

Totems should take 10 minutes to break. This might help totems from being cleansed so quickly.

There might be more I'm missing but I think these minor changes should somewhat help killers in trials.
