Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Short complaining because I'm a pussy.



  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    It's not going to work, unfortunately:

    The game is full of people who run on the mentality

    'yeah, we are toxic, but not as toxic as (insert other community) therefor it's okay that we don't do better'

    they act as if playing fair will cost them a vital organ, and therefore playing fair MUST BE AVOIDED AT ALL COSTS, etc.

    It's amazing how the devs still cater to them instead of doing stuff to get these MoFos out, cause it's them who are also most likely to just hack cosmetics instead of buying them, so they don't make the devs money either

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    Sorry to hear you're experiencing that.

    Like others said, maybe taking a break, even if for a few days, is probably a good idea. The game is in a pretty sorry state right now anyway, so it wouldn't hurt.

    That, or if you're really committed to wanting to have fun, just try letting go of the result of your match -- meaning, care less about if you win or lose. I know it's kind of hard to do, but once you start putting all your focus into just playing and trying fun stuff, rather than actually trying to be good, it's like a breath of fresh air. I've been through the same situation, maybe minus the crying, but still. It is very liberating.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278
  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    I’m not criticising that you can handle things that way. Everybody’s brain is different.

    Imagine If I told you to go do a 200 kilogram squat for 10 reps, but you can’t, and I say “I can. They can. Why can’t you? I have legs. They have legs. You have legs. What’s the problem?!”

    Everybody’s brain varies as greatly as body types.

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    There's an easy solution, just start playing Friday the 13th instead. That's what I'm doing :D

    Pls we need more players.

  • StreetRat115
    StreetRat115 Member Posts: 54

    I think crying over a game is a bit too much but I respect your honesty, not everyone can say they cried to a lot of people. As to the game getting better, devs just keep making bad decisions so I wouldn't count on the game getting better, facing bully squads right now is rare but with mmr that might change.

  • Pukenplag
    Pukenplag Member Posts: 1,454

    To the OP. Take a short break, do something fun and come back, but with a special mindset. I used to be like you, very emotional and got tilted by bully squads.

    1. Watch JRM. He is a dbd streamer and youtuber. As you will watch him, you will see a very non-toxic survivor, but one that plays like someone in a bully squad. This way, you will see that maybe not all the times those people want to make your experience a pain, they are simply better and doing pro-stuff.

    2. Whenever you face a bully squad, you must know their weakness: cockiness. They believe they are the best and they are sure you suck. Prove them wrong, punish their courage. Always check for someone with a flashlight prior to picking up, don't over commit to a chase, don't target someone due to them spamming the flashlight or teabagging: they will probably loop you long enough for their team to do the gens. Don't tunnel or camp, once more, they will take this as an advantage. They will counter it and make you pay for it.

    To a few of the people that commented: you are disgusting. You have zero empathy. When someone comes here and says they just had a horrible experience and rant, it's clear that they aren't in the best mental state, so telling them stuff like git gud is just disgusting and you should be ashamed to be such a horrible human being. We all know new players are very sensitive to toxicity, since they arent used to it. Of course they over react. Also, since someone spoke about how it isnt us that decide that teabag, flashlight spam etc is toxic. It isn't us, it is the word definition. Doing something to purposely annoy your opponent, without it giving you any advantage. Yeah, it is toxic, you are allowed to do it, but there is something called fair-play. Its the thing that determines how likely it is for people to like you. You can either play fair and be appreciated by people and be swarmed with good energy, or be a ######### and have everyone hate you. It is your choice.

  • NaigEtarip
    NaigEtarip Member Posts: 60

    What i would bring, one more time, is to not focus too much on other's actions or outcomes.

    Is facing bully SWF not enjoyable by any means? Or the problem is focusing on the mocking, match result, disadvantage...

    Why not see this as an opporunity to improve, to become better players? To have better emotional control?

    Would we improve not facing disadvantages?

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    People should go easy on someone who admits to being so frustrated with a game that it makes them cry. To shame them for it is to assume a lot about who they are and what they may have experienced. I myself have cried out of frustration - not because of this game, but because of the occasional bouts of the misery that is the world that we live in - so I understand where the OP is coming from. People have emotions, and too much negativity and frustration can cause a person to feel helpless and break down. It doesn't matter if it's a divorce, the failure to get that great job that you want, tax troubles, or being denied the ability to sit down and have some harmless fun with a game.

    The point is that frustration can be overwhelming sometimes, and everyone's got a different threshold. Yes, if things are getting too bad it's probably best to take a break and do something else to raise the spirits, but feeling trapped in a cycle of helplessness, whatever the cause, can upset anybody.

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,175
    edited June 2021

    I suggest putting video games down and picking up another hobby if they are legit making you cry. That aint healthy.

    As for the bully squads, there's people like that in every player v player game. Just like in life, not everyone's nice.

  • GuyFawx
    GuyFawx Member Posts: 2,027

    All is fair in love and war. If you dont learn strats early on in this game especially against bully squads you will undoubtly quit this game as you find them more and more on higher (lower) ranks. Personally if an entire survivor roster pops into your lobby at the same time 80% of the time they are grouped up and in communication. Also the time of day tends to bring em out more just gotta find that right spot for solo ques. Tho be warned solo players will skew your skill level and you may never learn strats against them. My best advice is to get used to slugging as its a lot longer for them to heal a slugged player than it is to unhook