Blast Mine

Before there's any overreaction (unheard of on these forums I know) I don't think blast mine is OP plz nerf, in fact it doesn't seem to be especially useful in most situations. But it is just kinda obnoxious. Which probably means you're barely going to see it anyway, but it's still a fairly useless troll perk.
At first I thought maybe reduce the stun but also prevent the killer from kicking it for a while after, but that's just spicy repressed alliance...
What do you mean? Do you not enjoy getting the eye candy that is the blinded screen and the accompanying sound?
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It gives me a giggle when it procs so I see this as an instant S-tier fun perk.
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It lacks the elegant subtlety that being headonned four times in a row on the temple of purgation provides
it is funny when i'm the one doing it, I'll agree there
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It is fun and extremely deadly combo with Red Herring (or Flashbang), Head On and Diversion.
Killer will feel fear, disgust and extreme hatred towards you for the rest of the trial.
Edit: corrected stupid auto correction from the phone.
Post edited by PureHostility on0 -
Bruh I didn't even think of combining it with red herring, I love that perk.
Okay I've changed my mind, blast mine stays.