New survivor perk suggestions (Including New Item)

RyanTheNarrator Member Posts: 38



Double Strength: You used the last of your strength to keep up your running pace.

- You have 3 health states for the entire duration of the trial. when you were hit my the killer 2 times, Double strength

activates and you have an extra health state before you were downed completely. 

- You will suffer the Hindered status effect which reduces movement speed by 8/7/6% for 33/27/21 seconds when activated.

'Even though I'm wounded... I still keep going for freedom!'

Trivia: The 'heavily injured' state used the old movement animations of Stumbling while injured before the 4th Realm Beyond

Update. The proof that these movement animations was recycled to the game was unknown to the developers.


Connector: You have a special device to take spare rounds to complete two goals at the same time.

- The the first generator you repaired was at 50/40/30% of it's progression, Connector activates.

- Press this perk ability button will install a wire box and the generator's aura you repair will be revealed to all 


- Connector will repair the generator by itself by 45/50/55% of its speed for 60 seconds before is breaks and becomes unusable.

- Connector can be only used on one generator at a time.

- When the killer damages the generator, Connector will be destroyed and the effect was lost.

'I'll take the other one while a machine can do the uncompleted to be finished.'

Trivia: This perk was capable at countering Hex:Ruin, Gearhead and Oppression. 

The only weaknesses on this perk was: Eruption, Pop goes the weasel and Surge because these perks can make generators explode.

Connector processing will inturupt and pause when Trilling Tremors, Dead Man's Switch, and Corrupt Intervention was active.


Power Throw: Activate-able perk.

- Standing within the killer terror radius while not in a chase for 35/30/25 seconds, Power Throw activates. 

- Once Power Throw is activated, stay motionless while crouching for 3 seconds to pick up a rock. Pressing the ability button 

- when looking at the killer to throw a rock at the killer's face, stunning the killer for 4 seconds.

- Increases the chances becoming the Obsession.

'not on my watch! .....oops.'

Trivia: This perk will save grabbed survivors onto the killer's hands or save themselves.


Blind Owl: Your sight through anything is obstructed and you have a strong skill at your goal.

- You will suffer the Oblivious and Blindness status effect for the entire duration for the trial.

- You won't trigger any skill checks while repairing generators.

- Repairing speed was increased by 20/25/30%.

'Even a blind woman who can teach me how to understand the figure of languages.'


Critical Strength: Your fast reflexes and your strong muscles will take out your fastest opponent at any way.

Pulling pallets are 25/30/35% faster and stun recovery time by killers was increased by 15/20/25%.

'Hope that this will give me time to get away.'



Heavy Curl: Your monstrous strength will be quick enough to get away from the struggle.

Wiggling speed was increased by 15% and the killer's movement speed was decreased by 9/13/17% when carrying you while

the wiggling took its' effect.

'I remember the days that the kidnapper who carried me when I was young.... but not anymore.'

Trivia: The killer can be only slowed down when it was seen strafting sideways uncontrollingly while carrying a

wriggling survivor.

-Heavy Curl and Boil Over have good combinations to slow down killers and has troubles on hook distances.

-Heavy Curl will prevent the killer's speed boost using Agitation.


Kickin' it: A kick to the face to prevent captivity on the chaser.

While preforming a Vaulting action on a pallet or a window when grabbed, Kickin' it activates.

-Kicks at the killer's face and stuns it for 4 seconds, and gain a 7% haste status effect for 10 seconds.

Kickin' it has a cooldown for 70/60/50 seconds.

'Stop grabbing me, you creep!'

Trivia: Counters stealth killers such as The Shape, The Pig, and Ghostface since they have undetectable abilities.


Salty Flesh: The Salt around you keeps the entity from speeding their own summoning.

When being hooked for the first time, Hook progression was slowed down by 12/15/18% and slows down the entity summoning

before it reaches to 50% of its progression.

After you unhook yourself you a survivor unhooks you for the first time, Salty Flesh becomes active.

The second time you were hooked by the killer, Salty Flesh Activates and the Hook progression will return back to the first

time you were hooked.

Salty Flesh can be only used once per trial.

'Well, these giant bugs surely don't like salty charms.'

Trivia: If Salty flesh was combined with Camaraderie, this will stall some time for camping killers so that the other 2

survivors could work on generators if they were faster enough.

Salty Flesh was nearly a fact that they were somehow related to the Salt used offerings (Like salt pouches and Salt Jars.)




Stun Guns

The Stun Gun was an item used to stun killers by shooting them. 

The Stun Gun Range was 12 metres by default.

The Stun duration lasts for 4 seconds by default.

The Stun gun only uses one shot before it depletes and becomes unusable.

1. Stun Gun (Item) (Uncommon)

2. Electrowire gun (Rare)

3. Electroplasma pistol (Very Rare)


  • Givti
    Givti Member Posts: 50

    Double Strength - so its just old Mettle of Man, where you dont have to do anything for it - terrible

    Connector - it shouldn't repair itself, but the idea of countering Hex: Ruin, Oppression and so on + showing its aura to other survivors is great

    Power Throw - yeah this is just a better Diversion, I don't think the devs want this in-game, otherwise they would've already did this

    Blind Owl - this would be way too strong, you can just combine this with Spine Chill and you'll have no downside, because Spine Chill warns you, if the killer comes near - terrible

    Critical Strength - terrible

    Heavy Curl - this would be way too strong in a Swf, this perk will just lead to slugging and bleeding out - terrible

    Kickin' It - if it triggers a difficult skillcheck like Decisive Strike, this perk would be cool

    Salty Flesh - okayish

    Stun Guns - terrible, they'll be frustrating as killer, if the survivors use it in important moments (the killer is about to down somebody/ bringing someone to a hook)

  • Givti
    Givti Member Posts: 50
    edited June 2021

    did a mistake