Killer Idea. The Cryptid

RENOONI52 Member Posts: 1

Hello, I created a Killer idea called The Cryptid.


Height: Very Tall

General: It has a vulture head, a very prominent thorax, buff arms with some feathers, vulture legs and a lab jacket of what was once its job.


Carmelo Hernández scientist from Spain was working in a cure for stomach cancer, doing experiments in vultures due to their abilitie to eat rotten meat. Carmelo was doing this because he had that type of cancer. But his experiments weren't very ethical. Lots of dead birds. He wanted to start experimentig in humans but his boss didn't let him, so he used himself as a patient. When he injected the vulture DNA he went through a painful transformation. Now he wasn't Carmelo he was a monster, an undentified one. He killed his boss and all his partenrs in the lab. No one have ever heard about Carmelo since that.

Power is: Bird calling

You can screech so loud that you make survivors go a deaf (only in 16 meter raiduis). With three stages on stage 1 you hear all a little bad. On stage 2 you can only hear the killer raidus and on stage 3 you are completly deaf, needing to burst a motor, or be helped by another survivor by screaming, alerting the killer. The radius can be bigger with addons.

Thechable perks:

Falcon speed:

"You are so determined to kill a survivor that you go as fast as a falcon"

When chasing a survivor your speed is increased by 25% and adding 5 % if various survivors are there, or hitting the one you are chasing. You can go back to 25% if a pallet is thrown on yout head.

Friends fo crows:

"You are part bird, your friends will help you"

When a crow is alerted you can see the aura of the survivor for 3 seconds, if it is to far away you are only alerted without seeing the aura.

Eagle eye:

"Due to your concentration you see your prey"

You can see survivors that are not moving from far away. This perk can be cancelled during 15 seconds by blinding the killer.

Here is a concept of the killer and its Mori. Feel completly free of drawing better. Because im a ######### drawer.