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How unlock fps ?

Lostmaniac Member Posts: 19

Hello! Tell me please.

How unlock fps?

AND, if i change files, i get banned in game?

Best Answer

  • BeHasU
    BeHasU Member Posts: 830
    edited June 2021 Answer ✓

    The devs won't ban you for uncapping your fps, it's okay.

    Now on how to unlock your fps you need to go to AppData -> Local -> DeadByDaylight -> Saved -> Config -> WindowsNoEditor and there you'll find a file named "GameUserSettings", open it with Notepad and find the "bUseVSync=True" and change the true with "False" then find the "FrameRateLimit" and change the number to 0 if you want to uncap your fps.

    Close and save and you are done.
