Suggestion for early game spawn issues

Ive been thinking about the spawn issues that are now finally being highlighted thanks to lethal pursuer.

The single only way to counter these bad spawns is corrupt intervention. A killer has to run a whole perk just to mitigate an issue that the devs should be looking at solving. How about instead of forcing the killer to run this perk you consider this:

1: Have a shorter corrupt intervention (like maybe 30 seconds) active by default. This will either force the survivors to move every single time or they can wait 30 seconds of there time for the gens to unlock. As for the perk corrupt intervention it could extend this timer or perhaps it could block more gens? That's just a quick thought though.

2: Have totem perks be not lit until (A) the survivors are notified of them (Such as RUIN this way ruin wont be spotted if a survivor spawn next to it but once they have the notification that ruin exists than the totem lights up for the survivors) or (B) have totems light up after a set time say like 30-60 seconds.

Option 1 would work with most hex perks (RUIN, 3rd Seal, Huntress Lullaby, etc...) but not for all perks, such as hunted grounds or devour hope.

Option 2 would work best for all hex perks. The amount of time could be less than 30 seconds if needed because most survivors run right to a gen right away anyways so they are not inclined to wait 10-20 seconds to see if a totem lights up. They would however come back after doing a gen or opening a chest to check it which gives the killer some time to counter play a really bad totem spawn.

Any thoughts on this?