General Discussions

General Discussions

We Deserve Better Than This

Member Posts: 126
edited June 2021 in General Discussions

We can't even have an exciting new chapter release without it being overshadowed and plagued by bugs, glitches, disabled maps, server crashes and cosmetic scams. This is a nightmare for the community and the overwhelming amount of new players coming in. They deserve better than this, yeah the content is exciting to attract new players to the game. But BHVR, how in the Hell do you expect to retain those players let alone keep your veterans if you can't even have a successful launch of a chapter anymore? This is the buggiest chapter for a license I have ever seen. I am on PS4 and I can't even play your game. New players are having a horrible first impression of the game. This entire chapter is a nightmare and BHVR you should be ashamed. I praise you when you do things right but you deserve a lot of criticism when it's warranted. Right now it's more warranted than ever, get your act together. The Dead By Daylight Community deserves better than this.

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  • Member Posts: 126

    @Dennis_van_eijk Let's lead a community wide boycott

  • Member Posts: 2,197

    Considering The Twins chapter broke the game a hella lot more than this one... I am doubtful we'll see anything other than platitudes.

  • Member Posts: 223

    This chapter keeps getting worse and worse I regret spending money on it lol

  • Member Posts: 223

    At least twins ended up as a good and unique killer unlike an underwhelming and derivative killer that is nemesis

  • Member Posts: 2,719

    I think that some people (I'm not specifying anyone here) are getting a little crazy about this, either because they've never experienced it (or maybe HAVE and are just plain sick of it).

    Either way, while I understand, I also accept that this is kind of just how the industry is nowadays. We live in the era of hotfixes and the "day 1 patch". It sucks, but it's how things are. I'm not telling anyone to be angry, that's your right, but try to understand that BHVR obviously didn't intend for this and are probably just as upset if not more so because stuff like this DOES reflect on the reliability of the company. This is the worst possible time for a huge mess like this to happen.

    I'm just going to keep urging people to try to be patient, not get too pissed off. They're working on this, we all know they are. They're not just relaxing on leather sofas with their feet kicked back on oak desks, counting your money. They're concerned about their image, they're concerned about their bottom line, they're concerned about what's probably an overwhelming amount of anger and bug reports. We do all deserve better than this, but try to understand that whatever happened isn't something that they did on purpose, and if it was something they could have fixed, they probably would have chosen that over this.

  • Member Posts: 2,197

    Most of their killers seem to be derivatives and odd mashups:



    Trickster=Huntress&Legion: Part Deux


    not to mention all the killers that are just derivatives of single killers (Hillbilly and bubba), etc

    Originality has never been a big thing for BHVR

  • Member Posts: 3,302

    Its a rehash character at that

  • Member Posts: 223

    While I agree on ghost face, even though I would argue he's actually stronger than the killer he is derivative of, and Trickster, who I do enjoy, I disagree on most of the other ones. They feel unique to me and I never really got the comparison especially Oni who feels much different than Bubba or Billy

  • Member Posts: 2,197

    Oni go zoom and insta down what/who is in the way.

    Not too elaborate, I grant you that, but I like to imagine Billy and Bubba lovingly standing over a crib with a baby Oni waving around his rattler with an evil menacing-baby face...

  • Member Posts: 117

    I keep getting a bug where pallets disappear and reappear and hooks don't get highlighted, I think BEhaviour has done a pretty good job so far with this Resident Evil update.

  • Member Posts: 1,704

    Yeah I know, but you know how I meant it.

    I don't make any scary treats or anything and just speaking my opinion.

    And if they have a problem with it they can always talk to me about it or warn me about it.

    But yeah they can do whatever they like which they have shown multiple times already.

    And I'm not here to rally the community up against them, only to make a statement with everyone.

    Cause that is the only way to get trough to them.

  • Member Posts: 2,719

    I do know how you meant it, but unfortunately how you meant it doesn't matter in the end. If you behave in a way that the mods deem unacceptable, you're liable to get banned. I don't want to see anyone get banned over this, that would just add extra negativity to an already negative situation, so I was just trying to let you know that even if your heart is in the right place (and I believe it is), you shouldn't take things far enough to make things even worse for yourself.

    I'll say again that all of you guys are right. All of you who are upset with what's going on have every right to be. I just wish for everyone to relax a little and not let emotions blow the place up. Maybe it's the former moderator in me, I don't know. I just don't like seeing a community get so bent out of shape even if it IS for understandable reasons.

  • Member Posts: 56

    Thank you for this information. I came onto the forums to see how the new chapter release is going. I have had internet problems recently, so I have not been able to actually play DBD. I have seen some bugs in YouTube highlights, but I wanted to get more information before thinking that ANOTHER disaster of a chapter has been released.

    I was really excited for the content. I have zero experience with Resident Evil, but the perks looked amazing and the killer was good too! I told myself that I would get the DLC if the chapter was not released with these kinds of problems. I am not gonna support DBD with my money if they still cannot get their crap together for a GIANT release like this. Also, I saw the Franklin's Demise no longer affects keys. I know that there are plans for keys, but would it hurt to keep the only perk that can stop keys before the key change? This is wrong. I agree @entitysbreakfast. Players deserve more than this. The only way we can get them to change is by not paying them, because that is all it seems like they care about now. I am sick of maps being disabled. I am sick of the buggy chapters.

    I was super excited to get the DLC. Bummer.

  • Member Posts: 1,704

    Neither would I like to see that, but you gotta remember that it's been building up for everyone for a long time now.

    They barely test their own product before putting it to live and thus we get all this crap with practically every new patch or dlc.

    I won't even be surprised if the only testing that they do is only the ptb.

    Sure you get some stuff out of there, but with their spaghetti codes it's likely they create other problems.

    I've been around since the start from console release and been watching it from pc release, and it's becoming worse every time.

    I've calling that they should dedicate 1 chapter to a QOL.

    But they are to arrogant thinking that they are capable of doing new content and QOL which they clearly can't

  • Member Posts: 621

    We need cross progression. There is no longer a valid excuse. Other companies have done whatever is necessary. Sony is not at fault, BHVR is, because if it were just a matter of Sony saying never, no game would have the capability. Since some games do, it is definitely on BHVR to get this done.

    I would play on my PC if I could transfer my work, but I will NEVER farm out the DBD grind again.(we also need 99% less grind, and the blood cap to be unlimited)

  • Member Posts: 1,169

    Dumpster fire chapter on a dumpster fire game.

  • Member Posts: 2,495

    I hate to sound like this, but except for Cheryl's. Hers are locked for a reason, but I completely agree with you, everything else should be unlinked

  • Member Posts: 126

    I understand they aren't being selfish. But they really needed this chapter to be a success, most of the community still had a bad taste from trickster, and twins. Not to mention they waited for the last maps which were the ones that desperately needed a rework (Haddonfield and Swamp) on top of not having a new map in over a year. This was the chapter everyone was riding on and they disappointed again. I know they aren't intentionally trying to make things bad, but I'm sure they are aware that most of us, at least me, are fed up with the lack of competence. People are spending money on a product, and the product or service doesn't work and the content isn't delivered? Yeah, we're pissed and this might have been the straw that broke the camels back.

  • Member Posts: 4,759

    I dono man. The amount of people that rushed to throw money at bhvr for the new cosmetics says everyone is perfectly happy with the broken buggy mess we are playing.

  • Member Posts: 126

    Well i think most people realized they're getting screwed for the same outfit

  • Member Posts: 126

    @Zozzy air quotes around "same"

  • Member Posts: 347

    Playing on pc so no game breaking bugs, but it is a pain for console players and NEW players, players that were drawn in by the RE dlc only to have behavior ######### on their faces.

    Imo i don't think we should be able to unlink the legendary cosmetics, i don't want claire's head on jill's face. At least it says that you're playing as claire or chris

  • Member Posts: 1,704

    And that is why i personally don't buy anything with real money anymore.

    Once they finally understand they can't release broken things and actually do proper test before releasing anything, then they can get some of my money.

    Sure I understand that there will always "some" issues with new patches and dlc, every game has that, but bhvr takes the crown in the amount of bugs they bring with every new update.

    I play the game whenever I can which is not that much anymore at this time, but they won't get my money for the time being.

    And my suggestion is that everyone who is fed up with their way of developing to do the exact same thing.

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