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Is 360 necessary in the chase?

linancy Member Posts: 38

I can't do 360 because I'm too slow on the keyboard and confused whatever or not move my mouse at the same time.

I'm watching streamers do 360 and it gives them extra seconds into the chase.

I think killers judge whether the survivor is good or bad based on how they dodge their hits.

I feel useless and bad in the chase...


  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,860

    360’s are fun little nuances that could work a lot on less experienced killers and very rarely on experienced killers. They’re not necessary tbh, it’s just fun to pull them off.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    On less experienced killers it can work.

    On experienced killers you are shooting yourself in the foot most of the time.

    the amount of time i've hit survivors doing their little spin for them to waste 1,5 seconds of their injure sprint burst to then go down 5 seconds later is rediculous.

    It's better to focus on getting as much out of your speed boost as possible

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Spinning is a high risk high reward play if you're healthy, its a no risk with potential high reward if you're injured.

    Essentially, if you're injured, there is no reason to not spin to try and dodge a killer, if you're healthy, you might want to reconsider. Getting hit and holding w for distance is 100% guaranteed to have value(unless its spirit or deathslinger with addons), spinning to dodge a hit so you can get hit and hold w later is more like 5% chance of it working out in your favor.

    The 3 fundamentals on being good in a chase is:

    • pathfinding, find the shortest path to your next loop resource.
    • mindgaming, learn how to fake things
    • decision making, know when to stay on a tile and when to leave the tile(also, knowing when to turn a fake in an actual dedication and when to keep faking).

    Anything other than that doesnt really matter. The killer will always have more and often better pathfinding options than the survivor, since survivors cannot injure the killer. Mindgaming will buy you the most time over the match in it's entirety. Decision making is often the part that turns a 20 second chase into a 60 second chase.

  • Karao_Ke
    Karao_Ke Member Posts: 1,221

    Definitely not necessary but I've had countless times where I've spun a killer and was able to get to another loop because of it. 95% of the time it won't work but my god does it feel rewarding for when it does.

    I'd also like to point out that spinning a killer doesn't necessarily mean they're bad, but could be a console player with the over-the-top aim assist. I don't even want to mention how many times I've been spun myself..

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,307

    If you're totally out of options, like caught in the open in some way while injured and about to get hit... might as well try something. If not the quick spinny 360 you see some players do, some sort of evasive manouver is better than nothing.

    But necessary? No. If anything a lot of the time doing it if you're not about to go down can quickly screw you over, a lot of the time failed 360s by healthy survivors I got against just end with them wasting part of their on-hit speedboost and making less distance as a result. By all means keep doing that though 😄

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    Honestly one of my pet peeves as killer is having a survivor 360 around me so when I hit them they bolt off in a random direction. Most of my hunting is visual so it disorients me.

    As survivor though you've just gotta get into the 360 mindset. When Dead by Daylight is loading you've gotta get out of your chair, grab a nearby flashlight and click it a bunch while spinning around. It's the only way to get to Rank 1. Trust me.

  • StibbityStabbity
    StibbityStabbity Member Posts: 1,839

    Big spins aren't a big deal. You are much better off being good at looping, pathing, and linking tile sets than being able to do big spins. Any one of those is a better skill than big spins.

  • DrJohn
    DrJohn Member Posts: 223

    No. It'll fail most of the time and the only time to really do it is if you're out positioned with no where else to go