Competent Killer vs Competent Survivors

Four competent survivors in red ranks against a competent killer Is usually survivor sided all the way. Unless, the killer runs a top tier killer. Which is why survivors complain they usually only see Blight, Nurse, Spirit etc.
Yes? Yes.
Why is this a fact? Lower tier killers are further weakened by Audio, Visual, and sometimes communication due to voice chat.
Honest question for killers and survivors how often have you ran/or seen somebody run from a generator because you’ve/they’ve spotted you well in advance before the killer could even remotely get close? I’ve seen it more times than I can count on my fingers and toes. Let me also say their is nothing wrong with this as it’s a great tactic to waste killers time.
Competent killers know it’s a pointless chase, because this example wastes so much of the killers time that they peel off in search for a weaker link. If no weak link exists it’s a true struggle to get pressure
So the answer, in turn answers why we mostly see top tier killers in red ranks.
Sometime you will see lower tier killers clutch a win. But that's usually because survivors made a big mistake.
I don't think anyone will contest that it doesnt even take a swf to beat a good killer. Just good survivors.
Its just that matchmaking as we know doesn't always make that happen. And the nebulous relation between rank and skill doesnt help either.