What Went Wrong?

I can't explain how much of a mess this update is. I genuinely don't mind the balance patches, but did those like destroy the game? What happened to cause all these issues? Was the PTB this bad? Should I stop playing a game I enjoy because it's now unplayable?
300K bloodpoints isn't going to make up for the dlc promising a map that I haven't gotten to actually play yet. 300K bloodpoints won't make up for time I lose trying to finish the Rift because of the games state. 300K bloodpoints won't fix the game being unplayable.
I want this game to be playable again, it has it's issues before, but now I can't participate in this game till it goes back to working like a normal game again. I don't blame you if you are going to wait as well.
HMU when the game is fixed with these game destroying issues please.
Imma go play Nioh 2 or maybe even Fortnite. Those games work.
Strangely the PTB had absolutely no problems at all. Not during the day that I played, at least. That includes the map.
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Devs have a history of putting out a good PTB and then breaking the live version.
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I've heard that before. I wonder what causes it?
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They refuse to update the PTB and force all the changes they want to implement to the new content when it comes out live and accidentally break stuffs.
I wonder why they don't update PTB regularly. Siege does it and never had a buggy live DLC so far.
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The developers have stated repeatedly that they put the most stable build onto the PTB NOT the most up to date build.
It means that the PTB isn't meant for anything outside of advertisement in the developer's eyes.
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Hmm. I never happened to see that. I guess that makes sense. Maybe from now on they should stick to releasing whatever's stable.
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Probably only having a ptb for pc’s and then expecting the game to work on other consoles. The pc update was 3.6gbs the ps4 update 20gbs the Xbox was around 36gbs. You can tell where they’re priorities lie. It’s getting pretty transparent that this just another free to play game that steals ur money through promises of new dlcs and legendary skins (with reused assists).
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Free to play? So you don't have to pay any money for it? Which plattform do you use? (at Switch, Playstation and PC it is not free to play)
Yeah, i totally agree with you.. at least they started doing PTB with Clown, after they messed up live update with Freddy- who was op after release. And to avoid a release of an op killer. Most times there were some bugs after a new release when they switched from testserver to liveserver- but the really gamebreaking bugs and crashes, dcs, mistakes, errors etc.. seem to reach a new level since some months. At 5th anniversary live stream they said they have around 300 people now in the team worldwide... I asked myself in this moment... how many are left when you remove people working on skins, cosmetics, shop and marketing... actually the ptb really just feel like "preview" character/ content and not anything more.
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I’m mad and misspoke lmao but u get the vibe. I’m tired of spending 12 dollars on a dlc for it to not work (I play pc my copy was 16 dollars) ((the game feels free to play)
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Yeah I agree- maybe you can refund in this case- I bought every DLC around release day or 2-3 days later - but this time not because I decided to wait and lost interest in playing since a few weeks- this started with those game breaking problems and the decision to fix cosmetics instead of important game things like hitboxes like elephants through walls... after they fixed it - i restarted and then another fix... rank reset= chaos reset..in the evening i wanted to give it a new try to play some rounds and to decide after that if I want to buy the RE-update...but well.. I decided after needing 15 min time to login, 5 min later to close the game again and do anything else.. hope they fix at least the gamebreaking problems...some bugs are fun, but not those.
the game feels free to play= you can't play really much, but you have a nice shop where you can go shopping while waiting for a working game? xD
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Well, the game is free to play on the PC in the sense that no proprietary internet service is required. On the Switch, for example, you have to pay Nintendo like 20 bucks a year to be able to take any of their games online.
I don't know what most people consider to mean "free to play" but I think that, in general, it means "free to play online after the initial purchase". That's what I always assumed the term to mean, anyway. I could very well be wrong.
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This is the worst I’ve seen since I started playing. The connection issues, invisible pallets, the dc penalty if you get booted, and no new map. It’s an all around disaster.
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Free to Play is a slang term used form games made free to charge you loads of money with in game content. Like a Paywall. Mobile games are very famous for this tactic and console/pc games can be assoc with free to play.
If DBD was a free game and only allowed 5 matches a day and charged you if you wanted more matches.
It also be free to play if perks were only available through DLC and had only one or two killers when purchasing a game.
FREE TO PLAY just means it is free till you play. It wants to force you to spend mone you the game now that you downloaded for free. It's a trap.
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Exactly. I feel like they're doing it on purpose at this point.
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Why would they put ads on YouTube saying Play the new dlc and buy the game.
Then they come try and play in this mess...
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So if they weren't ready...why and why not delay the dlc. People be upset sure, but they can just say...
You want to play in this mess?
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Hey don't give us a release date then😂
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If the PTB is all they do for playtesting, then that in itself is a huge problem. Even if everything worked perfectly for most PC players, what about performance on PS4, Xbox One, Switch, and Stadia? Those platforms represent a huge proportion of their player base, yet there is every indication that they flat-out can't handle the RE Chapter content. Did they really not know that was going to be a problem??
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I might sound dumb but, other than not being able to play on the new map, what issues are people talking about? My game's been just fine.
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Free to play is almost universally accepted to mean that you don't have to buy the game in order to play it (usually these games will have in-game microtransactions to make money). An example of a free to play game is Fortnite because you don't have to purchase the game itself with money in order to play it on whatever platform you wish (though there will be many microtransactions in the game to try and get you to spend money).
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Lot of people are experiencing...
•Gens not being able to be worked on
•Pallets disappearing only visually
•Constant FPS drop
•Terrible lag even with good connection
•Killer gets a DC forcing survivors to restart app
•Consistent DC when touching a gen around 80%
Few others as well. Just the most constant ones.
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Devs are going to continue kicking this can down the road until the game becomes unplayable or no outside company would want to work with them.
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Now that you mention it, I did see some dropped pallets briefly vanish and then reappear yesterday.