Goodbye dbd! (For now)

Just played my last match of nurse for the day and missed well over 10 easy hits because my game decided to freeze for several seconds after I blink. I missed so many easy blinks because of this, it almost cost me the game. This wasn't exclusive to that match only, it's been happening every single match.
This update has taken the bad optimization and cranked it up by 1,000. I refuse to play if I'm gonna lose chases and potentially even entire matches cause of these random freezes. Nurse already has enough issues to deal with and the game randomly freezing after blinking isn't making her any more fun.
Sooo I'll be playing Friday the 13th for the next few days...or however long it takes to fix this issue. (With bhvr who knows?) I'll catch you guys in the fog soon, hopefully.
My buddies want to go back to f13 too for a bit. This game is too frustrating on both sides.
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Please do, we need more players.
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I don't blame you for leaving for now. This game is beyond broken.
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If you're on Steam and have a compatable card, you can force the game to use directx 12 by adding the "/dx12" command line to its general launch settings in Steam, which massively improves performance.
It's not a proper solution, but it fixed my performance issues. If you're on console, continue to hate on the Devs. There's nothing I can do for you.
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This update was such a dumpster-fire and I honestly don't know how they managed to screw up this bad. As if optimization wasn't bad enough, now it's making consoles overheat. Like seriously?
Anyhoo, I'm glad to see more people flocking to Friday The 13th though. It's an amazing game with such a small playerbase so it's a breathe of fresh air to finally be able to get lobbies again. I look forward to seeing some of you on there, even if I don't know it's you :)
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I mean, a good counselor won't let that happen lol.
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Sad ps4 gamer moment.
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Just give it a little time everybody, they'll get this mess sorted. I'm not saying that the game will be in a better state than before the update, but it will absolutely be back to a playable state. This is a dumpster fire, yes, but a temporary one.
No reason you can't enjoy other games in the meantime though. In fact that's probably good, if the devs are monitoring the numbers they'll see that people are leaving and have that much more motivation to kick things into gear.
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Ok if you couldn't care less then don't comment? What was the point of this comment?
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It took you zero effort to say nothing.
But you made a useless comment anyway.
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Have a good break then dude, dont blame you especially after the most recent patch.
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This thread was made to bring light to the terrible optimization and to use my own matches as an example for that.
If you're really that single minded and don't care about anyone else's issues that's fine. But don't waste your own and everyone else's energy commenting useless garbage like that.
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I have dx12 installed on my machine and yet DbD won't even start when I try to use the -dx12 command line. It's probably due to my computer being too weak, I heard you need at least 6 cores in your CPU to even use it without breaking your stuff.
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Where? My squad played f13 exclusively for a year. We don’t get grabbed instantly.
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Yeah I’m on a break too. My main killer literally doesn’t function atm
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Make the stealth build.
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hope is a good thing to have. when they really fix some stuff... you should be cautious about new bugs and if they are worse or not for being able to play solid. some bugs really are fun, but game breaking bugs are not good.
enjoy it :) sometimes it makes sense to take a break- I do from time to time,too. sometimes just for a few days, but sometimes a few months, too. There are not really good alternatives for dbd, but a lots of other games you can enjoy for a while with your mates. Or you can enjoy a solo game while you are waiting for a fix. It is better choice to do something else then ruining mood, wasting time and being frustrated. 😊