My Tier-List 5.0.0

Laughter and disagreement moment, but this is my list, Nemesis may be weak in the red ranks against good survivors, but in my games I see it balanced, although out of anger to leave the first level of the T-Virus.
Spirit one tier below Nurse and in the same tier as Blight and Hag?
I could understand that Nurse is slightly better than Spirit, but Hag the same as Spirit?
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I'd probably move twins and demo up, but overall, yeah IMO.
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Slinger lower than freddy and huntress..?
That doesn't make much sense,
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It depends if it is a Spirit that has or does not have Stridor.
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Those two have map pressure and aren't slowed by everything they do. And Huntress has multiple hatchets and snowball potential. Slinger's 1V1 power doesn't give him an advantage over Huntress, not in a million years.
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The Twins should be bumped up to A tier, their slugging potential is the best in the game and they are even more powerful when you camp the survivors in combination with slugging.
Also with the most recent buff Demo should be bumped up to high A tier, his shred attack absolutely destroys strong loops like long walls, shack, and other loops that would normally be a huge time waster against survivors. There's also the fact that he has pretty decent map mobility which is one of the most important things to have.
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I suppose it was about time to do another one, so here it is:
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By the way, since your profile picture is Demodoggy, I take it for granted that it's your main or you just know how to use it very good. What makes you think it's Tier C? Worse than Ghostface / Nemesis / Bubba?
Bro? I tell you because I'm main Demo, and it's not Tier C at all.
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A Good Slinger will top a Good Huntress. anyday of the week,
Slinger can end a chase Waaaay faster than Huntress on Any loops.
While huntress has to get into position,
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It is not my main, any license killer is my main, even though it is in a Tier-D or Tier-C I like it for the unique gameplay, for the interpretation, each one has their own playing ability.
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You haven't answered the question. What makes you think Demo is Tier C?
It just doesn't make sense.
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I disagree with a lot of your choices but I do think nemesis is mid to high B tier, that speed boost when infecting hurts him
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Hillbilly is ridiculously high here
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Theres no way you weren't drunk when you made this list. You put pig below nemesis, plague.....this list is drunk.
This is the real Tier list.
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Pig is the second worst Killer in the game. Her power is to move at 90% movement speed and apply a stall mechanic that's more RNG than Nemesis's zombies.
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Everyone has their own thought.
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I love Pig but she is no way in hell B tier. She's OP with Tampered Timer and Crate of Gears/Jigsaw's Sketch, but weak in general. Mediocre anti-loop that is very counterable, and struggles with shack and LT walls.
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Hag tier C
And the OP is the drunkard? lmao
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You're trollin. Pig is one of the only killers besides Doc, and Plague with the longest stall and consistent stall out of anyone in the roster, even with the RNG nature of head traps, which makes her, doc, and plague far superior than a lot of killers. While the rest of the killer roster is sweating its ass off and popping blood vessels, Pig, plague, and Doc get to casually take their sweet time. I haven't had a game end in under 10 minutes on any 3 of those characters in 4 years.
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Man, I have a trap on. I'm really worried.
*Does a gen*
Oh no, my timer's ticking down. Better hurry and get my trap off
*Gets it off in 30 seconds at the first box*
Man, Pig's stall is so intensely good.
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I still don’t think Spirit has counterplay and mind games are not meaningful counterplay. She’s with Nurse for me.
I’m putting Demo into B+tier, Doctor into C-Tier.
I’m putting Twins into A-Tier
I might be bumping Freddy down to High B Tier.
I’m bumping Pyramid into A-tier.
I’m bumping Nemesis a little bit higher into B+ Tier.
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This is the real tier list nobody wants you to know about.
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This alternative DBD where Pig is the strongest killer is interesting and scary at the same time.
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That is the world where I want to live.
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It makes sense, I still think that Freddy's nerf did not change anything, his add-ons were weakened and have been changed, if he put everyone with his addons plus op, the list would be different.
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It did, but not that much. He still is A Tier, just in the bottom of said Tier.
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I am still saddened that his movement speed was reduced when setting traps. I'm still thinking about how his addon to lock the doors for 12 seconds works, I don't see any point in it if I have the Trickster perk.
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There is no point. One of the worst changes I've ever seen.
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Heres mine. I couldn't find any other tier lists with Nemesis.
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So get lucky and get it off in 30 seconds...I don't care....I still have 3 more head traps. At the bare minimum I buy myself 2 extra minutes. Assuming every survivor takes 2 or 3 attemps, I just bought myself 4-5 minutes......
Meanwhile....other killers who are not Doc, Plague and pig, are sweating their ass off because they're literally counting the seconds needed in between chases, and staring at the amount of gens left as if a nuclear bomb is about to go off any second.
Meanwhile pig players can take that extra 4 minutes and do a little roleplay, or sneak up on someone next to a gen for a grab, OOOOR even afford the time to not camp, tunnel, or slug......
Your argument doesn't make any sense. Killers like trapper and hag WISH they could have an extra 2 minutes to the game....
On top of this I can run slow down perks and relax....EVEN MORE!
Have a napkin to wipe the sweat off for your upcoming games....I truly feel sorry for the other killers high bloodpressure....
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Brings up an interesting question of what tier is considered balanced. Hes decent but he definetely needs some tweeks. Either there should be no speed up when getting infected OR it should apply infected and injure them in the same hit. Id opt for the latter. The zombie AI also needs some slight tweeking. Other than that, yeah hes pretty good.
Whats also interesting is that half the killers I play you pit in F tier 😂
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You did NOT buy yourself 4-5 minutes. While the Survivor you trapped is getting the box off, you have 3 other Survivors who are free to do gens as they please. Temporarily distracting one Survivor from doing generators for a short time is NOT good stall. And if you're able to snowball hard enough that you can get traps on multiple people? Well, then the Survivors were trash and you didn't need the stall anyways.
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"Temporarily distracting X# Survivor from doing generators for a short time is NOT good stall"
What...other stall is there??!?! WTFF
The alternative is the survivor is just dead......#########...thats not a stall they're just dead....
How long have you been camping and tunneling to the extent where you think 30 second to 2 minute banish stall isn't a stall?!??!
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Well, there's stall that actually slows the game down. One random Survivor taking a little time off the objective is not effective when three other people are doing gens.
I can see that the "big brain" in your username is an ironic joke.
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I'm sorry, but it's very clear your bias towards Pig is making you delusional. I love Pig, she's one of my mains among Huntress and Doc as well. But she is definitely one of the worst killers in the game. The boxes are incredibly RNG reliant (with no add-ons, they get it off 50% of the time with the first 2 boxes checked). Plus, the death timer is long enough where survivors aren't worried about dying because they have more than enough time to check every box. Her stealth is the worst of its kind in the game and her dash is incredibly loud and easy to predict.
Most games, Pigs are forced to play as an M1 killer with an inconsistent dash attack that only works against survivors who don't know to leave the loop while the Pig is crouched. Her only real chance at doing well is if most survivors take 3+ boxes to get their traps off, which is a rare occurrence. Even then, you also have to hope the survivor you're chasing doesn't know how to loop that well so you can keep up pressure with more downs + traps.
While I love playing her, and I'm a big fan of the Saw franchise which might explain why I like her so much, I can objectively say she is a terrible killer. And you should try and clear your eyes to see beyond this bias you have for her because she is widely known by the entire community to be a terrible killer.
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Its still a stall....time is going to be spent no matter what, once they have a trap on their head they aren't leaving the game without exploring jigsaw boxes first. And you're also assuming that only 1 person ever has a trap on at a you think pig players just tunnel the guy with a trap on all game? If so...yer doin it wrong....
Have you even played pig bro? Cause if you haven't you should probably play the killers first you're talking about before speaking about a tier list....matter of fact don't just "try" be effective with each one then come back and discuss tiers. Cause this idea of a stall not being a stall is delusional. Its literally free pressure. And this isn't even including add ons to make searches take longer.
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Like I think Nemesis needs a buff in Tier-3, basically Tier-3 and Tier-2 It is the same only as the attack speed, the tentacle distance is what changes that is what irritates me, that it does not have an ability of going through walls or leaving survivors vulnerable, or something much more lethal, a rocket launcher. The adjustment of the Zombies if they need fixes, so far in my games every 3/4 the survivors eat an attack from my zombies and few are those that knock down, they need more respawn and more speed, more control so that they do not get burned, on whether the AI seems not to be working as it should be lately.
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Move Nemesis to D tier, and its pretty accurate
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1 person taking helmet off, one being chased, 2 doing gens.
Unless someones on hook, then its 1 person hook, 1 getting helmet off, one going for hook, one being chased. Person with helmet might be able to squeeze in a save, that happens. And ive seen survivirs work gens with both an active and non active trap on, so tgeres some wiggle room, but thats why tampered timer is a fun add on :)
Seriously though i was able to get to rank 5 from 9 with no perks or add ons with pig. Hit a giant wall at rank 5 but whatever. Still pretty good. She could use some love but people sleep on her
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RNG boxes? Who cares....its time stalled, and in some occasions a dead survivor. (And did you really just admit to using her dash attack to sneak up on people in stealth? Instead of uncrouching and getting the grab?)
Theres no way theres this many bad killer mains in this way. Like I think this might be a straight up L2P ######### did I just read? a tutorial or get a guide or somethin cause this is embarrassing...
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The stall doesn't matter if it's BAD. That's literally what it means to be bad. Pig's stall is BAD.
And like I said before, if you have more than one trap on at a time, the Survivors are probably handing you free snowball and you don't need the stall anyways.
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I think I should have put the twins on a higher level than C level, now that I think about it. There are few times that I face them.
0 -'re playing DBD in 2021 where all 5 gens can be dropped in 4 minutes or less.....ALL STALL IS GOOD STALL....
Most of the killers in this game are M1 killers....the only difference is most of them don't have secondary objectives nor do they have stalls...which is why you see them running ruin+undying pop goes the weasel all stacked together.
There are only 2 stats in this game that matter...mobility, and time. If your killer doesn't have either of those, you then become a slave to the survivors mobility and time. And against rank 1 survivors its usually a combination of both time and mobility and 2nd chances you have to deal with. The fact that you don't see the value in TIME or 30 seconds prooves you either do nothing but face rank 20s or usually end games in a 1k....especially with this crazy idea that "oh well if you get more than 1 trap on a group of survivors they are potatos" <---FOR YOU maybe.
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Unless the stall accomplishes something meaningful, it's not a good stall.
Pig's stall accomplishes nothing meaningful. It's not good stall.
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This is so true. FINALLY, somebody giving Doctor the credit he deserves.
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Stalled time means nothing when you have terrible chase potential with Pig and can get looped easily by good survivors. Other killers don't need to stall time because they get downs and hooks which is way better. And no, I didn't admit to using her stealth/dash attack like that. You're making stuff up to fit some weird agenda you have to think that Pig is a good killer. I said her dash attack is bad at LOOPS. I'm not saying you CAN'T do well with her. You can do well with any killer if you know how to use them. But objectively speaking, Pig is one of the weakest killers in the game and she is easy to exploit with good survivor skills. There is no changing that no matter how much you love and main her. Stop being so bias and just admit it.
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Trickster in Tier-C? I must laugh but I respect your tier-list.
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Hag in c tier is not the real tier list
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There is no way Pig is D-tier. If I'm in a good mood maybe C+ but I say B as well. Anyhow all these lists are crack pipe anyhow cause there is no way wraith is not A-tier.