The Thing About Nemesis' Perks


WHOOOO YEAH BABY IT'S HERE! The chapter that outshone whatever all-kill was supposed to be. We've been waiting for a while and it's finally here. Never before and probably ever will you be able to see Bill Overbeck, Laurie Strode, Quentin Smith, and Ashley J. Williams evade the demogorgon in Racoon City. However if you read any of my other posts this isn't why you are here. You're here for subpar sarcasm and bad jokes to boot about perks. This is your friendly post reminder this is purely for entertainment purposes, and I apologize if I dissed your favorite perk.

A chapter strong enough to pull me out of my hobbit hole of inactivity on here HAS to come with some ha ha funny perks right?...Right? In reality Nemisussy baka's perks will probably never see the light of anything above low B tier and that's just talking Eruption. This perk is Surge's older brother, the perk he looks up to and aspires to be, but ultimately fails because he is not the main character in this story. Eruption lets you essentially trap generators by kicking them, dooming any generators you kicked while off it's cooldown to explode and lose some progress after downing a survivor. But wait there's more! any survivor who can't read and doesn't know what eruption does, will get hit with the incapacitated status effect if they're still working on a gen that's been erupted. This basically means the survivor has the same effect as if they had Victor on them but without the annoying screeching and low tier killer. All and all? Pretty cool. It's kinda difficult to determine if you'll get mega value out of it because it's hard to tell if survivors are going to finish the gen you've kicked six times in a futile effort to keep it up before you down El Sprinto Bursto across the map from it. My suggestion is allow us to kick generators with no progress, so we can ACTUALLY set a trap for later. Verdict? High C low B tier.

Nemisister's other two perks are lackluster. We'll continue with Lethal Pursuer. Lethal Pursuer let's you see the auras of the survivors for the first 9 seconds of the match and then it uh....wait that's it? Hm yeah that's dumb. It's supposed to get rid of that early game slow start where you wander around looking for a survivor, but just run Corrupt. In higher ranks I see it every other match and it's far more effective than this. In reality, Lethal will affect a single survivor most of the time, as chasing multiple survivors isn't exactly the best strategy. We have a whole killer based off that concept and he's widely regarded as annoying and elicits groans of sadness from my friend group when we play against him. This perk is bbq without the chili and I feel like it could be better. How about the first part and then if you aren't in a chase for 30/25/20 seconds, reveal survivor auras. Now your pursuit is lethal.

Finally we have Hysteria. This perk is a sheep in wolf's clothing. On the surface it sounds powerful but in reality will get little use. After injuring a survivor, that lucky contestant and all the other injured ones suffer oblivious for like half a minute. Sounds good, looks good, tastes like #########. You'll most likely get little value on the other injured survivors as you're not gonna leave a chase after a hit unless there is special circumstances. Best case you're a legion or wraith with surveillance and everyone's injured. Run this on killers who have an easy time getting the whole group injured like leegon or plag. Don't really have a suggested change for this one so I'll leave you with this: It's lackluster.

As usual thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed. Got any opinions on the chapter of my bad comedy? Leave em in the comments. Did I mention I stream? Follow me on Twitch and YouTube at SamuraiDragon27 for boosted gameplay and sarcasm. See you guys in The Fog.