Hatch/Key Rework

This rework will buff and nerf the hatch. I main both and to me this is the best possible solution.
Let's give you two scenarios. As a killer I hate it when a survivor found or brought a key then was able to get all their friends to the hatch just to leave when I get close knowing I can't do anything to stop them. Then as a survivor being the last one alive, when the killer knows where the hatch is because they saw it and close there's nothing I can do. For the most part killers can get to both doors to at least see them and survivors can bring or find a key to ruin what could have brought me back.
I know there are ways to counter this and it doesn't happen all the time but that doesn't matter.
First when someone wants to open the hatch they need to unlock it with a key. It won't open instantly but you will have to lift it up with 0-2 others helping. M2 to unlock the first time then hold M2 while pressing space to open it. Once it's unlocked anyone can open it and it can't be locked again. The closing timer is the same. Also when the killer closes the hatch in any situation it won't lock, so in the 1v1 scenario they can get out from the hatch meaning you will have to protect it too. But you gain a notification when someone unlocks it or is opening it.
This will prevent toxic survivors from waiting for the killer with their team and give the killer a chance to fight back. While also allowing the last person 3 ways of leaving.
What could be changed? And there should be a cap on fast a group of survivors can open the hatch so one person like me with a button on his keyboard that turns holding something down into rapid fire not able to instantly open the hatch. The hatch being opened by 1survivor would take 10s, 2sur would be 7s, and 3 5s.