PC - Stuck on "false" vault on Treatment Theatre

Chocobolyoko Member Posts: 1


Step 1 : Boot the game

Step 2 : Play as survivor in a public match

Step 3 : In-game, on Treatment Theatre go to the stairs near the center and notice the option to vault over a wall that can't be vaulted, attempted to vault again several times as fast as I could (It looked funny, sorry) and I got stuck on the wall.

Step 4 : Lost movement and eventually the enemy Nemesis noticed me and attacked me, still no movement. Nemesis carried me to a hook and I couldn't wiggle. On the first tage of the hook I couldn't try to release myself. Ally survivor gets me down from the hook and I still can't move. Nemesis hooks me again, this time I can try to survive. An ally survivor unhooks me again but still no movement. Nemesis hooks me again and I die.


  • Meg
  • Perks Played: Sprint Burst 3, Deja Vu 2, 2 Adrenaline 2 & Resilience 3
  • Map:Treatment Theatre
  • Frequency of the issue : This is the first time I get stuck but I noticed I could try to vault there one week ago and tried only once