I wish Hex perks were Reworked

RayrafLPP Member Posts: 621

I really dont like the lottery aspect of Hex perks.

I think they could be reworked into normal perks.

Ruin for example. It can carry games but it also can get cleansed in 15 seconds into the match.

I would much rather prefere a set amount of regression it could provide. Like 60/90/120 units of gen progression.

It would start regressing gens whenever no one is on them, but run out of juice after some time.

This would make Ruin less luck for both sides.

Noed could stay connected with totems, but it would light all dull totems that are left at the end of the trial and each one thats lit gives one one hit. So survivors would be rewarded for doing any number of totems.

You could come up with ideas for every totem, thrill of the hunt needed to be something completely different but thats just one.

I just think the game should be more stable and not luck. But thats just my side :) feel free to disagree


  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,282

    I've got the traditional part of myself thinking the current system works well as it is, and really just needs better totem placement.

    However, there's another part of me that really likes your idea and can see it working! It's a good idea; it's just I'm wondering if your idea could be used for future perks, as opposed to replacing existing perks.

  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,181

    Hex perks are just... Dumb. Some would he entirely overpowered if they were a normal perk, like Devour Hope and Ruin, and some would still suck. Blood Favour is the big one. Thrill of the Hunt as well.

    I also just doubt BHVR would ever do this. It's rare they rework a staple game mechanic, and considering the announcement of Boon Totems, I doubt Hex Totems will be reworked any time soon.

    This game is horror themed Mario Party with how heavily it relies on RNG.